- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 6 hours ago:
These are the types of movies I want to watch. Consider this post received well (by me).
- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
Unfortunately not. Is it only available on the 3DS?
- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
It’s easily The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
It has everything I could ask for in a game: Sword fighting. Magic. Secrets. Dungeon crawling. An alternate dimension. Side quests. Different tools and items. There’s enough content that it feels fulfilling to complete it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Accounting. Based on recent experience job-hunting, it’s in high demand.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 9th 2 weeks ago:
Kill Knight
Demon’s Souls
The Last Campfire
- Comment on At what point in the relationship should I move in with my girlfriend? 4 weeks ago:
I wish you all the best, but make a plan of what you are going to do in case it doesn’t work out.
If you broke up could you afford the rent on your own? What about in a few years time? Consider how much rent will increase in your area.
Do you have somewhere else to go back to, family etc?
- Comment on Our local newspaper is trying way too hard to insert these casino ads on their site. 4 weeks ago:
Livin’ in a lonely world
- Comment on Let's discuss: Pokémon 4 weeks ago:
There is definitely a nostalgia factor, and I was into playing the TCG with the actual cards too, so that helps. It’s been a long time so I’m not sure if it would still hold up.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Pokémon 4 weeks ago:
From the main games I have played Red/Blue/Yellow, Gold/Silver, and Emerald. I think they are all pretty close in terms of favourite, but I’ll say Blue because it was my first and had a huge impact. I remember battling other people using a link cable at school.
I think those games all have the same problem. The battle system is too slow by today’s standards. Random encounters can get annoying (thanks, ZUBAT!). It’s not just exclusive to Pokemon. Other series of the time haven’t aged as well for the same reasons. Back then it didn’t matter though.
Pokemon Stadium deserves an honourable mention. Seeing the Pokemon animated in 3D was amazing at the time. The mini-games and the gameboy pack that connected to the N64 controller were great too.
Pokemon Snap - meh. It was the type of game you play at the demo booth while waiting for your parents to finish shopping.
Pokemon Trading Card Game - the gameboy game and the physical card game were both peak. I feel like the gameboy game was slept on by many, but I loved it.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
Ah ok. I didn’t notice if there was an issue when I was a kid playing it - too busy being enamoured with the battle system!
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
What’s wrong with it? I enjoyed playing it on PS2.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
-Dark Cloud (1 and 2)
-Time Splitters 2
-Red Faction
-Grandia 2
-ICO and Shadow of the Colossus
-Twisted Metal Black
-Ape Escape (2 and 3)
-Armored Core 2
-Dead or Alive 2
-Gran Turismo 3
-Final Fantasy X
-Grand Theft Auto III / Vice City / San Andreas
-Midnight Club Street Racing
-Soul Calibur 2
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 4 weeks ago:
I haven’t seen the show. From the context you provided and assuming good faith from both parties, it sounds like a skill issue on both their parts.
Don’t understand words? Ask for clarification during the conversation, not after the fact in a performance review.
Audience doesn’t understand your words? If the audience tells you they don’t understand, take that feedback and try to communicate more effectively.
It’s not fair to judge if this is micromanaging or toxic based on the first discussion about it. It depends on how both parties behave and choose to cooperate now that the issue has been raised. Knowing whatever history these characters have and the tone of the scene might paint a better picture of their intentions.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th 2 months ago:
Alwa’s Awakening It was challenging, but fun. Looking forward to playing Alwa’s Legacy soon which apparently made some improvements.
- Comment on 15 Years After It Was Announced, The Shadow Of The Colossus Movie Is Alive And Has A Script 2 months ago:
This makes me want to hear the “Quad City DJs - Space Jam” theme sung by Eddie Vedder
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 2 months ago:
Stop looking for love and learn to love yourself. You are at your best when you are alone and not torn between introversion and tending to a relationship. It’s one or the other and you always default to the former. Always has been.
- Comment on LoZ Minish Cap Similar Games 2 months ago:
Tunic Just finished my first playthrough and I’m in love. Play Tunic.
Also check out the Blossom Tales games. I have not played yet, but I got Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King because of how Zelda-like it looks.
- Comment on Playing Tunic first time 2 months ago:
No, I think you’re all good. That part scared me too.
Remember to check the instruction manual for clues.
- Comment on Nah no 2 months ago:
- Comment on Steam News - Your 2024 Steam Replay is here 3 months ago:
No new games
- Comment on Elden Ring Nightreign Can Only be Played Solo or as a Trio - Insider Gaming 3 months ago:
It’s still unclear to me if you are always a trio.
Is “solo” you + 2 bots?
Can you play as 2 friends + 1 bot or 1 random player?
- Comment on How do you voice chat without bothering roommates? 3 months ago:
Get some sort of speaker or use a smartphone. Play some music or video and put your volume around your talking volume, or a little louder. Then leave the room and close the door. This way you can get a sense of how much noise bleeds outside to your roommate.
- Comment on I don't thing my beef strogonoff updates aren't working. 3 months ago:
Have you all received any updates about beef strogonoff lately?
Why? Did something big happen?
- Comment on I have read through this job ad multiple times and I still have no idea who they are looking for. 3 months ago:
- Be in MS Teams meetings all day and talk with your hands
- Delegate software and system changes with confidence based on the sales pitches of vendors who over-promise and under-deliver
- Be a punching bag for executives when the solutions that were meant to save money for the business end up costing more time and money than before
- Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? 3 months ago:
I’ve heard about that and through multiplayer have been able to experience it. Honestly I prefer the base game without either DLC. Even the Void DLC is too chaotic for my taste.
- Comment on how do you separate your clothes and linens to avoid fabric degradation and bleeding? 3 months ago:
The cost of doing laundry is insane. I started doing mine by hand at home.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 15th 3 months ago:
My goodness this game feels like it was made for me. I feel the magic of Zelda (LttP, maybe Link’s Awakening) and Dark Souls, and I would say the game wears those influences on its sleeve.
The game drops you into the world with no explanation. Signs are in a foreign language. You can collect pieces of the instruction manual which includes map pieces. The manual is littered with the occasional word in English, just enough to guess at what you can / need to do. There’s basically no hand-holding at all. Combat is similar in that it can be difficult if you find yourself in an area you aren’t ready for yet (like I did).
There are lots of hidden pathways, ladders and chests to find. They do a good job of showing you treasure chests and shortcuts that are just out of reach, and you have to really observe and think about how to navigate to get there. To me the world design has big Dark Souls 1 energy in that way - already I’ve had that same “omg it’s Firelink Shrine?!” experience as I explore and open up paths.
- Comment on Is there any (single player playable) game under $10 or equivalent which has made you point any go "ha" or given you an equivalent feeling because it was that enjoyable for every moment you played it? 3 months ago:
The 100 hour mark is a tough one to hit - even some of the best games I’ve played aren’t that long or replayable, and the ones that are usually cost more than $10. Still, here are some to check out if you want. I’ll list the price on Steam in Canadian dollars and my current total play time.
The Messenger - on sale for $5.19 - 35 hours Infinitode 2 - Free to play - 47 hours Ori and the Blind Forest - on sale for $6.24 - 23 hours Risk of Rain 2 - on sale for $9.56 - 81 hours (new to my library, less than 1 month) Undertale - on sale for $2.74 - 28 hours
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 3 months ago:
What about other stores?
They’re $75+ elsewhere. And I refuse to buy from sketchy “marketplace” sellers on sites like Best Buy where I see reviews saying they’re used but advertised as new, missing components, etc.
- Comment on As the Canada "tax holiday" starts, Walmart increased the price of an item by the amount I would have saved 3 months ago:
Yeah, I shouldn’t have been surprised. This is normal psychopathic behaviour for a corporation.