- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 2 days ago:
I think the “Switch Pro” would be the OLED model as an upgrade of the original. This thing looks brand new even if it shares a lot of similarity to the original.
- Comment on Will getting my drivers liscense renewed mess with my employer checking my driving record? 3 days ago:
I can’t imagine how renewing your license will affect anything on their end. Your driving record and license number will remain the same.
- Comment on Biden’s TikTok Flip-Flop: President Rushes To Undo Ban He Championed As Backlash Grows 3 days ago:
Hmm I wonder if the game now is for Trump to ‘negotiate’ a deal where one of his cronies buys it and turns it into another right-wing propaganda machine just like Musk did with Twitter. I could see that as a reason why he’d backtrack on it so abruptly.
- Comment on If a criminal says a cop planted drugs or whatever on them why don't they ask for a finger print test? And vice versa a cop could also request it to clear up everything? 3 days ago:
And even if they don’t it doesn’t really matter. I saw a recent bodycam video of a cop planting drugs in someone’s car in Philly, NYC, or somewhere nearby and they didn’t do shit to him.
- Comment on How common are 80 to 100 mph winds in LA? 3 days ago:
The fires generate their own wind from the convection of hot air rising.
- Comment on "2 bedroom" AirBnB. 1 week ago:
“3 guests”
Could you imagine going on vacation and being the 3rd wheel while staying in accommodations such as this? Where do they sleep, at the foot of the single bed?
- Comment on Canva charges you to make a circle 1 week ago:
Why does your work pay for Spotify? Just a perk?
- Comment on Could space mining alter earth orbit? 1 week ago:
I wouldn’t say likely without some revolutionary new propulsion device. We can pump water out of the ground fairly easily but transporting material through space and then landing on the planet is still in science fiction territory.
- Comment on How can you bypass a Reddit site ban? 1 week ago:
As opposed to the “totally competent, fair, and capable voluntary moderators of reddit?” Have you ever spent any time over there?
- Comment on How can you bypass a Reddit site ban? 1 week ago:
The first paragraph of the OP states this.
- Comment on How can you bypass a Reddit site ban? 1 week ago:
Ban evasion. I had literally this same exact situation happen and lost my 10 year old account. I talked about piracy in /r/Movies and got banned then sitewide permabanned for accidently commenting there from a different account.
- Comment on what floor lamp would you recommend to play a grand piano? 2 weeks ago:
Oh, dad! 😆😆
Time to get you back to the old folks home and to find out how you keep getting out.
- Comment on How do I search for this part? 5 weeks ago:
I almost wonder if this is how it’s intended to be as I can’t imagine why someone would design a mount that only allows the camera to point at the sky.
- Comment on Why does the Music Industry allow Spotify/Apple to profit off of them? 5 weeks ago:
I suppose, but I think it’s a really nice visual that gets the point across just fine for this level of discussion.
- Comment on Why does the Music Industry allow Spotify/Apple to profit off of them? 5 weeks ago:
The total height represents sales of each format in relation to the others. The timeline isn’t the zero line like you might be thinking. $0 would be the bottom of the graph at any given time.
- Comment on Why does the Music Industry allow Spotify/Apple to profit off of them? 5 weeks ago:
Yeah the '90s was the big heyday for the music industry when they used to charge us $25 (in 1990s dollars, $48 today) for a CD with 2 good songs and a bunch of filler. That ended quickly as, like you said, Napster and the like came on scene. Then we got the iPod and iTunes and a slew of ‘ringtone companies’ where you could buy songs individually for a dollar or two until streaming took off.
They’ve never recovered to the level they were at back then because there are just too many options now and they don’t control them all.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 1 month ago:
This isn’t something you’ll be able to determine in the moment. It will only be clear in hindsight.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 1 month ago:
The true fight for our democracy by the working/middle class hasn’t even started yet.
Seems like we’ll need to form our own political party if we want any representation because we’re certainly not getting it from either one of these two dominate parties.
- Comment on What do you create? 1 month ago:
“AZ” in the username meaning they might work at one of the fabs in Phoenix
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 1 month ago:
It doesn’t matter because they will just spin it, ignore any relevance to their own actions, and repeat it enough that it becomes the narrative. This is the standard M.O.
- Comment on Where can I buy a mosquito laser system? 1 month ago:
It looks like it’s just using an SR04 ultrasonic sensor too which isn’t even that precise.
- Comment on Donald Trump Team Plans to Cancel Biden's $7,500 Tax Incentive On EVs 2 months ago:
Especially right after everyone began retooling factories to produce them and the rest of the world leaves us behind in development. America will be producing the Yugos of the 1980s in a few short years.
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 2 months ago:
Just use the TV as a display and try to dink around with some open source media player box if you want to create your own custom OS.
- Comment on Do gangs "jump in" new recruits? Or is that just for movies and tv shows? If so why do they do that kinda seems anti productive. 2 months ago:
- Comment on Is there a 'ama' sub? 2 months ago:
What exactly do you find bizarre about it? Like how is it not identical to reddit with the exception of federation?
- Comment on Is there a 'ama' sub? 2 months ago:
And this place is designed to be a clone of reddit so it seems dumb to be bothered by someone using reddit terminology here.
- Comment on Why do cell phones have a data limit but home internet doesn't? 2 months ago:
How would you know if it’s hidden?
- Comment on Why do cell phones have a data limit but home internet doesn't? 2 months ago:
More recently, they throttled Netflix until they could extort them to pay for the traffic being used by their own customers, who were already paying Comcast for the very same data ussge.
- Comment on 'Star Trek: Starfleet Academy' Renewed for Season 2 2 months ago:
That’s true it was excellent and an outlier for the franchise.
- Comment on 'Star Trek: Starfleet Academy' Renewed for Season 2 2 months ago:
Hopefully nothing because every first season of a new ST series is a flop.