- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 2 weeks ago:
Thanks. This is scary lol
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 2 weeks ago:
Its all those Canadians fleeing to the US for a better life and TERKIN ARE JERBS
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 2 weeks ago:
Might be out of the loop on this, but what is a “cop city”?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Great advice except I’m confused about how to “stream everything” if we’re supposed to leave our phones at home.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 2 weeks ago:
who will fix the potholes?
Make the libertarians do it! /s
Idk, ive fixed a pothole or two that bothered me near home, but yeah, I’m not doing a whole city lol
I think though that once people realize the onus is on them to fix things, people will start to fix things. Provided of course, that they have the means and ability to do so.
And then, there are still companies which can be hired to do these things, provided someone is willing to pay them
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 3 weeks ago:
lol no. Maybe in the past but now there’s a background check and often a mandatory waiting period before you can just walk out with a gun.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 3 weeks ago:
One teaches what to do, the other teaches what not to do.
ElectroBOOM keeps me alive sometimes, and Technology Connections told me how to properly use a dishwasher.
- Comment on Gimme some evidence that anyone at all in the government is pushing back on Trump with any effectiveness at all. Someone throw me a bone here. 😬 3 weeks ago:
Does that mean people want to live in a China-like situation where you cannot own the land your property is on? No.
I mean good luck with that basically anywhere.
If you don’t pay your property taxes, your fucking neighbor can just take your home by paying them for you, and that’s if the State doesn’t take it and sell it first.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 3 weeks ago:
I present to you my favorite YouTube person:
The GFCI/RCD, a simple but life saving protector:
In defense of the Switched Outlet:
Electrical topics playlist:
I could just watch this guy all day lol
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
kick him in his tiny balls and call him boy from now on
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 4 weeks ago:
Lol its called the 2nd amendment we just gotta wait for the new Luigi to drop
- Comment on People who live in hot climates, how do you deal with the heat? 4 weeks ago:
I am an anomaly and love the heat. I am known for wearing jeans and a hoody in 100°f heat.
That said I get cold at like 70°f and often have to add a layer.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 5 weeks ago:
apostrophes are for stupid libs
- Comment on Well you see, gam gam... 5 weeks ago:
lol your grandma sounds cool as fuck
- Comment on What realistically would happen if someone came back to life from the dead ? 5 weeks ago:
“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”
- Comment on New social experiment 1 month ago:
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 1 month ago:
Did this along with a few others earlier in the year and I’m getting evaluated next week!
- Comment on How do we know the government doesn't just have a secret hardware backdoor in all our devices? 1 month ago:
Does your govt not have an NSA like entity?
- Comment on How do we know the government doesn't just have a secret hardware backdoor in all our devices? 1 month ago:
Lol they still have persistence in the network too, afaik
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
Lol my dad left me everything he had when he died. So, I got a truck.
When my mom goes, my sister and I might get to split a house we don’t want that’s on its third or fourth refinancing.
I guess if your parents don’t have an inheritance to give you just never consider not getting one to be a problem.
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 1 month ago:
Crazy how they can spend nearly the whole year offering “discounts”. Its almost like they mark them up way more than they need to on purpose so they can pretend they’re giving us a deal the rest of the time.
- Comment on TW: suicide 2 months ago:
No that’s because they got all them teeth and ain’t got no toothbrush
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
How do we get him to do it again?
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 2 months ago:
Facts. Dudes best bet is a lawyer and to lay low.
If that was me, there’s no way I’m walking into a police station on my own.
- Comment on When putting bullets in a gun does it not leave a fingerprint on the casing? If so why do criminals where gloves before loading their gun? 2 months ago:
Firing pin too, to be safe
- Comment on If the US dissolves for whatever reason and goes into a state of anarchy what would happen to the rest of the world? 2 months ago:
I learned a thing, thanks!
- Comment on Blizzard is delisting the OG Warcrafts from GOG, but GOG says it's gonna preserve them forever anyway, hands out a discount, and announces new policy for its preservation program to boot 2 months ago:
Don’t even need to bother getting hired, just wear a jumpsuit and some keys.
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 2 months ago:
There are those packing peanuts made from corn starch.
If I remember correctly, the industry term for packing peanuts is “void filler” so, fill that void!
- Comment on I do not want to do anything. Is this addiction? 2 months ago:
While this sounds wonderful, if this person is suffering from depression, everything you just described will feel either completely impossible for this person, or like absolutely and utterly useless wastes of time.
Exercise, nature, and activities certainly help depression, but the difficulty lies in actually finding the energy and give-a-shit to do those things, which in my experience was impossible without outside help (like therapy and meds).
- Comment on I am a very liberal person and I have very liberal children, except for one. I'm pretty sure my Gen Z son has been taken in by fascist doctrine. What can I get him for Christmas? 2 months ago:
Animal farm, too.