For years, us, Canadians went to USA for shopping. Next year with the exchange rate at the highest for US$, and Canada without tariff, a shit load of americans will come to Canada to buy their electronics and stuff.
Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed!
Submitted 4 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
They’ll still have to pay the tariff when crossing the border back to the USA, unless they want to risk smuggling it. 4 months ago
I .Ean that’s how it was for Canadians, it’s not like we had an actual work around there either. People just don’t bother to declare stuff when crossing. 4 months ago
Returning to the U.S.
Less than 48 hours in Canada:
$200 USD worth of goods per person, tax and duty freeAny purchase of alcohol or tobacco products may be subject to duties and taxes
48+ hours in Canada:
$800 USD worth of goods per person, tax and duty freePurchases may include 1 litre of alcohol, 200 cigarettes (1 carton), and 100 cigarsFamily members can combine their tax and duty allowances 4 months ago
They’ll blame democrats for the price increases. Bet me. 4 months ago
Same as last time 4 months ago
Same as every time, this shit is so damn tiring 4 months ago
The US is at least 40 years removed from any kind of real electronics manufacturing at scale.
This kind of think takes generation knowledge to get right and we outsourced that knowledge a long time ago.
We are now several generations from being able to manufacture electronics on the level.
Either trump has no idea how anything works or he’s actively trying to destroy the American economy. 4 months ago
He will just give out stimulus checks to make everyone think the economy is good. Somehow that’s not socialism though it’s American! 4 months ago
yep, warm up those money printers. And too bad for anyone who has saved a nestegg for retirement-- thats all getting watered down now. ah well. 4 months ago
He likes Russia so much that he wants the US to become like it. He’s following the post-USSR playbook. He’s trying to destroy the economy so he and his billionaire buddies can buy up the scraps for pennies on the dollar. Which will turn him into an oligarch and will keep him in power after his term is up. And he isn’t going to pay for any of it. He will steal money from the people like he did in his first term with his golf course and his cult following will keep giving him money and buy his crypto coins. That’s why he wants to get rid of cryptocurrency regulation. 4 months ago 4 months ago
Porque los dos? 4 months ago
Any reason for the unnecessary outlining and underlining instead of just cropping the picture decently? Ffs 4 months ago
Tbf, this makes it more shitpost 4 months ago
It’s a shitpost. You may want to check your expectations. 4 months ago
but then we wouldn’t get to see the pretty boat! 4 months ago
Can someone please explain to me why he STILL doesn’t have any understanding of how tarrifs work? 4 months ago
You’re making the mistake in that his intention is to improve things. 4 months ago
yOu’Re FiReD 4 months ago
he STILL doesn’t have any understanding of how tarrifs work?
How do you STILL think this isn’t all intentional? They know what they’re doing. They don’t care if we can afford it or not. This is about the conservatives’ bottom line, lol. They don’t care about you, America, China or whether any of it works. 4 months ago
It doesn’t do anything for their bottom life because the tariff is something we pay TO CHINA 4 months ago
A candidate that expressed nuanced understanding of economic principles would have been less likely to win the election.
A candidate that instead promises answers that intuitively sound right. If imports are expensive, then obviously the big business owners will build domestic and give us more money. If you get rid of immigrants, then the business owners will have to pay more for citizen workers. Simple answers that are easier for people to believe in.
Attempts to explain nuance? That ranges from nerds overcomplicating things and/or those darned liberal elites trying to truck them.
This cuts both ways. In 2020 Biden won not due to a more sophisticated understanding of things, but simply because things were bad, and the other guy therefore was the obvious choice. So to overcome an incumbent, you just have to have people believe stuff is bad, and provide some believable explanation that you could fix it. 4 months ago
I believe that he does, and he knows shit will cost more, but he ALSO knows that his followers have no clue whatsoever. So prices will increase, and he’ll blame it on one of their many “others”. Keeping them scared and mad is the key to their control over them 4 months ago
His followers know he’ll deliberately cause instability, that’s what they want. 4 months ago
Some people want more expensive shit as long as its made in america or with american goods. Thats the point of a tariff. 4 months ago
But not the idiots that said inflation was their main issue. Trump told them 3 ways he’s going to economically hurt them 1. Tariffs 2. Raising taxes (unless you are 1%) and 3. Mass Deportation. 4 months ago
Because he is so senile his brain can’t follow a 3 step logic chain anymore. 4 months ago
Mexico about to make a killing in shipping. 4 months ago
They already have been. China has been working at circumventing restrictions by basically offloading raw materials or parts to Mexico and having them build the product to ship to the US. 4 months ago
Hola world. 4 months ago
American Kazahstan. 4 months ago
Brought this up to a friend who is very pro Trump and he said
“Part of trying to get industry back in the country (which we would be better off with) involves making imports less appealing.” 4 months ago
These people have no concept of geo politics and global trade. For example, we produce a lot of the world’s soy, that’s a major export, not many other countries do it on a large scale like that - so we cut the other countries some slack and tell them we won’t produce this particular good so you can have a hand in the global economy. Yes having the production here would be ideal as I’m all for it, but the world is so much more than Murica and they can’t see past their fucking noses. 4 months ago
It’s way, way more than that. Specialization and comparative advantage underpins the entire globalized economy which is the only way to allow us to get more for the same amount of labor. Without it, we simply regress. US farmers grow soybeans so that Chinese manufactures can make the tractors to allow the US farmers to grow the soybeans, and that only works with free trade. And in this scenario there is no one else making a tractor for anywhere near the same cost, and no one else who can grow such a large volume of soybeans, otherwise the trade probably wouldn’t be happening in the first place. And so the alternative is that both countries have to make both independently. And that is more expensive without the efficiencies of economy of scale, more expensive because of lower supply because we don’t have the capacity to produce that many tractors and China can’t grow that many soybeans, and more expensive because of the infrastructure costs being duplicated and spread out over less units. And so we both end up with less tractors and less food that are more expensive. Now add in petrochemical fertilizers imported from Canada, steel and coal for the metal used in the tractor imported from Australia, all the industries that support them also getting caught into this, and where every one of those companies is tied into their regional, national, and the global economy. And that is just for tractors and soybeans.
We trade for almost everything. And every single item that we trade, we do so because it is cheaper than making it ourselves. Tariffs are an artificial tax on efficiency, and we are literally less prosperous with them in place. Some things are a matter of national security, of not allowing a foreign government leverage over your society, but we’re talking about his genius plan to put tariffs on literally fucking everything - soybeans and tractors, but also clothing, toys, electronics, appliances, vehicles, on and on and on. And a tariff on it will increase the price, because that is just how economics works. 4 months ago
Just be sure to remind him at every opportunity that he voted for things to be more expensive. 4 months ago
Yes it does.
Do you know why we outsourced everything to China? Because they can do it cheaper.
You can get it back, have it higher quality, more jobs, better control over it, all that good stuff. But it won’t be cheaper.
The US sells things they can make comparatively cheaper (not just price, its an opportunity cost) - better educated population, logistic, access to raw material, infrastructure investments. China sells things they can do cheaper - usually the fact that life is cheap in China. 4 months ago
I agree with a lot of what you said. “Better educated population.”
Doubt 4 months ago
Does he also know local companies will capitalise on the price increase? 4 months ago
Current import price: 80
Current USA made price: 100
Tariff import price: 200
Tariff USA made price: 190 4 months ago
Trump is banking on foreign companies moving their operations to the US. There’s also a high chance that Trump actually won’t do anything. The guy talks a lot. 4 months ago
It will take more than 4 years to move much of anything to the US. Will anyone think it’s worth it? 4 months ago
Everyone needs a lesson in how tarrifs work. Tarrifs are a tax on thing that us companies buy. They are intended to make foreign products more expensive to protect domestic producers. So, the abeyance company pays the tariff. They them passed that tariff on to their customer, either another company or an American consumer. Then, the country that the tariff had been applied to applies offsetting tarrifs on American good.
When the product that the tariff is applied to can’t be produced in the US think advanced microchips or Canadian softwood lumber, Americans pay more but still have to buy the foreign product. With the softwood lumber tarrifs the cost of building a home with candidness softwood lumber went up by tens of thousands of dollars and Canadian companies laughed all the way to the bank.
So, the price to American companies and consumers goes up and the cost of American goods overseas goes up. Americans pay the tarrifs and American companies sell less goods overseas.
America loses. 4 months ago
But think of all the cheap failing business that will be super cheap to aquire! /s 4 months ago
Oh I have no doubt that the Blackrocks and Birkshire Hathaway’s of the nation are absolutely throbbing at the prospect. Literally diamonds. Those dusty old corpses won’t need their hourly viagra until 2030. 4 months ago
What I love… what I really love… is that this happened during the administration of Trump’s favorite president (other than himself), Andrew Jackson: 4 months ago
Hadn’t heard of this one, thanks. Americans are pros at not learning from history. 4 months ago
So in your example, I guess the tariffs don’t apply to Canada? Because the proceeds of tariffs go to the government of the country charging them. 4 months ago
I’m not sure what you’re asking. If you’re referring to softwood lumber the profits of Canadian lumber companies were at record levels because the US needs Canadian softwood lumber with or without tarrifs. The tarrifs didn’t affect sales at all so with the increased demand despite the tarrifs Canadian companies didn’t suffer at all. US consumers spent more and the money went to the US government which presumably gave some of the money to uncompetitive US softwood lumber companies to subsides their unprofitable operations. It’s a tax on US consumers.
Canadian softwood lumber companies pay a stumpage fee to shiatsu/sustainably harvest softwood on public land. US softwood lumber companies pay much higher prices to harvest lumber mostly on private land is all about extracting the highest profit for the most wealthy people. Canada has a better system and the US is salty about it. The US had lost at the WTO energy time but refused to accept the result so it ignored its treaty obligations and just forges ahead with the illegal tarrifs which hurt US consumers. 4 months ago
I hope Trump turns out to be the best president in history. Prove me wrong, conservatives. I want to hear how it’s going by the fourth year. 4 months ago
Good. I hope he does it. Don’t let any of his yes-men or cronies tell him what a horrible idea it is. Let the whole fucking country burn. 4 months ago
Where so you think American farmers buy their fertilizer? Where they sell most of their soy and corn sell to? Maaaaany companies are either buying or selling to/from China. Many will go bankrupt, bany will struggle. 4 months ago
It hasn’t even started yet and I know that I have 4 more years of this stupidity news ever single day
Oh wait
Since Trump will install himself as a dictator, then die, we have a few decades of couche fucker Vance to look forward to, yeeeiii 4 months ago
Seeing a stark void of “Fuck China” posts all of a sudden. Crazy what happens when the treat train gets held up at the border. 4 months ago
That’s all cool and nice, but let’s see what happens to the prices when Taiwan gets invaded. 4 months ago
I’m involved in the manufacturing sector. At recent trade shows, we’ve been hearing that a lot of companies were holding off on making decisions about purchasing goods and machinery until after the election, though no one was saying much specifically about what each candidate would mean for their decisions. This article seems to say the outlook isn’t super rosy and his initiatives don’t make a ton of sense. 4 months ago
That’s fine, you’re all ok with American made laptops, right? 4 months ago
No you don’t understand, Mexico is going to pay for, sorry I mean, China is going to pay the tariffs. 4 months ago
Fuuuuuuuck me I wanted a new PC & a new laptop. How much time do I have before this hits?! 4 months ago
Used electronics go brrrrrr 4 months ago
I hate this because for Europe it will become expensive too, just for the heck of it. 4 months ago
TIL, lots of Trumps voters don’t even know how tariffs work and thought the foreign companies are the one who paid those instead of the domestic buyers themselves. 4 months ago
As someone who works for a large US-based company, we are locking in large contracts ASAP for compute power to hopefully keep us sated and avoid these from being an extinction event. We were already discussing some vendors not offering supply contracts already because they see the writing on the wall for their own profit margins 4 months ago
Rich get richer, poor people suffer. Americans are so f dumb i cant take it 4 months ago
something about leopards and faces 4 months ago
Isn’t this exactly what Trump said Harris was gonna do and that he was gonna not do? 4 months ago
So we’re going to put tariffs on things where there aren’t even domestically-sourced options? WTF? 4 months ago
Because isolationism has worked out so splendidly for us in the past. Fuck this country. 4 months ago
Isn’t thwre a single one RISC-V capable production line in the US? Imagine if Apple starts their own chip production. 4 months ago
The world will be split between countries that trade freely with China and countries that don’t.
This will be the test and control for whether trading with China is good or bad. 4 months ago
It will at least be extremely funny to watch all the gamer bro chuds freak the fuck out when an immediate consequence of their actions will be that gaming pc components instantly inflate 50% in price.
Glad I already got my Steam Deck, fuck. 4 months ago
Bold of you to assune they won’t just blame Dems because it isn’t like reality matters. 4 months ago
20 years into the trump dynasty dictatorship, they will still be saying "thanks Biden" to every financial inconvenience. 4 months ago
I just said they would freak out.
Who they end up blaming is between them and their god emperor, I guess. 4 months ago
Fuck the dems, too. Less people voted this election, than the last election. People didn’t bother to go vote that should have. 4 months ago 4 months ago
And automotive guys figuring out a good chunk of their replacement parts are European. 4 months ago
but but… Orange men said it was good for the economy, now I have to pay 2000 Dollars for a 5090? Why aren’t they coming to America and produce here!? 4 months ago
Trump basicly become world’s biggest GPU scalper! Good luck spending 3000$+ on RTX 5090 graphics THICK brick 4 months ago
CHIPS Act? Never heard of it. 4 months ago
yep! and by then its too late. they’ve already shot themselves in the foot, they just haven’t felt the pain yet. 4 months ago
This post is my reminder that I should probably upgrade my graphics card this December, rather than waiting for any other time. 4 months ago
I guess there will be many people thinking that, driving up demand->increasing prices before any tariffs even exist. 4 months ago
I really really hope that they will enact their economic agenda before their racist agenda. When they denaturalize and deport citizens, half of us will be cheering (unfortunately). When the price of electronics/ cars increases it distributes harm to all. 4 months ago
Fuck, I’ve been putting off getting a new laptop, but hell this is probably going to influence that decision.
Probably should get on it and buy it now ahead of day 1