- Comment on US Democracy 4 months ago:
I mean… you’re kind of right, but this is a “read the room” situation.
- Comment on US Democracy 4 months ago:
FWIW most clowns are hard-working, skilled individuals who bring joy to people’s lives.
- Comment on Good luck today, Americans 4 months ago:
Yeah, I know… it’s easy to be cynical and do nothing… I have to fight against that feeling every day, I’m dealing with it now even…
- Comment on Good luck today, Americans 4 months ago:
- My fellow Americans, the election day “ground game” is crucial
- If you’re in the US, look here: to get involved. It’s not too late!
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 4 months ago:
Hey fam, go to ! and check out the weekly “How are you doing with your communities?” post if you haven’t already. It’s like a support group for people keeping niche communities alive.
- Comment on Do my pets think I'm yelling at them when I start singing out loud? 4 months ago:
My BFF had this skill: whenever they sang an Elvis tune (like “Blue Moon”) their cats would start humping. They weren’t singing it weird, maybe a little more warbly than normal. Anyway, we were in this zoo once, and I said, “I wonder if that lion would react to your Elvis songs the same way your cats do!” I was just kidding, but my BFF started singing the same way and that lion suddenly became VERY alert and stared right at us. I started wondering if a properly motivated lion could leap that gap that was keeping us separated, and what I would do if it reached us. Anyway, my point is: it depends on how you sing it.
- Comment on Anon plays a guessing game 4 months ago:
I was gonna finish with “…an ANGEL OF DEATH!!!” and start to air guitar. If she does the intro scream, she’s a keeper.
- Comment on Anon plays a guessing game 4 months ago:
“They must have clipped off your wings, because you look like an angel.”
- Comment on Womp womp 4 months ago:
The IRB rejects your experiment for not being unethical enough.
- Comment on Anon gives up dating apps 4 months ago:
In The Metaverse^™^ they will! (…for a price…)
- Comment on Anon gives up dating apps 4 months ago:
ikr a lot of people go to Church events for “safer” socializing, even if they only attend the services on Christmas and Easter if that. If you’re Catholic or Orthodox, it’s more like a cultural thing. (this may vary by area. Also it’s not really safer, but your grandmother will say it is.)
- Comment on Anon gives up dating apps 4 months ago:
Couchsurfing got me great friends, girlfriends and eventually my wife.
I should totally try that. It’d be like: “Honey? How long is Rolando going to be staying on our couch? He spends all his time on his laptop giggling at that weird website full of communists and furries…” / “I don’t know… Let’s… Let’s set him up with that friend of yours, I bet that’ll get him out of here!”
- Comment on Anon gives up dating apps 4 months ago:
And plus, once you do have a relationship, it’ll be a lot stronger because you won’t desperately need to be in that relationship at any costs.
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
someone who likes the name Blessica
I picture this as someone who goes to church a lot, reads romance novels, bakes awesome cookies, and says things like “sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!”
- Comment on Why is voting before the deadline in US elections referred to as 'early voting'? 5 months ago:
If you look at the meaning of the word “early” there are several senses.
- One sense is “At a time in advance of the usual or expected event.” e.g. if someone suffered an “early death.” Another sense of the word is “Arriving a time before expected; sooner than on time.” e.g. “you arrived early today!” You’re right that in these two senses of the word, “early voting” sounds weird.
- But there’s another sense of the word early: “Near the start or beginning.” e.g. “Shakespeare’s early works”. There’s also “Near the start of the day.” as in “It’s too early for this sort of thing. I’m not awake yet.” Another sense is “Having begun to occur; in its early stages.” e.g. “an early cancer”. In these senses of the word, “early voting” sounds a lot better.
- For more info see:
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
- Comment on I'm tired, boss. 5 months ago:
The junior Senator of your state.
- Comment on What's the term for someone that likes Jesus of Nazareth, but doesn't identify with church, religious dogma, or whatever? 5 months ago:
You’re right, but just to rephrase:
- The natural sciences aren’t in the business of saying whether or not a given person existed.
- If you think of history as a social science, then there may be “scientific” methodologies that determine whether or not a given person existed, but that’s not what’s generally though of as “scientifically proven”
- Comment on Problem? 5 months ago:
Maybe we should consider replication studies to be “service to the community” when judging career accomplishments. Like, maybe you never chaired a conference but you published several replication studies instead. You could get your Masters students and/or undergrads to do the replications. We’d need journals that focus on replication studies, though.
- Comment on F#@%ed Up Realm 5 months ago:
Bonus panel:
- Human: "…and WE pay THEM… to spy on our every move!"
- Cthulhu: “NOOOOOOO!!!”
- Comment on How do you even post that much 5 months ago:
The email analogy kinda works here.
- Imagine an email server dies forever. All of the email that it sent is still out there. If you are on another server, any emaills to/from people on that server are stil in your local email storage.
- Likewise, a post that was made to is still out there, if someone outside of that server was subscribed to that community (“magazine”) when the post was made.
- To find out the “new” server… well in an ideal world the old server would at least have a notice to that effect. But this case involved a medical emergency, so that didn’t happen.
Click here for an additional detail which may be amusing
- See: This is the copy of the community “13th floor” that was made on to show people on - Now look at: This is the copy of the same community, but made for the instance. You’ll note that it is missing a post that was made on July 6th. That’s because the July 6th post was made by a user on Because was down by then, the post didn’t “federate” from through to - See for another example. was an instance that died, but people were still posting to the copy, but only people were able to see those posts because they were not federating. So in comments we just decided to make any new posts to another community on a “living” instance, and we put a notice to that effect.
- Comment on You're not you when you're dooming. 5 months ago:
Now you’ll have diabetes, if nothing else.
- Comment on Is there a subsect of the minimalist community that's focused on portable living? 5 months ago:
Side-zip duffel bags are awesome. I had to live across town for a couple days, and 90% of my clothes fit in two largeish bags.
- Comment on Is there a subsect of the minimalist community that's focused on portable living? 5 months ago:
Cable management is for work. In my happy place, I just let my cables run wild.
- Comment on I don't know where is appropriate to post this, but this is low effort so this community seems appropriate. 5 months ago:
What is shit to shit? Flowers.
- Comment on Try before you buy 5 months ago:
I suspect a good lawyer could get you off. You’re in a private store, where the owner issued a written invitation to test the product.
- Comment on Assassin Bug 5 months ago:
To attract those bugs, play SLAYER!!!
- Comment on Love is love 5 months ago:
She’s only dating him to get to Scoob.
- Comment on Dreams come true 5 months ago:
Agreed that you should have some kind of “service” on your CV, but reviewing is pretty low impact. And if you want to review, you can choose something other than the predatory publishers.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
This is why healthcare in the US sucks.
- A wealthy person will have a 24-hour hotline to connect with a nurse or doctor (immediately or through return call) with access to their medical history who will help them figure out what to do.
- A moderately well-off person will have a web/phone interface where they can send a message and someone will return their message in a day or two.
- Everyone else has to make a gamble: do I spent money to try to figure this out? Do I risk spending money and then it turns out to be nothing? But what if it’s something and it’s more expensive later on? What will my insurance pay for? How do I find someone that’s reliable, but also inexpensive? All of this causes stress which makes things worse.
In your case, think of anyone who knows your medical history and who you can ask questions of. The doctor who prescribed your anxiety medications - can you call/message them and ask them? The pharmacist who dispenses the meds - can you go/call and ask a question about your medications? Some pharmacies also have nurse / clinic stations, too. If you have any kind of medical insurance, check out their web page - a lot of them have set up tele-medicine offerings recently. If your job has an HR department, this is actually one case they can be helpful; an HR person in my company helped me figure out what health resources I had access to, based on my plan. Finally, if you haven’t been getting annual checkups, you should start thinking of doing so (especially as you get older), and ask them how you can contact them to ask questions like this.
Good luck fam, I hope it turns out OK for you.