- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 3 days ago:
- A good engineering pencil can be used for anything.
- Comment on 3's grip looks the most comfy 3 days ago:
Error: fountain pen not found
- Comment on The lost Family Guy pilot (1998) has been found 6 days ago:
This wasn’t lost. It’s been on YouTube for a very long time.
- Comment on All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed. 1 week ago:
Those spiders you find inside may be of a type completely adapted to living indoors with humans. Putting one outside means death.
- Comment on why was 1995 video games console very pixel art graphics but music was high quality and images were great??, 3 weeks ago:
TLDR; these had built in musical synthesizers. Same sorts of chips you’d find in electronic keyboards. You don’t have to record the sound, just the instruction for the chip to play the sound you want.
- Comment on A white Ole Miss frat boy dances like a monkey and makes monkey noises near a Black woman who was protesting for Palestine. (source: Twitter thread) 3 weeks ago:
And the police are only interested in making sure that the one black women does not get too close to the crowd of angry white dudes. They treat her, not the crowd, as the threat.
- Comment on Now that Trump is getting real chummy with Putin where does that leave China? 3 weeks ago:
I am surprised that you had to point that out, if I am honest. I’d have expected people who have reasoned opinions on China to understand that basic part of Chinese (or possibly Asian-at-large) culture.
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 3 weeks ago:
The US suffers deeply from cultural narcissism where a significant number of people believe that their needs are more important than the needs of others.
- Comment on Mr. Grey, can I go to the bathroom? 4 weeks ago:
This is what confuses me. What is the context? Were they talking about sexual things in general and OP was clueless? Was the lady over sharing out of context?
- Comment on Mr. Grey, can I go to the bathroom? 4 weeks ago:
The funny part is how both of you could only see your own usage of the word. Hilarious for her to become shocked.
- Comment on Why do people from Western societies always seem to complain? 5 weeks ago:
It is my experience that people who have little tend to appreciate what they do have while those who have more complain about not having even more. It doesn’t matter what “IT” is, the monkey part of our brain always wants even more of it. When that doesn’t happen, the tendency is to focus on others as being the cause of not getting what they perceive to be deserved, hence complaining.
- Comment on Has America Reached Its Tipping Point with Ignorance? 5 weeks ago:
The internet has been around, as you understand it now, since the late 1990s. 1995 - 1996 is earliest analog to what we have now.
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 5 weeks ago:
They may not be for everyone but they help many.
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 5 weeks ago:
This sort of backlash won’t happen, though. There is a conservative culture war underway and it’s win at all costs, damn the consequences. These are people who will continue to act against their own self interest.
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 5 weeks ago:
Shareholder revolt, honestly. The rich shareholders benefit from these sorts of idiots, at least in the short term.
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 5 weeks ago:
This is one case where I feel no sorrow. People who pursue their BBA/MBA are the worst and try to network themselves up to heaven. They chose this path knowing just how fickle it could be.
Other RTO, yeah, screw the person at top.
- Comment on Biden Says Equal Rights Amendment Has Passed, but Does Not Force Certification 2 months ago:
The both sides argument, hmm?
- Comment on New Yorkers Have Little Data but Big Feelings About Congestion Pricing 2 months ago:
Duck them then lol. There are trains
- Comment on Is it wrong to not have a disabled child solely to avoid forcing the child to suffer their whole life? 2 months ago:
You are showing empathy and that is a good thing. Not wrong.
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
Human behavior is statistical. Everything you can think of there is someone doing it. Accept this fact and stop looking for normal and you’ll feel more peace.
- Comment on New Yorkers Have Little Data but Big Feelings About Congestion Pricing 2 months ago:
Ffs there’s no need for a car in NYC. Go live in the suburb if you want to drive.
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 2 months ago:
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 2 months ago:
I’m not saying that I accept their word, which I am apparently failing at conveying. I am a technology director myself and agree that it’s not any effort. I’m just saying that they will lie and charge you money.
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 2 months ago:
What I mean is that if a human has to interact with you, you have to pay for that time. That, at least, would be the justification.
- Comment on There is a fee to close my HSA account 2 months ago:
It’s that someone has to do work and they want things to be automated. Everything with a fee is to cover salaries.
- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 2 months ago:
Is Alabama. She’s got no chance
- Comment on Born for the job 2 months ago:
Just sent to my brother Paul
- Comment on Tech worker movements grow as threats of RTO, AI loom 2 months ago:
Tech is far too libertarian to take action. Nothing will change.
- Comment on I always read on reddit suicide watch people asking for a hit person to kill them. My question is it that easy to just post and get a PM? Or do they have to go to a bar looking? 2 months ago:
- Comment on I always read on reddit suicide watch people asking for a hit person to kill them. My question is it that easy to just post and get a PM? Or do they have to go to a bar looking? 2 months ago:
There are but it’s going to be a government or mafia thing, not for regular people.