- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I’ve worked at a lot of different places and in my experience it varies a lot.
Some bosses cut everybody slack. Some bosses are jerks and cut nobody any slack. I would say most of them play favorites with their employees (some are blatant about it, some are more subtle). Some bosses cut the workers with kids more slack. Some bosses cut the workers with kids less slack.
Anecdotal evidence is like that. It’s emotionally compelling, but doesn’t really tell us what’s going on in the bigger picture.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 3 months ago:
I have no idea, but I really hope some genius on Lemmy creates a simulation of this fight so we can all have a great time watching it.
- Comment on why do i sometimes wake up feeling like a lot is going on? like why do i feel the day will be an adventure?? when i wake up 3 months ago:
Might be that whatever subconscious processing that happened overnight is bubbling up. The mind, consciousness, and memory are all still mysterious. The more neuroscience learns about the brain, the weirder it seems to function.
- Comment on Do you consider Taylor Swift to be of the working class and why? 3 months ago:
Come on Lemmy, look at the name of the Community and stop downvoting honest questions, FFS. I don’t know about or care about TSwift and her billions, but there’s nothing wrong with the question that the OP posted.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
I vote Democrat, but they’ve always been political pussies and policy wonks. The Republicans are macho meatheads. Unfortunately the latter’s optics tend to play better with our unsophisticated population, most of which couldn’t pass a basic civics test.
- Comment on Are there any actual free programs that clean up all bloat ware on a new laptop? Without them putting hidden stuff in? 3 months ago:
Yup. I’ve installed and re-installed Windows more times than I care to count, and this is basically my method when dealing with new PCs with bundleware. It’s not like the bad old days. The provided uninstallers work just fine as long as the PC is from a reputable source.
- Comment on Why did the first people to settle in very cold climates decide to settle in such a harsh climate? 3 months ago:
Hunting seals and whales in some cases, as in Alaska.
- Comment on Dead internet theory 3 months ago:
Go away, robut!
- Comment on I wonder why people litter in the USA? 3 months ago:
Many times you can compact that stuff down with minimal effort. Just use the bag or whatever you’re throwing away so that you aren’t touching the other garbage with your hand.
- Comment on Would social events be better if phones didn't have data? 3 months ago:
Yes. Was at a holiday party having an engaging and funny conversation with some of my coworkers and an asshole manager just had to walk up and take photos of us “having fun at the office party”. Completely killed the nice vibe we had going.
- Comment on A Song of Ice and Fire - first editions of each book 3 months ago:
GRRM was trolling all along.
- Comment on Is there an obvious technical reason why the major email services (Outlook, gmail, etc) can't seem to limit recipients' from Replying-All? 3 months ago:
At my office people tend to go way overboard with the number of CCs. I understand the need for communication and coordination on some things. But so much of it is just unnecessary-reflexive CYA and dilution of responsibility.
- Comment on What are the best anti-work movies? 3 months ago:
Horrible Bosses
- Comment on Is there an obvious technical reason why the major email services (Outlook, gmail, etc) can't seem to limit recipients' from Replying-All? 4 months ago:
I use BCC semi-frequently at work because it prevents all kinds of (mostly unintentional) annoyances from my coworkers. Mostly with automated emails related to reports and/or our case management system. BCC is your best friend when used selectively.
- Comment on If someone dies unexpectedly, how do you find out? 4 months ago:
The authorities will try to notify someone in the immediate family (often the spouse). After that, if you are in their estate, the trustee should make a good faith effort to contact you. Beyond that, it’s normally just friends and family contacting each other.
Back in the days when printed newspapers were common, some folks would check the obituaries regularly.
You could create a Google alert. If the stupid thing actually works, you should get an email when their obituary gets posted somewhere.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 4 months ago:
I think the taste and texture may have become noticeably worse after the ban on artificial trans fats. It definitely impacted some of the junk food I used to buy in the grocery store. (I’m not saying the ban was a bad thing, just that a lot of us noticed the change).
Whatever the cause, I have noticed it, too.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 4 months ago:
I like Bernie’s idea of taxing every trade on the stock market.
- Comment on I keep hearing that the Democratic Party should've paid more attention to the young white American demographic. Does this mean there was a point to the "All lives matter." movement? 4 months ago:
Anti-incumbent voting is way up across the globe. People are pissed off about inflation (corporate greed) and they just knee-jerk “vote them out”.
Please remember that most people don’t pay attention to the details of economic policies or politics very much. They only get a general “vibe” from whatever bubbled media and bot content they consume. People have voted against their own interests for generations because of this phenomenon.
I’ll never forget years ago when my father was listening to Rush Limbaugh and that asshole Rush said, “I understand my listeners are hard working people who are very busy and simply don’t have the time to pay attention to these political things so that’s why you can just get your information here, I will tell you what to think.” Not an exact quote, but close enough. That type of thing has been going on for generations.
- Comment on Did binders used to be called tablets? 4 months ago:
I’ve heard it used to refer to Notebooks but only by much older people (and I’m already middle-aged myself). I’ve never heard a binder called that. But, the linked article does mention spiral-bound notebooks.
- Comment on Is there any, any takeaways at all from the next 4 years that's about to happen? 4 months ago:
I’m not a Jew but a few I know who are non-religious told me it is the basis of their cultural and family identity. There are blurry lines around religion, philosophy, and identity. And not just with Jews. There are quite a few Buddhists who practice it as a philosophy but no a religion, and countless other examples.
There’s a guy on YouTube (Esoterica channel) who is a post-theist Jew who (occasionally) talks about this. He observes Jewish traditions and so forth, but he doesn’t think God is real, etc. Fascinating channel BTW.
Anyway, I understand your confusion and I hope this doesn’t sound condescending, I don’t mean to be. I think you’re overthinking it a little bit. I was in the same place years ago.
Hopefully a Jewish person answers you and explains it better than I did.
To give a super silly and reductive example: imagine you belong to a Star Wars fan club that you LOVE being a part of. Some of the members think the Force is real but you do not.
- Comment on How do offline, local groups get started and reach others now? 4 months ago:
Sorry, my reading comprehension took a little vacation there!
- Comment on How do offline, local groups get started and reach others now? 4 months ago:
Some cities have gaming stores with active groups and tournaments and learn-to-play events. Public libraries often have a calendar of community events. Restaurants sometimes have them, too. Community theater. Bridge clubs. Churches often have secular events like cincetts, games, fairs, book clubs, etc. Maker spaces. Community college adult education. Hobby classes like woodworking and pottery.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 4 months ago:
Project 2025. They exposed their plan and now thry will implement it, and nithing can stop them.
- Comment on ‘Can you imagine if our homepage went down?’ ‘New York Times’ tech workers go on strike before the election 4 months ago:
Thank you, I am addicted to those daily games, but I’ll be skipping them for a while. Very least I can do.
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 4 months ago:
When the weather is nice like it is this year, we put a table and chairs out on our driveway and decorate it. We sit there and have a drink and pass out candy. It’s more fun than answering the door, and we end up chatting with neighbors and parents. Our next door neighbors did the same thing as us this year, and it was even more they were right next hanging out.
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 4 months ago:
I encourage aggressive blocking. Without it, the assholes drive the decent people away over time.
I’d be fine without voting, too. I am glad they at least got rid of karma.
- Comment on Why is removing stuck rings with dental floss painless for some people? 4 months ago:
The density of nerve endings varies. Women tend to have more in their fingers than men. Also, skin can vary a lot. Some people have thick tough skin, some have thin delicate skin. This can also vary in the same person on different parts of their body.
- Comment on Why don't we just gather up all the ocean's trash and all the nonrecyclables, put them in a rocket, and launch it into the sun? 4 months ago:
Orbital mechanics makes launching stuff at the sun extremely difficult.
The earth has a gigantic a molten layer under our feet, and we couldn’t even dump it down there. Too expensive and difficult.
Long term, my guess is engineered super bacteria and/or robotics may clean up the trash in the future, if we don’t extinct ourselves first.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Pedro. Duh.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
“What is that? An umbrella? Are you afraid of a little rain? Are you gay? What’s the umbrella for, so you can stick it up your ass?”
I’m ripping off Bill Burr here. Macho men are drooling morons who die at age 54. Why ask them their opinion on anything?