- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 2 hours ago:
Anyone saying anything but #7 is delulu. There’s a reason Bic won pens
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
Huh I didn’t know that thanks for informing me
- Comment on You better say "Thank You"! 1 week ago:
You’ll never believe what pasta is made of
- Comment on What was the 'bear vs man' controversy? 1 week ago:
Jesus Christ. Even if I do think the story is fictional, I could believe that our current media landscape has been ruined by advertising firms.
Here’s an example of a scissor state entrance that I’ve been calling out for years: the Israel-Palestine conflict. It’s designed to be something that divides people. Not inviting your israel-supporting aunt to Thanksgiving and blocking your Palestine-supporting nephew is what the Man wants. That conflict, for as strongly as people feel about it here, does not matter to Americans. Nearly as many people have died fighting in the Myanmar civil war, and I don’t know a single person who even has an opinion on that.
- Comment on What was the 'bear vs man' controversy? 1 week ago:
I’m really curious where I said that. Wanting something doesn’t mean you only want said thing, and the vast majority of men generally want to have sex with women. You can ask them, and they’ll tell you as much.
- Comment on What was the 'bear vs man' controversy? 1 week ago:
If you’re lost in the woods, would you rather run into a bear, or a man who is 10% larger than you and wants to have sex with you?
Hopefully this rephrasing of the question helps you understand the answer women tend to give a little better
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 1 week ago:
Chop wood, carry water.
- Comment on kmk 2 weeks ago:
Fuck the sphere, marry the antiprism, kill the stellated dodecahedron
- Comment on Is it possible to eat a toxic amount of culinary herbs/spices? 2 weeks ago:
I mean yeah that’s their point, the dose needed to OD on THC is bonkers, so it’s pretty much perfectly safe
- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 2 weeks ago:
Every few months, “Nicole” mass spams a bunch of PMs inviting people to click on various suspicious links
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
I mean at the time, religion and science were closely intertwined, with primarily religious scholars studying astronomy and astrology
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
As of November 3rd 2020, that’s true, and I voted A.
As of November 5th 2024, it was actually option D or B, and I voted D.
Maybe if option A had dropped out earlier and let us have a primary, option C would have been in the race. Maybe he would have even won.
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
We could have had option C
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
Biden wasn’t pro-union, and he was unfit for office. Sounds like Conover was absolutely right
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
Literally the only thing I can find is an opinion piece about his electric vehicle video.
Notably, Electrek offered discount codes for Teslas around the time the article was published, giving them a massive incentive to lie about Conover’s credibility
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
Some say the number is even less than 50%
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
You acknowledged the awful history, and then proceeded to ask why we shouldn’t do it again.
I personally don’t agree that overpopulation is a problem we need to try and solve. If overpopulation kills people, let it. We won’t go extinct. It’s not our place to try and solve a self-correcting problem by deciding whose human rights we should violate.
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
Why should a species, faced with the problem of overpopulation and gifted the power of sentience, not elevate it’s best and suppresses it’s worst?
For fucks sake dude, literally every time this sentiment comes up someone points it out: who decides who is the best and who is the worst? Your idea of who is worthy of reproducing and who isn’t is just as subjective as any nazi’s.
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
Forgive me, maybe “punching up” is now a ban-worthy turn of phrase.
This isn’t reddit, you can say whatever you want
Luigi did nothing wrong and neither did the guy who actually fired the gun
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
Science then: if you try to prove that the Earth orbits around the sun, we’ll have you tortured and killed
Science now: 2x2 is not 6, but go off Terry
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 2 weeks ago:
Some of them are, you just have to scroll way way way down
- Comment on Do tell!!! 2 weeks ago:
A lot of people think that to get to orbit, you just go up. That’s partially true, but in reality you go up to get out of the atmosphere, and then go sideways really, really fast.
Imagine throwing a ball in the air. If you throw it straight up, then no matter how high you throw it, it just comes back down. Now imagine throwing it across the room. It falls in a curved arc, right? Now imagine throwing it so fast that it goes past the horizon. That curved arc is still there, and it’s much longer now.
Now imagine throwing it so hard that it not only goes past the horizon, it actually never hits the earth in the first place. That’s an orbit! Of course, the earth has an atmosphere, so it would slow down because of aerodynamic drag. That’s why we send rockets way upward—to get out of the air.
So a satellite in orbit is literally just falling constantly, but because it’s going so fast, it’s always missing the earth.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 2 weeks ago:
It brings me unimaginable sadness to know that my recently born nephew will grow up in such a region, when just a few years ago you could see hundreds of these guys in any given back yard
- Comment on nets 3 weeks ago:
The average person cannot make the connection between the food they eat and the animal it was. People act so appalled by the torturous conditions in animal farms, and then stop at McDonald’s on their lunch break to pick up some chicken nuggets, totally unaware of the irony
- Comment on Sun God 3 weeks ago:
My turn to post the Technology Connections link
- Comment on Sun God 3 weeks ago:
My favorite fun astronomy fact is that a transit like this (Venus, but still) is how we managed to figure out our distance to the Sun in the 1700s
The accuracy is incredible. They determined it to be 93,726,900 miles. This is within the bounds of our perihelion (≈91,000,000 miles) and aphelion (≈95,000,000 miles). Even more precise than Eratosthenes’ estimation of the size of the Earth
- Comment on Observer 4 weeks ago:
I feel like calling it an “observer” is the worst thing since Ben Franklin decided to name positive and negative electrical charges. “Observer” implies that it’s someone watching the thing, when really it’s just the light interacting with something.
- Comment on place yer bets 4 weeks ago:
I find the XCOM comparisons funny because the game actually tilts the RNG in the player’s favor and people still think it’s unfair
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
Try thinking for a second.
Places where trees don’t grow are probably not the best places for carbon sequestration if you can’t sequester carbon there cheaper or easier than sequestering carbon in trees elsewhere