(Disclaimer: I voted against Trump and anyone who supported him in my state.)
I have spent all day crying and drafting escape plans since my life is now in extreme danger
Submitted 3 months ago by TehBamski@lemmy.world to [deleted]
(Disclaimer: I voted against Trump and anyone who supported him in my state.)
I have spent all day crying and drafting escape plans since my life is now in extreme danger
Good luck and I wish you the safest journey to somewhere safe as possible.
If you’re in a blue state you will be much safer. If you’re not, see if you can relocate to one even if that means you sleep on someone’s couch for a while. I wish you the best.
Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are desperate for people to move there… And the Canadian border is right there just in case
keep in mind this opinion also promises that it can’t be fixed, as the more blue voters that leave the red leaning states the more power those red leaning states have. Moving to a blue leaning state only removes the blue votes from the red leaning state in favor of increasing the power of an already blue state.
Of course if he somehow manages to find a way to do away with the election process this would be true, but currently the best bet overall is going to be stay in your state, honestly if you can lower solid blue districts in favor of saturating red districts.
Our system does not operate under popular vote. It runs off the electoral college, its the main reason red states want to gerrymander the district lines to make all black areas be their own district, its less damage if every opponent is in the same district as it allows only one district to be in opposition instead of multiple.
New Mexico is quite nice and still affordable.
I wish you luck and safety.
I hate that i’m saying this, but Canada or somewhere in the EU are probably your best bets. If Project 2025 goes according to plan we’re going to see a great upheaval come Q1 2025 that probably clusterfucks everything.
Long term with christian school mandates via defunding education and funding vouchers will further create a hostile nation for anyone who does not conform to a heterosexual white nationalist christian identity.
What does your escape plan look like?
Maybe not a great idea for some individuals to advertise their escape plans in open channels online?
If push comes to sobre shove, I sincerely invite you to look at Mexico as an alternative as a trans Latina. Sure, your life won’t be a luxury, but you’ll be happy and free. You’d be surprised at how well we’re doing now, how accepting the Mexican population is regarding important LGBT+ issues and what a bright future we have ahead of us.
Is that you Iniko?
You have my axe, for what it’s worth. Godspeed.
Pretty fucked, but not as fucked as Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon, or Taiwan.
NATO will be fucked for a while if the US withdraws, but other NATO countries may ramp up military spending over time.
This situation is a worldwide danger. The US is/was a world power, it has/had the largest national economy in the world, it has the largest military in the world.
Previously, we could be concerned that democratic countries (including the US) weren’t putting enough pressure on authoritarian countries (like Russia, China, and North Korea) to improve. Now we have to worry that the US will actually become a fully authoritarian country, like Russia or China.
On the bright side… the rest of the world is realizing that being reliant on one country for military power and maintaining stability was a terrible idea. The UN and NATO only have power if the countries are willing to enforce those decisions, and if the US doesn’t, there isn’t really a comparable backup option. The US military was always the elephant in the room keeping things generally less extreme just by its existence and not reacting impulsively.
Just to add, it was always the US strategy to have the western world dependent on it for defence, it gave them a lot of soft and hard power and allowed for unopposed imperialism in “less important” (with a lot of irony) parts of the world.
If NATO fades into oblivion, that would be a great opportunity for European countries to make a news defense organization where a single country like Hungary or Turkey can’t play their political games.
Technically the EU already is an defence organisation (Lisbon accords), even with a stronger mutual assistance clause than NATO. What is different is that there is no integrated command structure. But that is currently rapidly changing, Germany and the Netherlands already are fully integrated (more than NATO standards are), the Baltics are making great progress.
There is at least a chance
I expect that the EU is going to have to claim defence competencies to continue the Union’s defense. There are way too many small countries in NATO that can’t contribute meaningfully to a military beyond some basic battalions and the EU needs something more robust than France and Poland.
Extremely, tarrifs will erase the middle class. All regulations will be repealed allowing even more corporate power and influence. We’re about to experience the Gilded Age on crack mixed with the burning hells of our mother Earth scorned.
They’re done with the middle class here. They don’t want to raise the poverty level worldwide, they want to bring us down to match the rest of the world. It’s strip-mining time, we’re too expensive for the international rich’s tastes.
Time to stock up on the automatic rifles they want us all to have so much, and learn carpentry to build some guillotines.
Maybe the French will help us again, they’ve got some experience with this.
Why do you need to learn carpentry? Isn’t it a slot with a big metal blade? Add a rope so you can pull it up, and let it go to make it work…
We dont need guillotines. We need to heal our culture and unify Americans by ending the two party system that thrives off our division. We are so big we should be lead by a coalition of factions. Not whatever the fuck this is.
the French forgot about when to use guillotines decades ago
No they’ll keep things like the farm subsidies, may even expand them. The tariffs will leave those out. That’s the socialism their base is 100% reliant on. They won’t risk turning on the rural farmers until the end when it they’re not a threat. They’ve already shown a complete willingness to ignore absolutely everything else until this point.
If he manages to pull off even 25% we will be fucked until the last soul melts on the 200 degree pavement. Its never the time for rehressionism, but now is especially a bad time.
Ending farming and allowing nature to return would prevent a dust bowl. Allowing a field to go fallow means that a whole lot of plants start growing.
Okay don’t rage at me. How do tarrifs affect the middle class?
We end up paying them. Not countries, or corporations. The cist gets passed to consumers.
Let me put it this way: we will see the true beginning of WW3 in the Baltics. Trump will predictably not act upon that and the response will be 100% up to Europe itself.
That response better be an armed one, and quick too, or we all better start practicing cyrillic here in W-europe.
Regardless if we are lucky, “only” tens of thousands will die. More likely it will be millions.
So yeah, Trump kinda bedazzled us there, no way around it. Won’t be until the people who voted him in will start hurting personally that they’ll finally realize they’ve been conned. But too little too late.
Won’t be until the people who voted him in will start hurting personally that they’ll finally realize they’ve been conned. But too little too late.
Cute that you think they won’t just blame Mexicans when they do start hurting.
As long as they have a group to scapegoat
Oh he’d act. He’d assist Russia and be the other Axis power.
Germany’s fatal mistake in WW2 was not being America instead.
Who, exactly, is to take its place along with the British Empire and USSR in holding back fascism?
Some people are going to die-- mostly women. More people are going to have their lives turned upside-down, especially immigrants and ethnic and sexual minorities. Many immigrants, even legal ones, are going to be expelled. Corporations are going to run wild as regulation is abandoned. People are going to be bankrupted by predatory healthcare firms at a much higher rate than now. Every form of corporate pollution, adulteration, cheating and chicanery will be tolerated. The judiciary will be further corrupted. The US will not only withdraw from NATO, but will try to shut it down. Ukraine will be handed to Putin on a platter. Taiwan, the Baltics, Moldova and Poland will be left to fend for themselves. The ethnic cleansing in Gaza will transition even further to a full-scale genocide. Every aspect of government will be handed to corrupt, incompetent fanatics: kakistocracy all the way down. The impartiality of the civil service will be destroyed and the 19th-century spoils system reinstated. Social Security will be privatized and gutted. Obamacare will be eliminated. Congress will hold show trials of Trump’s perceived enemies. Terrorist acts and sabotage of critical infrastructure will massively increase, and the clampdowns that follow will be used to further degrade what few rights we still have.
But at least you won’t have Kamala’s pantsuit to complain about.
All that, and you may have left out the most damaging of all… Trump will likely pull the US out of Copenhagen, leaving no chance of limiting temps below 2C let alone getting anywhere near 1.5C. The excess deaths from this will likely dwarf COVID.
Honestly, I can’t be bothered to worry about the climate 100 years from now when we’re going to be attacking (much more) Americans 100 days from now
Why dont you guys start your own " stop the steal"?
Just say that illegals voted for trump, Kamala won and all this is just election fraud.
Why doesn’t biden commit some “official acts”
it wasn’t close
police would shoot us
bro, i know all that stuff is bad, but have you heard her laugh? we made a solid choice.
(i hope i don’t need the /s, but Poe’s Law says i probably do)
Wait until he mobilizes the military into blue states to force compliance.
Probably less than he killed during the pandemic
One of the biggest things is that the “deep state”, an innocuous thing turned into a convenient boogeyman by trump, will be quietly destroyed. This is the thing that actually keep your mail arriving, your food edible and your children’s toys not coated in lead. The “deep state”, meaning actual subject matter experts doing their jobs throughout entire government for years, regardless of current administration, are all going to be replaced by kid rock and vaping young republicans fresh from dropping out of their second semester in at The University of Southern Alabama State.
That’s who’s going to be the dude inspecting your meat for e.coli and signing off on the clinical trials for your perception meds - Gunner, Hunter and Ryder.
Really don’t think anyone is considering the reality of how deeply fucked we’re going to be as we’re all fixed fully on the front door for obvious signs of trouble (immediate societal decay), while this broken people fill the crawlspace with fertilizer and gasoline and kick in the backdoor with flamethrowers in hand.
We’re fucked, and we’re going to be focused on monitoring the wrong indicators of how fucked, until it is just beyond any repair within any of our lifetimes. You’re going to have FIVE fundamentally broken petite on the Supreme Court for the rest of your life. It’s over.
There is alot of things the government does for you that most people likely have never thought about. Take invasive species for instance; There are huge efforts to contain and eradicate a variety of invasive species. You’ve probably never heard about these efforts. But they are needed to maintain and protect both farmland and the ecology of the United States. If those efforts are defunded and those species are allowed to run rampant it’ll be almost impossible to put that genie back in the bottle.
This is literally how we’ll get to “but brawndo gots what plants crave?”
Exactly. They seem to forget the regulations rhat were lifted for the railroad industry and the multiple train disasters as a result.
Your understanding of the deep state is incorrect. Look up Edward Snowden if you’d like to know more.
anywhere from not really, to literally world war 3.
trump is a loose cannon.
We do not win here.
Some of you people didn’t pay attention to the Congressional results and it shows.
What do you mean ? (The house is on track to be won by the gop. The senate is won by the gop. I just want to understand your point.)
The US will continue ticking. Money keeps flowing, and greed will continue running rampant.
As someone making a bank and based on the projections, the Trump tax changes are going to pay well. Anyone making less than $100k, or living off of social security or retirement are going to really suffer.
The Trump tax breaks are going to fund a future international trip. And poor folks will starve.
Btw I voted for Kamala. And America voted for a old dude who struggles to form sentences.
Between 2017 and 2021, things got pretty bad. Riots, wars, a plague, economic crash, and it ended with a mob breaking into the nation’s capital and trashing the place.
Can’t imagine a repeat will be better.
The truth is it’s unlikely anything historically big is going to happen in the US. We saw what Trump did last time he was in office, and it was really bad, but it was recoverable. The fear isn’t that it’s likely, but that it’s far from a non-zero chance, and there’s very little we can do about it. That uncertainty is scary when we’ve had a relatively good time in recent decades.
Will we see a sudden shift toward a state where you can get jailed or murdered for being a dissident? Maybe, but probably not.
Will we see an escalation of the wars involving Israel, such that we see a WWIII and/or the first nuclear strike since WWII? Maybe, but probably not.
Will we see economic collapse causing widespread hunger and homelessness that we haven’t seen since the Great Depression? Maybe, but probably not.
The only thing that’s really a guarantee is that we’re another four years away from dealing with climate change, and while that’s massive for humanity down the line, individuals currently living in the US are probably going to be mostly fine. Not to say nobody will be affected - hurricanes, floods, fires, and so on - but it won’t cause catastrophic failure of society in the near future.
Multiple regulatory bodies are going to get disbanded. The EPA is unlikely to survive, whole departments of the FDA are about to get gutted. Anything involving industrial safety is going to get its funding cut. Unconstitutional crackdowns on free and independent media is almost certain. Large scale damage to the functions of many government institutions can be expected. Massive economic damage due to reckless deregulation ( that’s even before they start putting tariffs on everything and wind up in multiple simultaneous trade wars). Funding for education and infrastructure maintenance will be reduced to allow tax cuts for the already wealthy. Massive loss of global influence and a massive gain in influence by hostile autocratic nations is also something you can expect.
I could go on and on but even if you were to assume they weren’t serious about project 2025 (if you haven’t read that you should) it’s real bad.
Weirdly, it depends on how honest Trump is.
If he forgets about everything he talked at any part of the campaign, and just decide to maximize his tranquility during his term, not as bad as if he decides to keep his promises.
Fucked regardless but how fucked remains to be seen. Just as before, Trump will spend his presidency golfing, what really matters are his cabinet picks. Best case scenario is that just like 2016-2020 in-fighting and general incompetence make the administration a revolving door and keep the Christian Nationalist from realizing their darkest ambitions. Worst Case is that the Fascist have learned from their mistakes. I also think Trump either dying or being forced to step down (with a pardon of course) is a possibility that is on the table. Vance is a much more competent Fascist and this is definitely a worst case scenario.
Regardless, I think there are a few things that are guaranteed to happen:
Smoke em while you got em, it’s about to get rough for everyone. We are in the death throes of the Neo-Liberal world order. Buy a firearm and get a vpn. There’s never been a better time to go vegan and get in shape. Do what you can for the people you care about.
I’m more scared of the JD Vance than Trump. He’s much worse
Glad you asked.
I can’t leave.
I have a child with an abusive, vindictive ex-spouse. Regardless of me having sole custody, I would still need to get both the court’s permission and his permission just to move out of state, so god knows I will not be able to get out of the country.
I’m at a loss.
100% fucked, the USA is now going to join WW3 on the side of the bad guys and get rid of vaccines and the EPA and ACA and so many other things
We should remember that most Americans still live in blue states with sane governments. The federal government can’t just barge in and do whatever it wants, and if tries to do so, the social contract that binds the nation together is broken and secession becomes a real possibility. But that’s unlikely because Trump is far too clueless to know about any of the problems he’ll run into if he tries to implement any of his plans.
Which is fine for him because it was always a con anyway. He talks and acts out of his ass. What he will do is anyone’s guess, but it’ll at least be restrained by what’s realistically possible.
Prices on everything will go up exponentially while income comes down. Worker protections won’t exist and the people in charge of your health, whether food, medical, other goods, will only care about which company gives them a bigger check.
Remember how baby food had to be recalled recently because it was unsafe to feed babies? That ain’t happening anymore! Fuck the babies! And if you can’t afford your $4k/month rent, to prison with you (because homelessness will be illegal and prison labour cheap cheap cheap!)
The world is fucked. A climate change denier was elected and we’re already past an inflection point. There is no coming back.
Luckily the House of representatives have set up the rules such that they can call to change their majority leader whenever they disagree with each other, so very few actual policy measures will change. They might even fail to pass their own tax plan again, that would be nice.
What is fucked is USA’s allies depending on support from NATO, USA’s economy as Tariff season is here now, USA immigrants, and of course the Environment. Last time Trump was in he removed protections for forests and streams, and put a Coal Lobbyist in charge of the EPA.
Breathtakingly fucked. Wannabe dictator with a mandate from the dumbest mfers alive.
But take heart. The battle for the US is now a fight between the old guard Reaganite Republicans and the out&out Fascists. For the next 4 years at least the Dems are a complete non-factor. I hope the DNC is proud of their accomplishment.
All the worst possible things that could happen are now not just on the table but incredibly likely.
Honestly who knows, it’s literally on the whims of the giant toddler and who he listens to last that afternoon.
We’ll be fine. Yes shit will be fucked up but democracy will not die. We’ll try again in 2028 and thankfully Trump is capped out after this. Maybe midterms will show some shift
Trump was pretty ineffective in his first term, largely because he did a terrible job of supporting people who really agreed with his agenda, and an even worse job of removing people from influential positions who didn’t.
He said during his campaign that he knew much better who to trust, but now he’s got Elon Musk and RFK Jr. prominently featured. I don’t think he has learned anything, and I think he will be just as ineffective this time.
It’s possible that some of the Republicans in Congress will support more of his agenda, but even there if they have to overcome the filibuster, I don’t think mass deportation, a federal abortion ban, or most of the rest of the potential worst of it is in the cards.
Who cares, it’s what they want and what they voted for, AGAIN. I’d be more concerned about the rest of the world. America can go off in a puff of smoke and it would be the best thing the ever did
Not just the US, the entire planet.
For example: Ukraine Gaza Taiwan South Korea
Ugh, just thinking about the ripple effect that this is going to cause is makes me want to curl up in a corner.
Even if trump doesn’t do everything in project 2025, the supreme court picks mean we’re basically ultra fucked. Like, that’s best case.
If you’re a white Christian male you are the shit.
Anyone else is losing rights
Also Trump will declare martial law after 4 years with presidential immunity and every position of power stacked with handpicked loyalists.
Unless there is a revolution of some kind the US will probably go the path of Nazi Germany after Hitler achieved total control
LordCrom@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Before, his power was checked by legislature…but now GOP has full control over the gov, and the supreme Court has 5 members nominated by Trump, soon to be 7.
Hand maidens tale seems possible. Destruction of the middle class through tariffs, union busting, tear down of heath coverage, teardown public schools, force colleges to abandon certain studies or no federal money…
Add in non stop fossil fuel promotion with drill baby drill attitudes, tear down NOAA and the nhc because strong hurricane news reinforces climate change.
I guarantee in 4 years Trump will try to name a successor instead of holding an election.
SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 months ago
That would require the narcissist to not think he’s still young and vibrant and will never die. He will go the same way his father did, being manipulated by the worst around him as he drifts into dementia. He will be propped up as a puppet as Reagan was.
Evil_incarnate@lemm.ee 3 months ago
He could postpone the election if America is at war.
“We have always been at war with Eastasia”
boydster@sh.itjust.works 3 months ago
Here’s a horrifying thought: JD’s Silicon Valley puppetmasters wait until Trump has served just over 2 years into his term, then invoke the 25th and install JD. In the meantime, the MAGA types work the system to ensure they can guarantee a Vance victory through whatever means necessary for the next 2 cycles (since his first abbreviated session won’t count as an official term), or a total of 10 years, before most Americans even realize we have sleepwalked into a Vance dictatorship funded by oligarchs like Musk and Thiel
Atherel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 months ago
I’m quite sure that this is already the case.
Asafum@feddit.nl 3 months ago
Fuuuccckkkk… Add to the list of things I forgot… The AccuWeather guy is about to become even more wealthy…
The billionaire class are the only winners of this election, but then again when aren’t they the winner? Money is literally power.
AndrewZabar@lemmy.world 3 months ago
No. He will not name a successor, he will remain president. Either he will eliminate elections or he will do like his idol, Outing. Arrest and murder anyone who dares oppose him.
He is an extreme narcissist and egotist. Like extreme extreme. He cannot see a future where he’s not on the throne.
Kyrgizion@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Wanna bet he’ll put up one of his kids (hell perhaps even Barron?) and bend the whole sycophantic side of the GOP into endlesdly propping them up?
In 4 years, you may simply get Trump III. I want to say this notion seems absurd, except that it absolutely isn’t.
SynopsisTantilize@lemm.ee 3 months ago
Bush SR, JR and Jeb.
Maggoty@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Goddamnitalltohell. I forgot we’re going to have to subscribe to private disaster warning systems. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Perfectly describes everything they want to do.
Anticorp@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Do you remember a few years ago when the orange idiot hugged a piece of coal and called it “beautiful clean coal”? Ugh, what a dip shit.