- Comment on Please answer. 3 weeks ago:
“Why do we eat the fungi that taste good and not the ones that make you die a miserable death?”
- Comment on nets 3 weeks ago:
My conspiracy theory is it was chosen to deliberately harm the optics of environmentalists. Something with minimal useful impact and maximum inconvenience would turn people against the whole idea of environmentally friendly alternatives.
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
That’s not how that works. It’s not a DnD sphere of annihilation, it’s an infinitely dense point of matter.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 5 weeks ago:
The wound predates Reagan and goes back to the Civil War. Sherman had the chance to cauterize it, but he held back and let it fester, and here we are.
- Comment on When we explain to other people how our capitalist system works and they recoil in horror 1 month ago:
Because people who don’t understand what words mean label every possible post-capitalist system as communism even though they’re as different from each other as they are from capitalism.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
A lot of Trump voters are horribly uninformed. They didn’t know - and still don’t know - what Project 2025 is. They thought it was fearmongering because they only heard about it from Dems. They have no idea what’s happening right now, nor do they care. All they know is their team won, and they’re otherwise tuned out. Maybe they’ll wake up when they feel the effects, but they’ll probably just blame Democrats because Fox News tells them to.
- Comment on I'll show them 1 month ago:
You won’t even know they’re ads, it will just implant false childhood memories, giving you positive associations with the brand.
- Comment on Multiverse 1 month ago:
The set of all possible universes does not include impossible universes.
- Comment on You have got to be kidding me... 1 month ago:
Legally, not without a constitutional amendment. But if he just declares he’s running anyway, the Constitution is as likely to stop him as any other piece of paper.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I swear this admin could hang up a giant swastika flag in the Oval Office and the media would defend it as “they’re just honoring Usha Vance’s Hindu heritage, it doesn’t matter that it’s in a white circle on a red background, it’s a symbol of peace and prosperity”
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
He also said it after, which you’d only conceivably do to give post-hoc plausible deniability. If it was what he really meant, he’d say it before or during.
- Comment on Darn it 2 months ago:
The rich ones, at least. Longevity science under capitalism will result in a quasi-immortal upper class and a mortal lower class. Another looming threat of ultra-late capitalism.
- Comment on What year is it 2 months ago:
The tricky thing was we didn’t have the original rules, we had rules for things like betting systems on top of the game written with the assumption that everyone already knew how to play, so we needed to derive the rules from that.
- Comment on Causes of Death in London (1623) 3 months ago:
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 4 months ago:
“Guess what! I’ve named a boil on my ass after you. It, too, bothers me every time I sit down.”
-Gheed, Diablo 2.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Textbook Lizardman Constant right there at the bottom.
- Comment on I put on my robe and my wizard hat 4 months ago:
There is much, much more overlap between them than you may think.
- Comment on Withdrawal is going to make people go mad 4 months ago:
This may sound pedantic, but you’re looking for Fairtrade (one word) for the organization with the strictest vetting standards. Fair Trade (two words) isn’t regulated and just means they follow some sort of ethical code. It’s not necessarily bad, but it warrants more product specific research.
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago:
His house, the people’s choice. The information being available just allows people to make an informed decision of whether or not to use it, and in what way.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 4 months ago:
The main difference is that in equal measure to being a fascist, Trump is an idiot.
- Comment on "The American experiment endures," Biden said. "We're going to be OK." 4 months ago:
“Something I hope we can do no matter who you voted for is see each other not as adversaries but as fellow Americans, Bring down the temperature.”
No. Human rights aren’t a disagreement. We can disagree on whether or not we enjoyed a movie or on what pizza toppings we prefer. But if the disagreement is that you want to kill me or people I care about, you are, by definition, my adversary.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 4 months ago:
I’m not convinced we’ll go even a single decade of this regime without total socioeconomic collapse.
- Comment on Post-election blues 4 months ago:
Only if you’re exactly the right denomination too.
- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 4 months ago:
That just means you value your own ability to evade blame over the lives of real people.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 4 months ago:
Oh he’d act. He’d assist Russia and be the other Axis power.
- Comment on Tradition 4 months ago:
How is a gmod shitpost anything but a return to tradition?
- Comment on Half as Hot 5 months ago:
90 F to Kelvin, halved and converted back, is approximately -190.
It’s difficult to find data on what exposure to that temperature would do, the threshold for an extreme cold warning (meaning absolutely do not go outside without heavy protection) is about 150 F warmer than that.
- Comment on Eat lead 5 months ago:
Which raises the question of why he would create a planet with the illusion of age and send you to hell for falling for his own trick.
- Comment on hard to argue with 5 months ago:
Kicking is our natural unarmed attack. Still a last resort compared to throwing rocks or whacking with sticks though. We evolved from ancestors who already used tools to defend themselves.
- Comment on Fruit Flies 5 months ago:
Are horseflies a lie because they don’t eat horses?