- Comment on nope don’t like it 1 month ago:
If it’s afull button up then it’s only got 2 holes, plus all the button holes.
- Comment on Memory Wiped 1 month ago:
It not being taught is not quite the same as the outright denial / suppression that China does though.
Like there are only so many hours in the school day, you can’t teach literally every historical event.
- Comment on CAPTCHAs are 'a tracking cookie farm for profit that made us spend 819 billion hours clicking to generate nearly $1 trillion for Google 1 month ago:
If your getting looped by turnstile maybe you need to stop being a bot?
Literally never had an issue with it.
- Comment on We all have our pet peeves, eh? 2 months ago:
First one makes you sound d like bugs bunny, second one makes you sound like a proper Canadian.
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
You speak and act like a 13 year old trying to be a “mature adult”.
Also the idea of deleting a post then going oh whoops I wanted more feedback on that let me make another just seems odd. Like just make a post once and leave it, delete it if you get harrasedd about it I guess but don’t go making a new one in that case.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 months ago:
Sounds like you should look at IS-IS protocol if you haven’t as that’s very close to the ip unnumbered routing you were talking about. Though isis is usually deployed with its on the interface of each device, it doesn’t have to be AFAIK.
- Comment on Live reaction to ICC ruling 3 months ago:
I’d love to, but Isreal seems intent on bombing everyone who enters Gaza. Aid workers, children, and evacuees alike.
- Comment on why is my whisky evaporating? 3 months ago:
My guy have you never left a partially full water bottle on the counter for a few days with the lid shut? You can get condensation every time.
Stop trying to pretend ops so is sneaking drinks behind them.
- Comment on I would personally just treat whatever direction I'm facing at the time as North and go from there. 4 months ago:
Well it tends to rise and set in the same direction as the sun because the earth spinning is what causes them to rise and set.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 4 months ago:
I .Ean that’s how it was for Canadians, it’s not like we had an actual work around there either. People just don’t bother to declare stuff when crossing.
- Comment on pump up the jamz 4 months ago:
Yes, but you would blow out most of the amplification circuitry in a radio telescope reciver if you tried to use it for broadcast at any kind of power.
- Comment on Why are people impressed with SpaceX? 5 months ago:
Catching starship booster was pretty fucking cool.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Monster Hunter 6 months ago:
One thing I kind of like about monster hunter is you don’t need to commit to the long term, a hunt will last at most 50 minutes usually closer to 25 or less. You can boot the game up do a hunt and shutdown, and still feel like you did something in it.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Monster Hunter 6 months ago:
For the ez mode loot it’s to allow players to get to the expansion content quickly if they want to, otherwise yeah just don’t touch the initial high powered loot you got gifted.
- Comment on Mand got big hands! 6 months ago:
Nah they mean observing from the surface of say the moon and seeing earth block the sun.
I think this is a fairly common occurrence, but you wouldn’t get the same effect since the shadow would cover the entire surface and lack of atmosphere you wouldn’t get the sunset in all directions look.
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 7 months ago:
The biggest thing would be that a game under playtest is likely to undergo drastic balance changes and potentially even changes to core gameplay, a review of a game in that early of a state would likely not reflect the finished product, and is unlikely to be updated or taken down when the game is released, this possibly poisoning public opinion with content that doesn’t reflect the actual game.
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 7 months ago:
Sure they don’t have any trust from the industry anymore.
It doesn’t have to be a legal document for there to be consequences.
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 7 months ago:
The so what is that this writer for the verge will likely never be trusted with NDA type pre-release access for any other games going forward, and this may even impact all of the Verge.
This isn’t just a one and done kind of issue, this will be seen by the entire industry as a “can’t trust that guy with pre-release access”
- Comment on Cult of the Lamb | Unholy Alliance Launch Trailer 7 months ago:
Calling hades trash compared to anything is pretty extreme.
From what I’ve played hades has a better combat system, cult has a more direct narrative and more non combat stuff to do.
They are both great games, but do have fairly different focuses
- Comment on This is so freaking funny to me. I love Lemmy 7 months ago:
Of course it did, everyone here came from Reddit.
- Comment on Happy International Blue Screen Day 8 months ago:
This wasn’t a windows issue you fucking neanderthal.
- Comment on Donald Trump 2024 - Don't let them get away with this 8 months ago:
Which is why right wing nuts have tried so many times in the past 8 years
- Comment on I.R.S. Crackdown on Delinquent Millionaires Yields $1 Billion 8 months ago:
And you are also assuming billionaires only have single digit billions.
- Comment on I.R.S. Crackdown on Delinquent Millionaires Yields $1 Billion 8 months ago:
Except each billionaire is worth ~1000x that of a millionaire so their tax delinquency is probably in a similar magnitude higher, go after the billionaires fewer people to work on, and more “reward” for each one.
- Comment on everything actually important is already metric 9 months ago:
But just to fuck with everyone we still refer to it a “mileage” in speech. Cause being a Canadian is suffering.
- Comment on True quality 10 months ago:
Because plastic is shit for the environment, and wood literally grows on trees?
Like why do you want to replace lumber with plastic?
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Power from nuclear plants in Ontario is some of the cheapest to produce in the province, because the plants have been running for literal decades.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
Fuck you
OPG manages power production for all of Ontario, with 2 nuke plants putting out over 3 GW each, for a total of ~6.5GW, OPG generates about 18-19GW so 30% is covered by two plants
The majority of the remainder is hydro across 66 fucking plants. And nothing else comes even close in output
And these are CANDU reactors, they don’t require refined uranium, and don’t contribute to proliferation like other plants, they also don’t meltdown explosively since boiling the coolant reduces the nuclear reaction rate.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 10 months ago:
That’s why we have governments though, for the long time low return infrastructure, like power grids.
Somehow we are willing to spend billions yearly on new roads but can’t be assed to build a new nuke plant once a decade to grow power production.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Ah yes the military famous for their bright minds, or was it crayon eating? I can never remember since all I did was take computer science, physics, and math courses in university.