Bro is too dumb to use a trash bag and complains on the internet
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
The trash bags don’t fit the can. I wouldn’t say I’m dumb. What was your ASVAB score, “bro”? 9 months ago
You’re buying the wrong bags. How are you this dense? 9 months ago
Buy the correct size trash bags for your trash can? 9 months ago
Just get bigger bags or a smaller bin. 9 months ago
True, but the bigger bags cost more and then you don’t really get to use the extra capacity of them, because the excess bag hangs over the edge of the can. 9 months ago
You buy bags that are too small. Then you complain on the internet that the bags that are too small don’t fit. Then you start complaining that the bags that DO fit are too expensive.
Then you have the audacity to accuse the bag companies of poor design.
Fuck man. Life is hard for you I bet. 9 months ago
because the excess bag hangs over the edge of the can.
My guy. This is by design, to prevent the exact issue you are complaining about and to give you enough leeway to actually close the bag properly too. You're literally making a problem out of nothing just to be outraged over it. 9 months ago
Just be a common degenerate like we all are and pile your garbage up. Then it will be the exacts correct size. 9 months ago
I don’t understand what’s happening in this picture. Why is the blue draw string not being used? Is the bag too short for the bin? Is that a laundry hamper? How would the groves for the lid work if a bag is in place? 9 months ago
He's buying too small bags for his can. You can see this by the fact that when the bag reaches the bottom properly, it barely even reaches to the top. But fitting bags would be able to wrap around it, prevent the bag from falling inside. He's just being stupid. 9 months ago
If it’s anything like the drawstring bags I have tried, it’s flimsy and mostly for show - it barely even tightens the bag when you’re ready to tie it up and throw it out. 9 months ago
The blue drawstrings don’t stretch, so I can’t tie a knot in them to make the bag stay in place. It’s just a frustrating design. 9 months ago
Has nothing to do with design. Buy the right sized bag and problem solved. Work an extra shift if you can’t afford the right sized bag. 9 months ago
You are buying the wrong sized bags for your can. 9 months ago
Nope. They are the right size. I checked. 9 months ago
We can all see that they are not. A properly sized trash bag goes OVER the trash can, even after bottoming out. 9 months ago
I’ve been a janitor for a good chunk of my working life; the easiest solution is to just tie the thing they give you into a knot so it doesn’t come loose from the bin until you untie it. 9 months ago
in college I worked for the college in custodial services. (yeah. it’s as bad as you imagine it.)
we’d make the bunny ears just by poking a hole and ripping (or a knife if one’s handy.) 9 months ago 9 months ago
Yeah, sure. Tell that to my degrees and my ASVAB score. 9 months ago
So smart you joined the military.
I can say that because I was a 99 ASVAB and a dumb grunt. 9 months ago
Wil u b mi gf?1 9 months ago
YouTube university and online practice exams don’t mean anything bud 9 months ago
Can issue 9 months ago
Yeah, it might be a problem with the can, but I remember trash bags that had more elastic ties/handles in the early 2000’s. These bag handles don’t seem to be made of that material, so I can’t tie knots in the handles to secure the bags to the can. 9 months ago
There are big rubber bands specifically meant to go on your trash bin to hold the bag in place, I bought mine from Walmart or Target I believe. 9 months ago
Really? Do they work on tapered trash cans? 9 months ago
You could also get yourself a bungee cord. Bungee the bag the same way you’d use one of those bands.
It’s the kludgy option, but you’ll probably get a bunch of spare bungee cords out of it and those are always useful. 9 months ago
It should as its only holding a trash bag in place provided the bag is tall enough to touch the bottom of the can. 9 months ago
I recommend some clips. The kind used to hang laundry. I believe that trashcan comes with a swiveling lid not pictured here and if the bag is installed properly the lid will hold it in place. But if you don’t have the lid (they’re not made of a particularly durable material or to a durable design spec), the clips do work. 9 months ago
I did try using plastic clips that are meant to be used for hanging items on the fridge. They lost traction with the side of the can as soon as the can became half full of trash. I’ll try some laundry clips, if I can find any around the house. Thank you for your suggestion. 9 months ago
[deleted] 9 months ago
No. I’m really not. The drawstrings have no elasticity.
You just called a woman with a master’s degree in a STEM field, dumb. You’re misinformed and rude. I can’t fix the fact that you’re rude, but I can report you. 9 months ago
You just called a woman
Gender doesnt matter right now. You could be an alien for what I care.
with a master’s degree in a STEM field, dumb.
In that case you are a professional educated type of dumb ;)
In Germany we have the saying “Fachidiot”. Doesnt really apply here but the term is 9 months ago
masters degree but can’t buy the right size trashbag. what a waste of a degree 9 months ago
Shame you didn’t learn some basic life skills along with your vaunted education. 9 months ago
Is the problem that the bags aren’t long enough? Fill the bottom of the can with something the bag can rest on. 9 months ago
No, the bags reach the bottom of the can the edges of the bag don’t cling to the edges of the can. 9 months ago
In my house we have slightly oversized trashbags, have the bag oriented the other way (so when you pull the bag out it does not get stuck), make sure the drawstring is over the lip, and this depends on your trash-can but just see the picture. (placeholder text so I can edit a link in for non-Kbin)
Attachment: ↗ 9 months ago
Yeah, I probably just need to accept that I have to buy bigger bags that are actually too big for the can. 9 months ago
I just checked, apparently we have a ~16 gallon can (15 7/8ths... Rubbermaid 3541, "Slim Jim" not cheap for plastic) and use 33gal bags. I doesn't seem that much bigger but an overfilled bag will still have room in it when removed (it's useful for last-minute additions on garbage day).
I don't know if you need to go this far, but maybe it is why they still fit the can properly with the not-expected-fit orientation like I described to prevent overfilling. 30gal might work, I guess it seems there isn't much choice here though (otherwise I'd say try 5-10gal higher). 9 months ago
Those blue spots are part of the inner plastic ring that you can tie up yourself. 9 months ago
I pulled on them to tie a knot, but they aren’t stretchy like the material used to make the bag. 9 months ago
Try tying it before you put the bag in. It takes trial and error to know how much slack to leave, but it’ll allow you to get a tight fit once you get the length right. 9 months ago
My trash can is 13 gallons and so are the bags. Here is proof. Image
I’d like an apology from those who called me dumb for “using the wrong size trash bags”, or “not knowing what size garbage can” I have. I have the correct size trash can and liners. I think the makers of trash bags should fix the design flaw and make the edge of the bag contain an elastic band. I don’t believe I should be verbally attacked for posting something that seems to be a common issue for many Lemmy readers. My post isn’t in the negatives here. Some others must be experiencing this same problem. 9 months ago
Bro, I think you need a break. You won’t be vindicated here. A mod already came in and made every point to be made. 9 months ago
I don’t listen to people who use bro to address people. 9 months ago
I’m not even angry in any of my comments, and other commenters are trying to frame me as being angry at them. I’m disappointed in them for calling me names like “dumb”, or “s_it for brains”. Apparently, the mods don’t care. This community is really toxic, and I’ll be removing my post. The mods refuse to reprimand the people who are making personal attacks against my intelligence. Instead of addressing their comments, they removed my reply and sent me a message saying, “nuking it!” How immature they are. 9 months ago
The solution is to get a better trash can that has a rim that locks the bag in place. It would be crazy to over engineer every single disposable bag when a $2 plastic rim works for any bag. 9 months ago
I pull the drawstring tight around the the lip of the bin and then scrunch up the excess, and shove the inner bin into the outer shell. Works for me. 9 months ago
I spent about seven years buying Dollar Tree bags, while trying to pay off debt (which I still have). I feel like this recent decision made no forward progress here. 9 months ago
buy smaller trashcan. use grocery bags. profit until the world breaks. 9 months ago
I do this for the garbage can in the bathroom. It saves a lot of money! 9 months ago
Right. I have gotten some complaints about this from the report feature so I’ll just say a couple of things.
Firstly, everyone. If you think OP is being a little silly then I urge to perhaps try telling them nicely with calling them an idiot. We won’t to promote an atompsphere where people are encouraged to talk about their problems without being ridiculed. This isn’t the first time something like this happened.
Secondly, OP. You also need to engage more constructively with these people as well. The way you are getting defensive and immediately bringing up your education does not help you. Also you post complaining about here has been removed. We don’t really want this instance to be a place where people complain about other parts of lemmy. That just leads to drama down the road. 9 months ago
I love that you came here and I think everything you said is fair.
I love OP’s response though, this whole thread is hilarious. 9 months ago
I don’t need to engage with them at all. 9 months ago
Striker didn’t say that you have to engage, he said that when you do it should be more constructive. C’mon. 9 months ago