- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 day ago:
Ha, I should’ve mentioned that you definitely won’t. It seems to paint this damned if we do damned if we don’t picture. But it at least paints a picture, versus what can at times feel like this great big unknown. It may also shed some light on some of the motivations for what’s happening. I dunno.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 day ago:
My brother sent this to me the other day and I gave it a watch. It feels pretty unbiased (although I’m uneducated), and seems to have a more macro, zoomed-out view of America and just nations on the whole. I thought it was pretty interesting and it helped to put some things in perspective.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 week ago:
Don’t worry, maybe they misjudged the size of the asteroid and 2032 is it.
- Comment on Might be fun idk 1 week ago:
I saw Deadmau5 and he stopped to play Rocket League mid show one time. That’s as close as I can get to the prompt.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 2 weeks ago:
You won’t hear me disagree.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 2 weeks ago:
I think MAGA represents to Republicans what progressives like Bernie and AOC represent to Democrats. Republicans were able to reimagine their party into a form that isn’t just going to follow the status quo that, like you said, has led to a stagnant existence for average Americans over the last 50+ years. And stagnant is probably a nice way of putting it, since buying power has essentially disappeared, on top of wages barely moving.
So Trump comes in, he says drain the swamp, and you hear that to mean the whole machine, everyone who, for the last 50 years (and some folks have been involved in that government for a good chunk of that 50 years, just perpetuating that status quo) has allowed the rich to get richer at the expense of the working middle class.
And so you toss on your blinders. You’re not necessarily a bigot, but you believe social issues are a distraction from actual problems (i.e., ones that affect you directly), and you vote in a way that you hope will better your life. It’s hard to blame someone, especially someone just exhausted from grinding through their shitty life, for thinking about themselves. It’s not the right way to think, but I get it.
- Comment on Gemini wont talk about Bernie Sanders 3 weeks ago:
Dunno if your typo was intentional or not, but all I see in this thread is that somehow a typo is a way to bypass whatever block they have on discussion related to political figures. Which is bonkers. The great minds at the Goog somehow missed a pretty obvious workaround.
- Comment on Pills here! 3 weeks ago:
The game came out in 2008. I can’t believe it was that long ago.
- Comment on Pills here! 3 weeks ago:
L4D was a phenomenal game. I wish I could go back in time and get a group of four of us together to play the way we used to.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 3 weeks ago:
This diet was easy with a health dose of amphetamines. Wine took the edge off.
- Comment on Heels 4 weeks ago:
PedEgg. I get older and I just get these calluses, and it’s like a cheese grater for your feet. It’s terrible, but feet calluses no look good. I see a podiatrist and he said it’s these damn high arches. I just think it’s being in my late 30s, unfortunately.
- Comment on Heels 4 weeks ago:
Look up PedEgg. I swear it’s not some obscure porn.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 4 weeks ago:
A tank with the maneuverability of a Porsche.
- Comment on Darn it 4 weeks ago:
You won’t be allowed to die. You will work and you will accrue “retirement,” which is time you get to live after you stop working. They will keep you alive for as long as you owe the company, and then you will be allowed to cash in your six months of retirement.
- Comment on My hearing is already fucked. Mwap 4 weeks ago:
140 introduced me to plenty of good 172. 140 shows are inundated now, need to go to less popular EDM events to find people who are more interested in the music and less in being where the crowd is.
- Comment on Par for the course 5 weeks ago:
Kaladin is a G. Currently on Oathbringer. I enjoy a good fantasy series, just hate when I run out of books.
- Comment on Par for the course 5 weeks ago:
When I was in the military, the best Marines weren’t the ones who could lift the most or run the fastest (though sometimes they did), they were the ones who stayed up late writing up their junior Marines for awards, the ones who skipped their own lunch to teach their squad or platoon how to perform better, and just generally the ones who went out of their own way to improve everyone else’s well-being around them, and all the while keeping their mouth shut up how much they were doing for everyone else.
- Comment on Beautiful stories like this just make you smile 1 month ago:
Because they’re dumb. Going through boot camp, you constantly heard “Don’t get married.” What do dudes do? Get married to the first girl they meet when they arrive at their duty station (after they buy a truck obviously). They then deploy, workup is three months, home for a few, then seven months in country. And meanwhile your wife is at home, you’ve known her for a cup of coffee, and she’s like “Shit, I don’t know how to be alone.”
- Comment on Saint Luigi 1 month ago:
Yeah, Jersey is nicely blued, but beholden to big pharma, and I think messing with healthcare hits too close to home. Governor race is next year though and so hopefully this issue stays hot.
- Comment on Do this in remembrance of me 1 month ago:
The Dong of Rudolph.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Only thing I’ll disagree with is they’re not ripping off the rich, because it doesn’t matter to the rich. They’re killing the middle class though, but that is the way it’s been and the way it will continue to be. You will either be rich (haha, jk) or poor, and that’s the end game.
- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
99% of the State of New York is nothing. NYC and Philadelphia belong in NJ, they each have a lot more in common with Jersey than they do their respective states.
- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
Northeast + West Coast and Everywhere Else.
- Comment on The European mind can't comprehend 2 months ago:
Hopefully America isn’t contagious.
And jokes aside, the sentiment here in America seems to be people have had enough of this shit. I went for my annual physical, my insurance covers it. But I was given a paper to sign that says if I mention something ailing me to my doctor that it may turn into a sick visit and be billed accordingly.
I am very fortunate, I make decent money, my wife has insurance for us, and so when my doc said “Do you want vitamin D screening in your blood work? It will cost extra.” I was able to say yes. And that’s a minor issue, but there are people barely scraping by, they think they’re okay because they have insurance, and then to be told this visit will cost you more money if you say you’re unwell? Get the fuck out of here.
I love my wife and my kids to the end of the world, but I can’t imagine my mindset if I’m some single dude, at this point. How much are they going to push people? Thoughts and prayers to the difference makers out there is all I can do unfortunately.
- Comment on No need to boil the ocean 2 months ago:
And if someone doesn’t pay the fee, perhaps theyre at risk of fire.
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 2 months ago:
HOAs exist is a way toaintain shared services; i.e. insurances, utilities and roads, most importantly, but also things like clubhouses. Shit like this comes secondary.
- Comment on We were there monkeys all along 2 months ago:
Thanks, thought I was going … bananas.
- Comment on We were there monkeys all along 2 months ago:
You made me reread the post looking for any there, their, of even they’re.
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 2 months ago:
This story took me for a ride. In a car. Where the driver was yelling the N-word. But it’s okay because it’s transgressive, even though I guess I don’t know what that means.
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 2 months ago:
It was forecasted to rain on my wedding day and my wife nearly died, so I bought seven purple umbrellas and one big white umbrella so they could take pictures in the rain. It didn’t rain until after pictures. Is that irony?