- Comment on Aged like milk 1 day ago:
Yeah, no civilization can get rid of bad people. It just gives them camuflage
- Comment on Why Titles Are Written Like This? 1 day ago:
In my native language just the first word gets capitalized in a title. I don’t think anyone ever explained to me why English capitalizes (almost) every word.
- Comment on Why Titles Are Written Like This? 1 day ago:
It’s kinda weird that this makes perfect sense.
- Comment on how is it to work everyday but Wednesdays and Thursdays? 4 days ago:
Pros: you have a weekend when other people don’t. So wherever you want to go, there will likely be less people there (thoug do account for morning and evening workday traffic). Some places you may need to go to may be closed on weekends, but you won’t face this issue.
Coms: you have weekend when other people don’t. If you want to do something with other people, you will likely be limited to evenings.
It’s nice if you have a close person who can have similar week schedule like you, or if you just want to do stuff by yourself. I did use work like that (though I didn’t have fixed days) and it had its perks for sure. Split days off may be manageable sometimes, but it is a terrible idea longterm. Might work forbyou, we are all different - but I’d advise against it. Go for it sometimes if you need to change shifts with someone (especially if you could get a 3 day “weekend” out of it), but I’d advise against having it fixed like that.
- Comment on Sony, which is making a Helldivers 2 movie, is also making a new Starship Troopers movie, but it's not based on the Starship Troopers movie we already have 1 week ago:
“Corporate needs you to find difference between this (motion) picture and this (motion) picture”
- Comment on 2025-03-15 Unplanned downtime 1 week ago:
Happy birthday!
- Comment on cherry pickers 1 week ago:
It wasn’t. I legitimately wouldn’t get it otherwise. Which I also don’t necessarily see as a bad thing either in this case.
- Comment on cherry pickers 2 weeks ago:
Thanks for the title, I think I’d never got it otherwise
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Let me see, USA becoming a dictatorship… BINGO!
- Comment on The Daily Beast reports on "provocative gesture that resembled the controversial salute Elon Musk gave at a post-inauguration rally last month" 5 weeks ago:
They are getting bolder and don’t feel the need to hide it at all. And why should they? It’s only a “controversial salute” now. Next up, racism and xenophobia rebranding to “controversial views”
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 5 weeks ago:
By definition it is selfish I’d say. BUT! Huge “but” here, like you wouldn’t believe - sometimes it is alright to be selfish. Sometimes you just need to put yourself first. This is most definitely one of those times.
- Comment on What is a season pass in computer games? 5 weeks ago:
I will provide a point of view of someone who is a bit more pro “live service game” concept.
While I agree these can be scummy it depends on the game. I see them as evolution of the subscription model on which most MMORPGs functioned back in the day (and few big ones and several niche ones still do). You used to pay monthly sub to be able to play the game, now you have the opportunity to pay for the season pass. Depending on specific game you get content for free (no neex to pay the sub to access the content) and alonv with the content they will launch a season pass which gives you some goodies for playing. Gives them engagement numbers and expectable revenue stream.
In the above model, I usually decide whether I like the content that they bring and if I would realistically play it enough to get majority ofnthe rewards from the pass (because, and this isnthe worst part - once the season ends in 99% of the cases the pass goes away and its rewards are gone forever if you didn’t have time to earn them). Then there are also games like Destiny where the content is not free but tied to the pass, so you basically purchase x months of content (+the rewards from the pass).
There are many shades of season passes - some could be considered fair, some are alright, some are ignorable and some are bad. All of them are made to make money - which in a live service game is I think fair, as they need to fund the ongoing developement. It all depends on the way they want to takenyour money: can be used as a nice bonus you can purchase if you are enjoying the game - in which case I’m fine with it. It can be used so they want to manipulate you through various way to feel forced to purchase - in which case I’m very much oposed to it.
Though I think we all agree that the part when the rewards you purchased are only available temporarily is a scam and shouldn’t be a thing - and I do realize I will be called out here for sometimes purchasing them. I try to view them as simply making a voluntary payment for the content I got from the devs. And the rewards tied to it a bonus.
- Comment on Looking for the spelling / translation on a certain Polish word 1 month ago:
Ok, I’m not Polish (hopefully somebody Polish will chime in soon) but from neighbouring Slavic country so tried to figure this out with some translator help. My gues it’s something like “tam idzje” (or close to it, might not be comoletely gramatically correct), but pretty butchered - I understand your father doesn’t speak the language but probably heard someone in family as a kid say it and tried his best to mimic them? I’d expect it not sounding quite right.
I think I can get reasonably close to pronouncing “tam idzje” weirdly enough for it to sound something like “yadja”.
- Comment on Looks like Horizon's unannounced MMO has been quietly cancelled 2 months ago:
Might have been a cash grab - in fact it likely was. But I tend to reserve my judgement. I’m not on the live service hate train - in fact I’m often interested in what they might have on offer. I like to have a main game, and live service games are great for people like me as there is always something to look forward to. And I for one fucking hate the constant cach grab fails.
People always hate on live service games just because of the label, but there is serious lack of good live service games compared to good single player games.
My comment migh’ve come partyl from a place of frustration so apologies if I was harsh or something
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Did you see the video? It was done with deliberation. Twice.
- Comment on Looks like Horizon's unannounced MMO has been quietly cancelled 2 months ago:
Point was Warcraft was primarily single player RTS. Yes, with multiplayer mode but MMORPG is pretty big genre shift. In the end, it’s just about using the IP, nothing more.
You gave examples of games that tried something like this that failed, I just pointed out an example where it was quite successful.
We will never know if the Horizon MMO would be good or bad. I think the IP would fit MMO genre quite well tbh.
The real issue with live service game failiures is that studios design cash grabs, not games they would want to play.
- Comment on Looks like Horizon's unannounced MMO has been quietly cancelled 2 months ago:
Ever heard of Warcraft?
- Comment on Are there any games like Starfield? 2 months ago:
Pretty sure the in-universe news can be read in game.
I have a faint memory of them introducing a feature of text to speech for them as well, not sure I might be imagining this. Long time since I played.
- Comment on Sony is working on Horizon Zero Dawn and Helldivers 2 movies 2 months ago:
Wasn’t there a Horizon show that was cancelled recently?
- Comment on Destiny 2 Players Struggle To Find Fireteams As Population Drops To All-Time Low 2 months ago:
Except seasonal content. I wouldn’t care about the activities, but there is story stuff that directly continues story of one expansion and also leads into the next. Sometimes it is standalone, but also may or may not end up relevant later.
I was really into Destiny but once I got off that train it felt like I just can’t jump back on.
- Comment on Wizard of Legend - Free 2 months ago:
Free is free
- Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
It’s very much in the “cool motive, still murder” category. I’m not living in the US but I heard the healthcare horror stories and I can relate to someone just snapping. He who sows wind, reaps the whirlwind.
- Comment on The classic cycle 3 months ago:
Whether we wanted it or not, we entered war with Roombas on Earth.
- Comment on What MMORPG are you playing, and why? 3 months ago:
GW2 is probably one of the best MMOs out there, but it just no longer grabs me as it used to. I play sometimes, but in bursts. As soon as I run out of story content, I just fall off.
Lately I’ve played Corepunk and quite enjoyed it but it has ways to go still. And the servers are down for like a week now due to tech issues.
Last MMO that really grabed me long term in the last fee years was New World, but I feel the devs just don’t know what game they want. And there was huge content drought with them focusing on launching console version. I’m playing with an idea of getting the expac and make a leap of faith that it has a future because I’d really love that.
Also keeping my eye on Soulframe. It’s (or is supposed to be) a MMO lite but it looks like something that could definitely scratch an itch for me. Still in pre-alpha but I like what they are aiming for and it already plays quite well.
- Comment on The Witcher IV — Cinematic Reveal Trailer | The Game Awards 2024 3 months ago:
She pretty sure she will not be limited to signs. Signs are the most basic magic, Ciri will most likely have actual spells in her arsenal.
- Comment on The Witcher IV — Cinematic Reveal Trailer | The Game Awards 2024 3 months ago:
It was already reported entering full production some time ago
- Comment on It's December, what are your favorite Christmas movies? 3 months ago:
We usualy do marathon around Christmas as well, so I’d personally count it.
- Comment on Sniper Elite Resistance dev defends asset reuse - “if they’re there to use, why not use them?” 3 months ago:
Agreed. Idk how they reuse specifically, but it is fine for sure - to a point. As long as your game doesn’t have 3 enemy types that are recollored across it or all environments are the same everywhere (hello, Dragon Age 2)… use what you have effectively.
- Comment on Evan Almighty and flushed away 3 months ago:
20 years
Why would you do this
- Comment on Well THAT fucking sucks! 🤬 3 months ago:
LibreTube stoped working for me quite while ago “log in to confirm you are not a bot” on pretty much every instance.