Yeah, my area used to have a really good public nurse line where you could just call in, tell them what was going on, and based on your medical history on file they could roughly triage you and tell you where to go. But I imagine keeping it running was cutting into the hospital exec yacht fund so they cut that service.
I could always message my primary care doc but normally I just catch one of the nurses and they just tell me to make an appointment. Considering my primary care doc is always booked solid 6 months out I almost never bother going that route unless it is for an anual exam or something. My meds are just through a chain pharmacy so the pharmacist won’t know much about my particular situation. Someone else had mentioned insurance offering telemedicine too so I will definitely be looking into that one. I also happen to be on the medical response team at work so I am intimately aware of what our offerings are for healthcare options (practically nothing). Also I am 100% on the regular checkup train. I will ask my doc if there is something to fill the place of the old nurse line at my next checkup. 4 months ago
There’s a hospital very close to my house. Less than 2 minutes away.
Twice we’ve driven there (the person driving did not have the issue in question). Both times it turned out ok, but everyone at the hospital felt the need to lecture us that we “really should have called for an ambulance”.
I said wow, you guys really want that $2,000 taxi fare for nothing.
There are definitely times when you should call for an ambulance. But it enrages me when you know it’s only about the fucking money, but the give you the concerned sanctimony attitude.