- Comment on If you think that you are always right remember you could actually be stupid and not know it 5 days ago:
Heh, get a load of this idiot.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
Not to mention most issues are extremely nuanced and complex, not something that can be accurately broken down into 5 second sound bits.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
This is how most people think and see the world, which is why we (the US) are in the boat we’re in now. People don’t see the big picture if they never have to or aren’t taught how to think critically.
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
That would be a knee slapper if I could reach.
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
Hi, I was just calling because I live down the street from you, and your daughter come to my house today and she kick my t-rex.
Your daughter come to my house today, And she come on my property and then she kick my t-rex. And now my t-rex needs operation.
- Comment on SHUT UP ABOUT NICOLE 1 week ago:
Impressive she has the time for all of us!
- Comment on There is no method to this madness 2 weeks ago:
If I skip this paper, and get a 90 on the test I can still get a C- in the class…
- Comment on Poor guy 3 weeks ago:
That’s why he wants to colonize Mars. Everyone here fucking hates him (or should).
- Comment on Do tell!!! 3 weeks ago:
Damn, you’re one slippery fish.
- Comment on Do tell!!! 3 weeks ago:
What do you mean by that?
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 3 weeks ago:
Yea, it’s super location dependant. Generally the more rural the lower the taxes. But it also varies by state. States with low or no income tax tend to have higher property tax.
- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 3 weeks ago:
Yes most people have this experience… Which is why I said on average.
- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 4 weeks ago:
I haven’t read this study, but I’ve heard most people tend to be their happiest after their kids move out, and near retirement. You have more time to do the things you want, have more ‘extra’ cash than before, and are still in decent health. Obviously this is on average and varies by person.
- Comment on Trade offer 4 weeks ago:
Cigs are like .50 cents, nugs are .35-.75 depending on quantity and location.
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 4 weeks ago:
What do you think the ladder is made of?
- Comment on I understand what sea turtles go through now 4 weeks ago:
Don’t make me break out the plastic straws!
- Comment on Speculative Evolution 4 weeks ago:
The problem with being faster than light is that you can only live in darkness.
- Comment on Whatever it takes to get to solidarity amongst the working class. 4 weeks ago:
“hey bruuuuther;”
- Comment on What we all want deep down 1 month ago:
And we’d be better off if they never did, but the current state in the US is they do own all that.
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 1 month ago:
For reference 159 pounds would be where you start to cross into an ‘unhealthy’ BMI. However, while BMI is a good gauge for normal/sedintary people, it isn’t a great measure if you’re quite muscular. So I would try to stay under 160 unless you’ve been building miserable consistently for 1-2 years. And even then, if you are trying to optimize health, no need to go much over, even 160 being swole. However if your primary goal is not health but strength, you’ll need to be ‘obese’. Which is still healthier than being thin and out of shape, but not ‘optimal’ for long term health. The reason I say this is, everyone has an opinion on what’s best, but it really depends on what you’re trying to optimize for.
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 1 month ago:
Just commenting here so you see it,
130 pounds is pretty low for a man your height. Considering you’ve never really worked out, do some body weight workouts on YouTube, or but some dumbbells and do the same. Start with 20 pounds and but heavier as you need.
You lose weight with diet, not exercise, but that’s not what you need.
- Comment on Algae Rock! 1 month ago:
And an actual algae instead of a great wall of China
- Comment on Let me just tune up real quick 1 month ago:
Sorry I mean that’s where the harmonics are.
- Comment on Let me just tune up real quick 1 month ago:
So the 12th fret is 1 octave up, 5th is 2 octaves, and just past the second fret is 3 octaves.
- Comment on Let me just tune up real quick 1 month ago:
Or you can just use harmonics.
- Comment on Is there a better sequel than Terminator 2? 1 month ago:
Dead snow 2. First one was so bad it was good, the second one was actually incredibly.
- Comment on It is what it is 1 month ago:
Me when I’m just alright…
- Comment on Wish I could charge $100 a call attempt to these people 2 months ago:
Ok boomer.
Sorry poor humor. I honestly don’t care if someone’s phone is ringing in public, only thing that annoys me is when they are playing on or watching things in public with the volume turned up.
- Comment on What was your worst relationship and when did you realise it had to end 2 months ago:
That sounds horrible. I hope you’re doing much better these days.
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 2 months ago:
Do you really think people will buy it? I’ve played most of the GTAs, but I’m not about to spend 100 dollars on a video game.