- Comment on Anon loves medieval poetry 3 months ago:
Haha I did this for my English Lit coursework, but I stole some Naruto fanfiction and replaced the names. My teacher asked if it was actually my work, and after I said it was he was super proud, said that he always knew I was gifted when it came to creative writing, and gave me a 96%.
This was early internet days when Google was becoming a thing, and people were learning about this awesome browser called Internet Explorer.
- Comment on Outer Worlds 2 no longer exclusive to Xbox, is now coming to PS5 – WGB 3 months ago:
It could have been good if all the planets were actually playable.
It felt like half a game, and another six months to bake would have probably turned it into a great game with some replayability. Put a gun to my head, and I couldn’t tell you the plot, but I remember both “some” fun, and a lot of frustration of how short it was.
- Comment on Should we create a new political party in the US, specifically for shitting on the rich? 3 months ago:
Yes, with a caveat.
Create a single-issue party for something like free healthcare, with your sole goal to be to drain votes from Democrats. Gain enough traction, and that party will welcome you into the fold with open arms, and will actually fucking listen to your issue as their primary platform.
- Comment on Pro Wrestling 3 months ago:
As a general rule, many wrestling “superfans” almost exclusively turn out to be scum or opportunistic.
- Comment on Pro Wrestling 3 months ago:
Let’s not forget Chris Jericho, whose wife was “somewhere” on Jan 6th.
AEW does a lot of pro LGBTQ+ stuff, but generally the worst part of pro wrestling is always the fans. They’re some of the most toxic people you’ll ever meet, probably a step or two down from anime fans. To put the point across, AEW’s socials are usually full of WWE fans saying how shit AEW is, and how everything they do is inferior to WWE.
- Comment on Pro Wrestling 3 months ago:
I’m almost positive that they’ve been officially separated for a few years now, although given the stories of who Vince has been fucking over the years it’s safe to say that they weren’t really much of a couple to begin with.
- Comment on Intruder 3 months ago:
Sadly, this is very similar of my wife’s understanding of teaching kids from 11-18. Emotional intelligence is very different from standard intelligence, and it develops at different times for different people.
Sometimes it’s a pure lack of empathy, and other times it’s simply not being able to understand that people have their own shit they’re dealing with. It can be simple stuff like bullying someone going through a rough time at home/school, or showing zero remorse when a kid they’ve assaulted goes blind due to brain damage because “the kid was a fucking dweeb”. Some of the stories I’ve heard second-hand are absolutely fucking tragic, even in good schools.
- Comment on dear lord 3 months ago:
It’s in Bristol (Kinda? It’s actually in South Gloucestershire, but that part is debatable).
Not to be confused with the University of Bristol, which is actually quite a nice university. I’m lucky enough to have attended both.
- Comment on Is there any point for current US-based "skilled immigrants" to stay in the US? 3 months ago:
I work in big tech, and in the US there is a lot of money being thrown at knowledge workers. IMO it’s not a bad thing, but I do wish that other workers also got their fair share.
Regardless, the dirty secret of these companies is that a big part of your compensation is usually restricted stock units, and when you relocate through work to a different country you usually get to keep the same amount of stock. You’ll get a good base pay, but your stock once vested will usually put you leaps and bounds above the average pay.
So, work for one of these companies that pays stock, and move to the UK, France, Germany, somewhere with a MUCH cheaper cost of living and better social net. At a high enough level, you could arguably quit your job and prop up your future salary from interest.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
Sister Calderón: We’ve all lived bad lives, Mr. Morgan. We all sin… but I know you. Arthur: You don’t know me. Sister Calderón: Forgive me, but… that’s the problem. You don’t know you. Arthur: What do you mean? Sister Calderón: I don’t know… whenever we happen to meet, you’re always helping people and smiling. Arthur: I had a son… he passed away. I had a girl who loved me… I threw that away. My momma died when I was a kid, and my daddy… well, I watched him die. And it weren’t soon enough. Sister Calderón: My husband died a long time ago. Life is full of pain. But there is also love, and beauty. Arthur: What am I gonna do now? Sister Calderón: Be grateful that for the first time, you see your life clearly. Perhaps you could help somebody? Helping makes you really happy. Arthur: But… I still don’t believe in nothin’. Sister Calderón: Often, neither do I. But then, I meet someone like you, and everything makes sense. Arthur: Heh… You’re too smart for me, Sister. I guess I… I’m afraid. Sister Calderón: There is nothing to be afraid of. Take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act.
- Comment on dear lord 4 months ago:
I graduated from UWE. I’m embarrassed to say where it actually is. I used to compare it to Greendale Community College, but at least Greendale had a swimming pool.
- Comment on How are Americans supposed to survive the next 30 years? 4 months ago:
Absolutely 100% this.
To be totally blunt, this doesn’t need political backing. This requires people collectively coming together, forming unions with single-focus, and pushing for an increase in pay to align with the cost of living. Hell, if anything it’s better if Trump and his lackies oppose this, because you ultimately have the power to cripple these businesses via strikes, forming your own cooperatives off the back of your soon-to-be previous employers, or simply signalling to businesses that if they cannot afford to pay people enough money they shouldn’t be in business.
Push for gradual increase year-on-year until pay is aligned. If this is missed, everyone walks. Push for the removal of limited sick pay, and for 25+ days minimum vacation time a year. Leave it at that, and you’ve got terms that 90% of workers will agree to. Can’t get a single company to agree? Create a professional body for your line of work and promote it as the place to be for those in your field. Push for accreditation for roles, and shun those that avoid it.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 4 months ago:
I had discussed it with my wife. I didn’t want her to feel obligated to do so, and I know it would be awkward at her work to change her last name, but ultimately she wanted to - so I guess that’s one reason?
There is a degree of closeness from it that I think some people appreciate. If you all share a last name, perhaps you feel closer as a family? I’ve known some people that don’t share the same last name as their kids, or people that went double-barrelled, but didn’t with their kids, and some of them had either changed later, or regretted not having the “same” name.
- Comment on Anon thinks the French are posers 4 months ago:
Even today, they just don’t give a fuck about rules.
In Southern France there are speed cameras being set up everywhere, and they’ll catch you for being even a few km’s over. The locals (mostly rural) have responded by either torching them, encasing them in hay bales, painting over them, or chopping them down. The police keep putting them up, alongside cameras to watch the cameras, and the locals keep destroying them overnight.
- Comment on Currently happening 4 months ago:
Honestly, the number of lonely people is probably far greater than you can imagine. I remember reading a statistic from a local male suicide prevention group that said a third of all men have no close friends either nearby or at all. Include people with friends that are still feeling lonely, and obviously other genders, and you’re easily looking at most people being lonely.
Many of my close friends moved away for work, and I’ll be doing the same soon. Most of them don’t even know that I have a child now, let alone regularly speak. It’s quite sad really, and it only seems to get worse when you get older.
- Comment on What your coffee preparation method says about you 4 months ago:
I’m French Press and I use Fedora.
- Comment on Anon falls through the cracks 4 months ago:
I’ve told this story a few times now, but I never get sick of it.
Back in 2011 I left a startup that got acquired. On my last day we had a Christmas Party with our parent company, and we got to speaking to one guy that was on his own. After a few drinks, he blurted out that he had worked there for maybe 12 years, but at least 5-6 of those he was “unassigned”. When we asked what that meant, he said that his manager left and he was never assigned to a new team. He badged in every day, and after doing maybe 6 months of busy work and asking “wtf am I doing” to no answer from his department or HR he just came in to do his own stuff or play Unreal Tournament. He had yearly reviews with the head of department, and these were just high-level goal meetings where they reviewed the department, asked what he wanted, and left at that. Each year he was getting between a 2-5% pay rise, and outside of badging in he was only ever judged on his department output.
I always wonder what happened to that guy. The company is quite large and is still going strong, so he’s probably still there. I won’t name them, but another thing I loved about them was that they didn’t really know where to put Software Engineers, so they just assigned them to Marketing and gave each engineer a marketing budget to personally use - around £10k each. The best part? Everyone in marketing knew it was bullshit, but they pushed everyone to spend it because otherwise their budget would go down. Some highlights were a trip to Toronto to buy some books, a full team trip to Amsterdam to go to a React conference and live in basically 5-star accommodation, and renting a hotel lobby to quickly burn some money on interviewing interns. I think they actually have a tech department now, but I know many people I worked with that stayed for close to a decade because the WLB and perks were just too good to ignore.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 4 months ago:
After close to two decades of programming, C# is still the best language I’ve used. While some of the newer features seem a bit weird, I’d say it’s one of the few languages that has never got in the way and has just let me write code that made sense. Even with all the improvements Java has made over the years it’s still nowhere near as good as what C# was like maybe 15 years ago.
The same goes for everyone’s other “fav” language, Python. Ruby has been a better beginner scripting language than Python for many years, and while Rails is definitely a ghetto, as a language Ruby is great at teaching great programming fundamentals.
- Comment on Paul vs. Tyson 4 months ago:
A lot of people really don’t want to hear this, sadly.
Both Paul brothers are solid boxers, Jake especially. I’m in no way against their current plan to have weird pro matches because people of their fame would always struggle to have a legitimate amateur career. Admittedly I have little experience of amateur boxing, but in MMA the promotion around these events is often sketchy at best, critically unsafe at worst.
IMO Jake Paul having 12-15 influencer fights is like having a bunch of amateur fights. He’ll probably only do a few and once he’s ready for a can boxer (perhaps a Tommy Fury rematch) we’ll see him retire. All in all, a fairly standard career for a professional fighter, which for a POS influencer is absolutely great.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
I’m British, and I’d say that this was probably my first time acknowledging what college is like in America. We can legally drink at 18, but we’ve usually got a year or so of drinking behind us already, so university for us is basically just studying between drinking sessions at a time when it’s legal (and encouraged).
Van Wilder seemed absolutely wild to me, especially the idea of dorms outside of a first year, and all the events that US colleges have for people. The basketball scene especially is wild, because university sports are (again) an excuse to drink with people that like playing basketball. It kinda seemed amazing to me, but yeah, being an older guy around students would be my idea of hell nowadays…
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 4 months ago:
Van Wilder
Soundtrack is incredible, it’s one of Tara Reid’s best roles, the cast is absolutely stacked, and IMO it’s basically Deadpool without the costume. It’s Ryan Reynolds best movie to date, and if he doesn’t return for a second (the sequel doesn’t exist) his career afterwards is ultimately pointless.
- Comment on Funny but it's not funny. 4 months ago:
I don’t mean this in a horrible way, but a lot of people on here are extremely entitled when it comes to immigration.The US is an incredibly hard place to move to, even if you are a skilled worker. While it often is easier to move into Europe or Canada, it’s not a given that you can just walk into any of these countries and expect to live there. Immigration is hard!
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
Go to your Democratic party and demand change.
Find a candidate that will stand on the basis of free healthcare, equal rights, the right to union, enforcing a higher minimum wage, enforcing paid sick leave and a minimum of 20 days holiday a year, and committing to lowering the cost of living.
Once someone stands up for this, push them to the moon for the next four years. Tell anyone else NOT on this platform to fuck off.
Essentially, America needs a Project 2029.
- Comment on Whelp 4 months ago:
I agree with the sentiment. There are so many “democracy is dead” posts that make me want to scream “motherfucker, it’s dead in America, not worldwide”. The US is one country out of over a hundred. Many of us are just glad that you’ll finally shut the fuck up about your election.
With that said, from a climate perspective it fucks everyone over. From a business perspective the economy tanking will affect markets worldwide. For Ukrainians and Palestinians, there’s a huge shift towards Russia and Israel that will be problematic for decades.
- Comment on There are Minimum Wages, Why Not a Maximum Wage? 4 months ago:
Many also don’t truly “pay” for things. They leverage debt against their assets, essentially like a fancy credit card that says “I own MegaCorp, you know I’m good for it, just send the bills to this wealth management firm”.
So it’s not out of the realms of possibility to say that a billionaire is actually spending very little money, ever. What they have is essentially gifts from whoever manages their assets, and that company just skims whatever things “cost”.
IMO taxing wealth is what’s needed, but it needs to be framed in a way that makes a billionaire want to invest in their country through high taxes. Make it a privilege that is praised, and ostracise those business that excuse themselves from contributing.
- Comment on pump up the jamz 4 months ago:
It has to be this song
- Comment on Tradition 4 months ago:
Tradition, you say?
(Apologies for shitty FB link. This is so traditional that many YouTube links seem to be gone)
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss says employees unhappy with 5-day office mandate can leave 5 months ago:
I don’t think you should be downvoted, but where I will disagree is on price. Amazon is rarely the cheaper option nowadays, and more often than not I can find the same product for the same price or cheaper elsewhere.
Where Amazon used to have the market cornered (and still do to some extent) is in logistics. Few companies can easily commit to next day delivery (let alone same day), but that’s quickly changing with companies looking to take on Amazon in this market.
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss says employees unhappy with 5-day office mandate can leave 5 months ago:
Imagine being this ignorant…
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss says employees unhappy with 5-day office mandate can leave 5 months ago:
As someone that has worked for/with several small companies, including those involved in wellness and promoting mental health, that’s a load of shit. Lots of employers are ruthless and evil, including many of the ones people here work for. Amazon is no different, they’re just much larger.