- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 5 hours ago:
Aw, been a while since someone’s complimented me, thank you!
Yes, I too fucked up the city planning stuff a good deal until eventually… it clicked.
It isn’t the same game as Civ, a lot of the sort of ingrained ideas you don’t even realize are baked into your subconcious from playing Civ a lot… will lead you to knee jerk, make the kind of ‘well obviously i do this in this situation’ decisions…
and yeah, then get slapped with ‘nope, no workey’.
But… if you stick with it… just like you probably did, many moons ago, with Civ, you can absolutely get much more skilled.
Its funny you bring up stellaris… i spent like a month just utterly failing until that ‘click’ moment.
Then, a few months of ‘i am actually decent at this’ and then a few more months till ‘actually this is boring because i win by stupid margins every time on anything but the most absurd difficulties, and in those games its pretty much a completely random dice roll of surviving early game or not due to the absurd early game ai bonuses… and then by mid to late game, the AI is just literally too stupid to engage in 80% of the micromanagement strategies i am using to snowball’.
- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 5 hours ago:
I never played the demo, started with the full game… maybe a couple weeks after launch.
As I said in another reply, yeah, it absolutely was rough on a technical level for the first few months, a good number of actually fairly common edge cases where the game’s systems would break, things wouldn’t actually work as intended, as described by the game itself.
But, after about 6 months, they fixed basically all of these… and didn’t really even have to do like major tweaks to the balancing of the game… the problems were technical implentations of the designed game, and once they got those ironed out, the game as envisioned was now actually the game as it performed.
Go pull up the steam store page right now: Overall score is still ‘Mixed’ it did indeed have a rough launch… but Recent Reviews are ‘Very Positive’.
The people that bothered to stick with it… well they seem to very much like where the game is now.
So, I’d say yes, the general consensus of people still playing it is that it did indeed improve significantly.
Also, its pretty undeniable that 2K, Civ 7, very much did try to ape some, but not all, of the changes that Humankind put on what is basically the Civ formula, that just never occured to them.
The entire concept of you and other players basicslly just having the avatar of your civilization remain the same for all time, but the civilizations themselves change, with historical eras?
Thats one of the most obviously visible differences between Humankind and any Civ game that existed … prior to Civ 7.
It is also, somewhat ironically, one of the main reasons those initial reviews of Humankind were ‘Mixed’: a whole lot of Civ fans just thought the whole idea was stupid, and were vocal about it.
… And then Civ 7 does the same idea, but more watered down, with only 3 eras, 3 different civs per playthrough, as opposed to Humankind’s … well basically 6 + 1, where that + 1 represents your pre-civilization nomadic tribe/culture, basically playing a fairly different kind of game, prior to building your first real city and thus advancing to your first choice of civilization.
Also, worth throwing in here I guess: Advancing through eras works with a similar mechanic as to racing to build wonders in Civ: You can only have one player as each civ at a time, so if you really want to have first dibs and the full range of civs to choose from, you have to be the first to era advance, otherwise another player may beat you to it and pick the one you were planning on.
But, it also works differently than wonders: Wonders are just built by a city in Civ. Eras in Humankind are advanced by earning points for completing basically era specific mini objectives… and you have a range of different options to choose from, maybe you go for numerous easier objectives, or focus on a few, more difficult ones.
- Comment on "Meritocracy" 8 hours ago:
Whew, yep, its a tough job, but Petey’s got a good head on 'im and rolls with punches, somebody get that man a drink!
Err. Uh. I mean… Do we have O’Douls?
- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 13 hours ago:
Err… well, without any mentions of specific gripes or difficulties you are having… entirely seriously, actually play through with the tutorial enabled.
There are 3 different tutorial settings:
No tutorial
Moderate tutorial (ie, you’ve played some Civ games and want to mainly focus on what is different in Humankind)
Full tutorial (baby step you through everything like you’ve never played any kind of turn based 4x before)
The middle of the road tutorial does a pretty good job of highlighting and explaining systems and actions that work differently from Civ, or are just entirely not present in Civ, but doesn’t hold your hand through every single basic concept that you would be familiar with as an experienced Civ player.
- Comment on Anon is Turkish 13 hours ago:
Ask Serj Tankian how he feels about the government of Turkiye.
A not insignificant amount of people probably know as much, or more, about System of a Down than they do about Turkiye… and thus likely know Turkiye as ‘that beautiful, diverse country that is unfortinately still run by an autocrat who won’t acknowledge past/ongoing ethnic repression and genocide.’
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 14 hours ago:
Same, an actual good quality, properly made and assembled mechanical pencil will just keep going and going, and if you treat it well, you never need to replace it.
Kind like a decent quality safety razor.
All you gotta do is treat it right and replace the razors/graphite, saves money after probably a month or two of decent use.
- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 15 hours ago:
Civ peaked at Civ 4 and all its expansions for me.
Yes, doomstacks were a problem, but hard pivoting all the way over to Civ 5’s only one unit per tile led to a whole bunch of other bullshit in the opposite direction.
Humankind … just has better inter game system synergy, and those individual systems seem better thought out, more engaging and less… cheesable, exploitable, to a great extent due to how everything meshes together.
The first few months after launch absolutely were rough, with some pretty significant bugs in specific, but often crucial scenarios… but they got ironed out, and the result is great.
Also a lot of the initial backlash was from the pollution / global warming mechanic… they quickly added an option to just turn most of its effects off, but to me the entire thing read as a bunch of people being used to massively colonizing, industrializing and war mongering and then being angry that … that has consequences.
Guess those people have trouble grasping the concept of an externality.
Oh well, they’ve all been filtered, recent steam reviews are ‘very positive.’
- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 16 hours ago:
Natively? I don’t think so.
But I’ve been running it via proton on my steam deck for… over a year now, only real problem is the HUD is a bit smallish.
- Comment on Civilization 7 Outlines Crucial 1.1.1 Update as It Struggles to Compete on Steam Against Civ 6 and Even the 15-Year-Old Civ 5 16 hours ago:
puts on flame resistant hazmat suit
… Civ 7 is the Civ series shitty attempt at copying Humankind, Humankind is currently $12.50 USD, $25 for all DLC + base game, and is a way better deal than Civ 7 at $70, if not just actually a better game than Civ 5 or Civ 6 + all their existing DLC/expansions.
- Comment on [deleted] 22 hours ago:
Hey now, they also somewhat resemble a typical diagram of a vagina, utuerus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
- Comment on Assassin’s Creed Shadows is as dark as that infamous Game of Thrones episode 3 days ago:
My guess (and this is a complete guess) is that they assumed everyone has OLED TVs/Monitors.
Also, you’d want to re adjust the white balance level, or gamma levels/curve, probably not just the brightness.
- Comment on Be honest and tell us what you see 4 days ago:
… yeah, morals, that’s whats loose, yep…
- Comment on LoisGriffinNakedMasturbatingUncensored.exe 5 days ago:
(keikaku means plan)
- Comment on Set reasonable expectations 6 days ago:
Now… I’m not saying anabolic steroids were not used… but…
Christian Bale lost 60lbs, down to a weight of 120lbs, to perform as the quite gaunt main character of The Machinist.
The next movie he did was Batman Begins.
He… gained 100lbs, of muscle… in … somewhere between 6 months and a year.
Steroids or not, he had an insane workout routine, and gaining 100lbs of muscle in under a year is… also fucking insane, as in, it probably should have killed him.
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
You could bake the pizza and then basically flaah fry the kiwi slices seperately, either in a seperate oven, or pan, and then throw those fried slices onto the pizza while the cheese is still cooling.
I think I’d enjoy that.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 RTX Demo Available Now For Download 1 week ago:
Welcome to the ‘efficiency’ enabled by revamping your game/engine such that it supports RTX.
I’m gonna try to run this on my steam deck now rofl.
- Comment on what are the chances of irreparable damage due to obstructed blood circulation during sleep? 1 week ago:
I would add to try regularly massaging the area and alternating between cold paks and hot paks … that might help a bit if its not a serious problem as outlined above.
If doing that for a few days yields little to no improvement… or is extremely painful… go to a doctor.
Also, probably just take your mattress off the frame, put it on the ground, roll up blankets or use pillows or something to extend the effective length of the matress, until you can get a larger mattress and different frame that doesn’t allow for this problem to occur.
- Comment on what are the chances of irreparable damage due to obstructed blood circulation during sleep? 1 week ago:
Not a hacksaw, but I’ve dug fairly large glass shards and other sharp splinters out of my foot and sterilized and bandaged/stiched it up on my own, as opposed to going to doctor who would charge quite a lot… I’ve done that a good number of times.
None of them went deep enough to hit a major nerve or blood vessel, I’d probably have to go to an urgent care/hospital at that point.
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
I… am assuming / hoping they will just pretend all the … basically straight to dvd sequels… do not exist.
Ok, actually read the article: It’s going straight to the actual source material, the 1959 book… which… could actually be pretty interesting, there are a lot of non total parody ways you could portray that future world, and you could of course put your own spin on it and change some plot or worldlore or characters and come out with your own thing.
Blade Runner, for example… diverges fairly significantly, in many ways, from the actual book, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
- Comment on Ocean Hedgehogs 1 week ago:
If you punch them, do gold rings explode out of them?
- Comment on they know that you're lying 1 week ago:
Please for the love of god do not smoke a hepa filter, that is such an insanely bad idea.
I spent about a year homeless… I’ve seen people turn absolutely everything into rolling paper for a rollie, spliff or joint. Newspaper, pages from a Bible, napkins…
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 1 week ago:
Many, many people feel pressured to get a partner because it basically is a status symbol that conveys that you are successful, likeable, desirable.
…That isn’t how healthy relationships work.
People are not commodities you can buy, they are not a reward at the end of a video game questline.
You have to be at a point where you you feel secure enough in your own life and your own personality that you can actually have a successful relationship where both people respect each other’s boundaries and don’t become resentful.
Ironically, most people who are seeking a mate… because that is a status symbol, because they feel pressured to, because they think that will fill some hole in their life…?
That is actually a major sign of immaturity and insecurity.
Those kinds of people are more likely to end up in unstable, totally transactional, or even abusive relationships.
Don’t feel insecure or let people bully you because you don’t have a mate.
Become ok with yourself first. Stop hanging around people who mock or belittle you, they are bullies, and bullies bully people because they view putting other people down as a way to make themselves feel better about themselves, to gain social clout amongst other likeminded bullies.
I know its especially hard to find in person group activities these days, but there may be some … sports, in person tabletop groups, volunteer at a food bank or shelter, book clubs… these things do still exist, and if your goal is just general social experience, maybe make a few friends, they can help you out with that.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 week ago:
Hah, well, I apologize then, I overreached a bit, you’re a decade younger than me… but a middle or high schooler may still describe you as ‘old’.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 week ago:
Brother, if you remember that, you are old by young people standards.
I remember being … around 10 and poking fun at my not even 40 yet dad for using a dot matrix printer and fax machine… in the late 90s.
That’s not too far from the same age gap as the TV Guide / DVR thing.
A 10 year old now would probably make fun of a person having a digital document scanner at home. What’s the point? Just take a picture of the document with your 8384 megapixel smartphone.
On that note: Polaroids, film cameras, low grade digital cameras or camcorders as fairly common household items, fucking landline home phones.
Most kids born in the last 10 or 15 years would laugh at these, or the idea of them, just like I laughed at a dot matrix printer and home fax machine in the late 90s, or grandma still having a rotary phone instead of a cordless home phone.
Jesus, I don’t think I’ve actually thought about the last time I made a home phone call on a phone with a cord.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 1 week ago:
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
How does one obtain food, shelter, healthcare, a basic sense of security by having a stable and safe living space?
Oh thats right, you obtain all that with money, obtaining those things without money is either functionally impossible for the vast majority of people, or literally a crime.
Yeah, adding an infinite amount of money to one person doesn’t meaningfully impact their ability to get those first two layers figured out.
Distributing money such that everyone has those two base layers… is quite literally the foundation for a happy, stable, productive society.
Liquidate the bullionaires… assets, of course.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 1 week ago:
Hey kids! Anything interesting in the latest TV Guide?
Oh really? I’ll have to set up my DVR to tape it, I’ll be at a doctor appointment when the first episode airs…
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
Oh thank god.
I did not know this is occuring… I’ve known too many smashed faced pugs with serious lifelong health issues…
One of them I knew, skittered around a kitchen floor as a puppy… ran into the kitchen island, and his eyeball popped out of the socket, haning on by the optic nerve.
Its owner managed to get it to a vet and get the eye reinserted… and it seemed to kinda still work… but that pug had so, so many other health issues its whole life…
- Comment on Fuck animal breeders that keep breeding damaged animals into a life where they will only know pain and torment. 2 weeks ago:
Pugs shouldn’t exist.
Their existance is pain, constant health problems of many kinds.
We have sinned against Dog/God, commited a crime against nature, whatever phrasing your prefer, by molding them into what they are now.
Infact, because pugs tend to have so many health problems, they can no longer be considered a “typical dog from a health perspective,” according to a 2022 study in Canine Medicine and Genetics.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
The implementation of DLSS and FSR are wholly separate from the old TAA. Yes, they work on the same principals, but do their own thing.
TAA as a setting gets disabled because the newer methodes fully overwrite it.
This is very often false.
DLSS/FSR need per pixel motion vectors, or at least comparisons, between frames, to work.
TAA very often is the thing that they get those motion vectors from… ie, they are dependent on it, not seperate from it.
Indeed, in many games, significant other portions/features of a game’s graphical engine bug out massively when TAA is manually disabled, which means these features/portions are also dependent on TAA.
Sorry to link to the bad site, but:
Please go through all of these and notice how fot many modern games:
Do not allow the user to turn off TAA easily, forcing them to basically mod the game by manually editing config files or more extensive workarounds.
Don’t even tell the user that TAA is being used, requiring them to dig through the game to discover that it is.
When TAA is manually disabled, DLSS/FSR breaks, or other massive graphical issues crop up.
TAA is the foundational layer that many modern games are built on… because DLSS/FSR/XeSS and/or other significant parts of the game’s graphical engine hook into the pixel motion per frame comparisons that are done by TAA.
The newer methods very often do not overwrite TAA, they are instead dependent on it.
Its like trying to run or compile code that is dependent on a library you don’t actually have present… it will either fail entirely, or kind of work, but in a broken way.
Sure, there are some instances where DLSS/FSR is implemented in games, in a way that is actually its whole own, self contained pipeline… but very often, this is not the case, TAA is a dependency for DLSS/FSR or other graphical features of the game engine.
- Comment on What someone's doing to X right now 2 weeks ago:
Remember when the prototype Morpheus AI told JC that humanity would eventually construct a pervasive, all seeing and all knowing AI system to serve as a new God… because humans always worship, and require judgement, both personally, and collectively, to maintain social cohesion?
We’re almost there.
Elon of course thinks he is JC, not realizing he is closer to Page.
Why do you think he’s got that old pic of him in a trenchcoat?
He has certainly played Deus Ex, for a while he was using Twitter avatars from DX.
His life is a ‘revenge of the nerds’ plot, if you asked him.