- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 1 day ago:
Agreed, if that’s not a meme then they are evil. it’s one thing to not tip on a normal order, but to not tip after they risked their life delivering it is just unessicarily evil
- Comment on Why does it seem like Americans have become so hateful and destructive in the past years? 6 days ago:
fixing the wealth inequality can happen quickly
no it can’t sadly, stuff like that takes time to process into law, and to obtain information on. The best way of doing that would likely be a wealth tax, but the second any actual traction hits (which is already a major barrier due to how lobby heavy everything in the states is torwards that stuff) any company that’s residing in the US is going to ding dong ditch to another country or migrate that wealth offshore to avoid the tax.
I think the best route would be either a significantly higher tax on money transfer over X amount yearly between the borders, but that would force company is just to go into how they used to do it before a digital was a thing where they just transport Cold Hard Cash or other physical entities over the borders and then we convert it back over once they’re domestic again.
or alternatively a higher business tax for companies overall, and said taxes are increased even further for a companies who are headquartering outside of the country, but this isn’t going to fix the wealth inequality, it’s just going to lessen the rate the wealthy gain their wealth.
The issue with all of these options though, is they all have the same fatal flaw, there’s no controls in place that would prevent the company from just offsetting the new taxes into their existing Goods pricing, we’re experiencing the same issue with the renters field. Price controls are inefficient and where applied don’t generally impact big buisness and instead tend to force the little guys out of the market as they lack the incentive and funding to keep in the market.
There’s the argument that well if they increase the price too far people will just stop buying it in favor of cheaper competitors, but that’s not the case for anything that’s deemed essential good, which would be most of the grocery sector, the housing sector and the utility sector.
Sure smaller competitors may eventually pop up, but that’s not something that will happen just at the snap of your finger that’s going to take years to do
The US got themselves into a super sticky situation by having years of lack of taxes and controls. They have created a problem that has no real good solution, and it will take some time to fix and it will likely hurt the consumer fixing it, but regardless something needs to be done.
As for the education sector, that’s a whole other issue on its own, while I think that is repairable it like you said is going to take years to accomplish, and the entire time that happens it’s going to be fighting an uphill battle because it’s hard to argue against if we cut the spending on the sector you save money, because many people can’t see past the short-term effects of a decision, making them blind to the overall longterm effects that gutting a public education system has.
This effect is exasperated by the fact that one of the two major parties heavily pushes the ideology that less knowledge is good, because statistically speaking the further educated you are, the more apt you are to lean torwards the other way, which is something that the party wouldn’t want.
I have to agree with you, it’s a roaring dumpster fire and without some pretty disruptive changes nothing is going to be done anytime soon. I’m not advocating violance but the people who say that it’s an easy fix, or can be flipped just by someone else taking command are sorely mistaken, this is a problem that is going to be existing for at /least/ the next 3 or 4 presidential terms at best, and that’s if it’s attacked head on now, which it won’t be as it isn’t the majorities concern at the moment, for some reason.
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 1 week ago:
bow tie for sure
- Comment on Thanks 1 week ago:
possibly, I just know specific return codes change who does shipping, like a defect shoves shipping bsck on the seller
- Comment on Thanks 1 week ago:
if this was from amazon I’m pretty sure reason code other forces the shipping cost onto the consumer, it’s not surprising they want that
- Comment on Reason for Walmart online product reviews frequently being service related? 1 week ago:
Don’t rely on walmart product reviews. I on more than one occasion have left less than favorable reviews on products themselves which was valid issues with the product, and they accept the review… and then never actually post the review for everyone else to see.
What you see isn’t an accurate representation of the products, bad reviews rarely get posted. Take everything with a grain of salt.
- Comment on Why do games like Minecraft require a launcher? 3 weeks ago:
specific games like Minecraft I think it’s nessicary, other games such as call of duty which insists on having one launcher manage all game installs I don’t think is.
Imagine trying to handle all the different minecraft installs from the main screen, you would need to launch Java, load a Minecraft game, load a profile, close the game, open the game with the new profile settings and then hope it launches. This setup is very helpful, but I agree most games it is not helpful at all
- Comment on Would "suggest price" be a positive option for steam? 3 weeks ago:
I think a good alternative would be is have the system, but have the developer provide a Target price listing of what they’re expecting and anything that’s significantly under that listing gets ignored
For example many people didn’t feel like frostpunk 2 was worth the release pricing and that they thought it was easily more worth around $30 instead of the 45 it released at, so Gamers could suggest that they’re not buying it because the price is too high and they could provide that $30 price point, unless that $30 price point is below the Target price that the developer has set as the minimum listing, it would be part of the metric. This would filter out the people who are abusing the system because there’s no point in using the system dishonorably because you don’t know if your metric is going to actually count where are the people who are you using it genuine and not doing obvious troll responses would not be filtered out because realistically they should be within the developers Target.
It’s not like these people are saying I would pay a dollar for this game when the games worth $40, they’re saying that they believe the price is too steep in that $30 is a much better cost point than 45.
They could even add a little bit of financial advantage onto it, by optionally having it so you can Mark a price point at what you’d be willing to purchase it at and if the developer ends up dropping it to that price point it, it alerts the user much like how eBay does with the suggest a price feature
- Comment on So is it "It just works" or "Shit just works"? 3 weeks ago:
ah good point, I was under the understanding that it blocks both since that’s what happens when I block an instance. I guess that’s a client feature.
- Comment on So is it "It just works" or "Shit just works"? 4 weeks ago:
I mean at least they’ve said that they blocked it, would have been awkward to try to actually respond to him and just have them never be able to see the post lmao, looking at their post history, I went ahead and blocked them as well because like I could totally see myself trying to respond to him cuz we share a lot of the same communities.
- Comment on My recent experiences with big budget AAA after years of avoidance 4 weeks ago:
I got the 1$ deal again somehow
this is something they do by mechanics, after your gamepass is expired for long enough it starts offering it again, I think it’s like 6 months of something. They want you to get it and forget about it or decide to continue the sub
- Comment on The games industry ‘will only have room for one non-Nintendo console next gen’, it’s claimed | VGC 4 weeks ago:
Well duh, if both consoles end up averaging close to $1,000 after tax then of course households are only going to buy one and that’s if they don’t just decide to go PC instead at that point. Especially with the cost of subscriptions going up again, it’s becoming financially draining
- Comment on The $700 price tag isn’t hurting PS5 Pro’s early sales 4 weeks ago:
I fully agree, I’ve been slowly drifting away from consoles since the tail end of the PS3. For the price it just really isn’t worth it anymore for how much I use. This time around I ended up going the X through they’re all access pass because it came the 3 years of Game Pass ultimate, and that was pretty cool not 200 plus dollars a year cool but it was pretty cool, and then when the PS5 became available I got that against my better judgment because I have been Sony my entire life and I wanted Ragnarok (which I ended up never finishing).
I was juggling two different subscriptions for a while a PlayStation Network and a Microsoft Game Pass subscription, but since I still use both of them it was kind of worth it, then Sony increased their price without offering any competitive reason for doing so for any benefits so I canceled and moved over to almost exclusively Xbox until my ultimate ran out,
Now I have neither subscriptions and both consoles collect dust because neither console has a subscription that I feel is worth paying for, or offers any content that I can’t just use my computer for without the need of paying a monthly sub. Last generation was iffy, this generation there’s no way it’s worth.
- Comment on The $700 price tag isn’t hurting PS5 Pro’s early sales 4 weeks ago:
My hypothesis of this is that, this is happening because a lot of people were unable to acquire the PS5 at launch due to supply issues, and by the time the supply issues resolve themselves interest was lost and the customers were like I’ll just get the next one, then the next one ended up being $200 more but since they had already missed the previous iteration and they don’t want to buy a downgrade they were forced to either stay with their current PS4 or by the upgrade.
My point is I don’t think that this is a sustainable model, the more they increase the price the more app that the everyday consumer is going to say man this isn’t worth upgrading between the base model and the pro model, and while they might see short term profits rise, instead of buying both models people will only buy one which will lower long term profits
- Comment on Stop making up states 4 weeks ago:
Despite the fact that I have family in florida, I would definitely swap florida and California status, least Cali does something good for the country with their tech innovation and privacy laws. I can’t recall the last time Florida did something good
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
My opinion on this, it fully depends.
I fully agree that people should be empathetic to people with kids because there are events that are outside of their control. This being said I don’t think they should be sympathetic to it. At the end of the day it isn’t that person’s problem that someone else has a kid, so therefore they shouldn’t be affected by it. Being said the world isn’t a perfect place and if you straight out don’t show any sympathy period you’re going to make enemies Having a kid should not be a get out of jail free card for any type of commitment, no if ands or buts.
Since you mentioned the professional World I’ll keep it more leaning towards that, a worker with a kid should not be getting preferable treatment to someone without a kid unless it is something that is directly out of that person’s control. A kid being sick is one thing, leaving early due to a doctor’s appointment is a whole different thing. They make sick days and they make vacation days for that, if the company is willing to work around your appointments that’s great, but that should be a treatment that they are given to everyone regardless of if you have a kid or not.
As for the lunch example that you gave, without getting too far off topic I firmly believe that that shouldn’t be happening. Regardless of if you have a kid or not. Depending on your contract you’re entitled to a lunch, and in most companies that lunch is unpaid. If I’m not being paid my company is not going to dictate what I’m doing. Lunch period Is very often the period that I use to be able to do the things like what you mentioned such as going to the store or going to the bank, that’s none of my employers buisness what I’m doing during that time.
in the professional World shit happens, managers will give preferable treatment to people they like and to the more efficient workers. Some managers also struggle to see the difference between empathy and sympathy and go a little too far in worker preference, this doesn’t mean that it’s right. This is a human trait, it’s against our nature to go against it. However as cold-hearted as it sounds employees life outside of the job should not be a problem of the employer. I’m not saying they should be the first one on The Chopping block, but I am saying that if that worker is less efficient, or ends up working less than higher other workers, the fact that they have a kid at home should not be taken into account.
Please note that this post is not including if your country has laws prohibiting certain actions. Such as in the US FMLA states that once the worker has been with the company for a year they can be entitled to up to 6 months of job protected unpaid leave as long as it’s being used by one of their eligible statuses, and one of these is if I remember my paperwork is caretaking of a dependant or immediate family
- Comment on Happy birthday, peon 5 weeks ago:
I had a strict I don’t answer the phone when not working policy. They could attempt to call me in but it wouldn’t be recieved. If they asked me while I was at work I usually said yes, but I’m not about to come in on an hours notice
- Comment on I am about to board a flight. What sequence of events would occur if (by chance) for no apparent reason a window got completely smashed out? 5 weeks ago:
out of personal curiosity, why is the bathroom concidered a weak point? I understand the door plug but I figured the bathroom is a locked down area
- Comment on How would you forgive someone that poisoned your dog when they only offer bad faith apology ? 5 weeks ago:
You don’t.
Honestly depending on your relationship with this person, I would likely be seeking civil court for damages as well.
- Comment on how often do you get wasted? 5 weeks ago:
you lost me at W
- Comment on Employees at FromSoftware owner Kadokawa reportedly "thrilled" about possible Sony takeover 5 weeks ago:
you jest but this is honestly what is likely going to happen.
- Comment on Anon goes to the doctor 1 month ago:
I disagree, I think the dog did care but I knew that wasn’t a battle they were going to win so they just conceded and moved on to the next patient.
There’s a saying that you can lead the horse to water but you can’t make them drink and that summarizes the scenario quite well,
if you mentioning a topic spurs the person into a 5 or 10 minute rant about the topic you’re not going to come out on top they already have too firm of an opinion. Just save your energy and help the next guy.
That’s how we were trained in selling merchandise as well, you can give your recommendations but if you say your recommendation and the customer has a firm opinion otherwise, backtrack a little bit and start focusing on the good things that the customers looking for in the product. The only thing pushing the topic further is going to do is going to aggravate them and make them lose faith in your ability to know your merchandise.
- Comment on Depression 1 month ago:
The fact that they figured it was easier to keep someone there than to just have it leave a voicemail saying our machines are down we are temporarily closed it’s insane
- Comment on Its me Carlos 1 month ago:
Yes please that would be amazing
- Comment on When did browsers start being able to remember your previous session. 1 month ago:
long shot but, if its a samsung, and you installed the app then didn’t use it for awhile, it might have “deep sleep”'d it, basically deep sleeping apps can’t run in the background, and it does what you are describing on a per app basis.
- Comment on When did browsers start being able to remember your previous session. 1 month ago:
That might be something with voyager, I agree with the other person that it sounds like the device itself is closing the app due to some sort of battery setting, but if it’s not that then it’s something at least. I’ve tried a handful of different let me clients now currently using eternity and none of them did what you were describing there.
- Comment on Why do I tend to reply in the same amount of time it took my friends to? 1 month ago:
I tend to do this as well, I’m not sure why but I generally respond proportional to how long it took for my friend to respond
I think it might just be human nature, because I had a friend who I would talk to and we would respond back very commonly Within two or three minutes of sending the message, and then they went into a mental Funk where they weren’t looking at Discord anymore. Due to this they started being hella delayed in responding, and I found that the longer delay that it took them to respond the longer that it took me to respond.
I think it might just be something that is common nature for socialization, I think we subconsciously use how long it takes them to respond as a judgment of what is considered appropriate for response time and then without realizing it partake the same way
- Comment on The first Pokémon TCG pocket promo set is almost complete with its latest release 1 month ago:
Remind me how we have gotten to the point in collectibles, that we’re now paying money to have rare collectible items that have zero resale value due to the fact that you can’t sell them third party.
Like this is insane to me, because I was under the understanding that was primary point of collectibles, to obtain a card that’s super rare in value, but since these are digital cards and their value is zero it’s just spending money without possibility of a future return
- Comment on Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play? 1 month ago:
Yes I do I won’t even make it a few hours most times before jumping to a new game
- Comment on Sony Working on Handheld Console for PS5 Games to Rival Switch [Bloomberg] 1 month ago:
yeaaaa no thanks. They are about 2 or 3 generations too late for that. After what they have tried to pull with the ps5, plus the price point and the fact that it would be a worse more restricted system than the steam deck. I’ll keep my deck where I get an overall better experience + no monthly sub fee.