- Comment on Always guard against overrating your "talent" 1 day ago:
Stephanie could be a certified freak. Maybe you should listen to her warning.
- Comment on Someone built a monument dedicated to those less endowed 4 days ago:
Sir, a third plane hit the penis statue
- Comment on You're* 6 days ago:
Please inform me in advance of the amount of slut you’re comfortable with so I can make the necessary oreparations.
- Comment on #EverythingHappensForAReason 1 week ago:
The bible mentions they “washed his feet” in multiple occasions 😏
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Switch from a siphonic toilet bowl to a wash down bowl. You’ll get more skid marks, but less splash and clogging.
- Comment on It has so many magnificent features. It will even warm your hands on a cold day 1 week ago:
I will not, if you want to warm your hands I have two perfectly good armpits that are much better at doing that.
- Comment on It has so many magnificent features. It will even warm your hands on a cold day 1 week ago:
- Comment on rule 1 week ago:
tf is bro watching
- Comment on Just sayin’ bro 2 weeks ago:
My uncle who works for Nintendo already got me a Sixskin
- Comment on moth mouths 2 weeks ago:
Do insects have mouths though. Like, they have mandibles, proboscis and the like, but do they have mouths? What constitutes a mouth? Is it the hole formed first in protostomes?
- Comment on Natural Order 2 weeks ago:
You fool, he could bring you food more times.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
Then you get to enjoy they worst LODs known to man because they were only made as a fallback
- Comment on life changed due to shrimp 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Watch out for that 5G 2 weeks ago:
That’s why me and my friend Saddam have been hiding deep underground. We still haven’t found a way to block neutrinos yet, but I’ll keep everyone posted.
- Comment on Robert Pattinson Wants to Film Batman Sequel Before He's 'Old Batman' 2 weeks ago:
i wouldn’t worry. I have a feeling he and Radcliffe will be 50 and I’ll still think they’re children.
Aside: I watched The Boy and the Heron dubbed and he carried the whole movie (also the stellar animation and music).
- Comment on Saw this somewhere with Canada, fixed it 2 weeks ago:
Our infallible forefathers planned this flawless 2-party system and I won’t hear anything else from you commie propagandists
- Comment on Every. Damm. Time 3 weeks ago:
Well, we’re waiting.
- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 4 weeks ago:
Might run into trouble with UIs as well, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 4 weeks ago:
Personally, I think the Deck is too big for my tastes, but the beauty of the ecosystem is that anyone can make one while still having almost all the Deck features.
I’d love to have a Vita or even PSP sized Steam handheld with a great screen for smaller titles, but that comes with its own problems
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
Sure, you may want me to be beaten to death, but at least you admitted eggs aren’t cheap now, this makes us allies.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Does he think you’re supposed to apply it using another man’s penis?
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 5 weeks ago:
My it’s just a joke shirt has people asking me a lot of questions alreadt answered by the shirt
- Comment on A web3 free-to-play survival game found to be a front for installing malware on your PC has finally been removed from Steam 5 weeks ago:
Not to mention free to play survival game
- Comment on Why the Epic Games Store was hated during it's early existence? 5 weeks ago:
No, I’m saving it for therapy
- Comment on Unreal Engine often gets flak for games running poorly or stuttering, but as Avowed demonstrates, it's really about how devs use it and the pressures of time 5 weeks ago:
(Avowed also has tranversal stutters)
- Comment on Why the Epic Games Store was hated during it's early existence? 5 weeks ago:
Gamers are a bunch of entitled babies
- Comment on Atari and Jeff Minter team on I, Robot remake 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Kryptonite 1 month ago:
Uranium rocks are nothing, my weakness is the crack rock
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 1 month ago:
Fake: Anyone you meet on Discord is either a murderer or a fed.
Gay: Self-evident.
- Comment on Explaining capitalism to aliens 1 month ago: