- Comment on Conservative people are the moist toxic and aggressive people for no reason 1 day ago:
It is good to be moist, even better than being flaky
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Well y-wait a minute! You are not u/RimJobSteve!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
Thanks now the stereoscope thing makes sense. I was freaking out thinking people were putting politics in medicine
- Comment on Cheers Bro 1 week ago:
My bro that never used a bridge, stairs, gone into a building with unyielding faith that it won’t crash down just because, used a gps, rode a car, a plane, go into a freaking theme park ride, participate from the whole economic system:
- Comment on Would you do Onlyfans if needed the money? 1 week ago:
And his or her opinion is as valid as the rest. What’s your point
- Comment on Checking in 1 week ago:
Quantum electrodynamics? Optoelectronics?
- Comment on Checking in 1 week ago:
- Comment on Heavy is the head that wears the crown 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Heavy is the head that wears the crown 2 weeks ago:
Lol that’s not cheapest lmao
- Comment on Heavy is the head that wears the crown 2 weeks ago:
You mean the Royale with cheese?
- Comment on Heavy is the head that wears the crown 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Time to make your decesion 2 weeks ago:
Disturbing lack of DEI on this meme
- Comment on Time to make your decesion 2 weeks ago:
Hannah: Get her to invite me to the wedding, meet her friends and all the social circle. Very helpful to grind that social experience
Caleb: dude is probably shredded and knows not only how to eat healthy, but, but comparison, will force you to eat healthy as well. Probably can help with grinding the social experience as well
Wallace: if you get him to open up and share his work experience, this could be the teaching of a lifetime. Also helps to grind the social experience as he probably has young nephews, and family gatherings to invite you
These 3 are my best choices
- Comment on Oh well... 3 weeks ago:
No, nothing of the sorts.
As part of the team we all know, usually, the details of the projects we are working on, details that we cannot expect a manager to follow or know for each project, because there are a lot of details and many projects. A lot of them overlap in discovery, development, execution and deployment and also have different priorities.
And it is my understanding that managers also need to prioritize given sudden issues, emergency requests, and so on.
Anyways, with that info, we can decide who is the best fit for it given the experience they have had or not with specific projects.
Also it is usually not that hard.
You don’t get a backup 2 days before your time off, indeed, more often than not, it is asked with a lot of anticipation.
Also, most of the time when you go on time off, you are encouraged to have all of your projects deliverables ready for when you are out.
That way, your teammates doing the backup are just checking in on the project and available for general questions.
Personally, I like to leave documentation as well for my backups so they know what to expect. It’s not strange to have changes that imply more work for the backup so the extra context helps a lot.
- Comment on Oh well... 3 weeks ago:
I don’t understand this.
I have Canada and USA coworkers and when they ask for time off approval, they usually get it according to a per team schedule.
We know what quarters are going to be the busiest before hand so everyone is encouraged to take time off when it is less demanding.
You can also take time off in busiest times.
In both cases, you are asked to request anyone from your team to backup you up (obviously available when you are not)
- Comment on my ketchup ambitions have been ruined 4 weeks ago:
I mean at that point is not a ketchup, more like a sauce , or a soup?
Then again, anything can be soup at enough pressure and temperature
- Comment on It's been known for almost 40 years 4 weeks ago:
Oh, that’d explain why people in here are the way they are
- Comment on Time is an unstoppable force 4 weeks ago:
I’d say I’m surprised
But then again, this is Lemmy, the place where they vehemently oppose generational wealth and yet clutch their pearls when their so called parents spend all that hard earned wealth on themselves
- Comment on Get stoned. 4 weeks ago:
This will rock your world
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 4 weeks ago:
Congrats I guess? You sound bitter as fuck
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 4 weeks ago:
You could tell them instead of writing it to us
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 4 weeks ago:
Good for her
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 4 weeks ago:
Bring out your dead!
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 4 weeks ago:
What’s the problem? One of the common complains on Lemmy is that they claim to ban inheritance, for everyone. So this would be the logical conclusion right?
- Comment on Evil 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on This guy is giving a speech at the UN in NYC and he must have really been thirsty 4 weeks ago:
True hydrohomie
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 4 weeks ago:
I’m willing to bet they understood the assignment very well
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 4 weeks ago:
I keked
- Comment on Stop making up states 4 weeks ago:
I always knew California was a bedrock of metal illness
- Comment on Stop making up states 4 weeks ago: