Gay furry IT person.
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 4 weeks ago:
With Meta officially saying that leeching is totally okay as long as you’re not seeding, go for it.
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
Huh, today I learned!
- Comment on Anon investigates a random goth girl 4 weeks ago:
it’s a common criticism on reddit that the nsfw subs are just becomijg advertsfor OF so I’m not surprised they dont get much interaction
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
it’s the theory that vaccinated people “shed” their vaccinations to other people, which is complete bollocks.
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
30 minute cutscene that dumps a lot of exposition and it ends with a timeskip into the tutorial.
- Comment on What did everyone grab during the Steam Winter Sale? 2 months ago:
Actually nothing this time. I got back into Elite Dangerous hard and play it pretty much every minute of my gaming time currently.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
I play on a smaller galaxy size and have a beefy computer.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 4 months ago:
It’s a mix of strategy and role-playing. Sure if you want to survive on higher difficulties, you probably need a build that is meta. But on medium difficulties or lower you can pretty much roleplay your empire as you like and there’s many mechanics in the game that help with this. Your empire can be a democratic haven for all, a mega corporation, a machine hivemind forcefully assimilating organics into its network…and much more.
There’s also a great exploration aspect of the game. Your exploration vessels regularly find anomalies that tell a neat little story and provide bonuses to your empire (which can range from a small resource bonus to making one of your leaders immortal).
Of course, there’s also the power fantasy. You start with just one planet, but you will quickly expand throughout the galaxy. You can then wage war against other empires, build a federation together with them or convince the galactic community to crown you as Emperor of the entire galaxy. But the game also regularly throws adversaries at you if the AI empires are starting to become no match for you, may it be one of the space fauna suddenly becoming extremely hostile or a Great Khan uniting a marauder horde and demanding everyone to become their vassal.
It is also rare that a bad outcome leads to a straight loss. Losing a war (usually) does not doom your empire but you only lose a bit of territory or get vassalized, both giving you ample opportunities to build up your strength again or make allies to stand together against an enemy.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 4 months ago:
Stellaris. I’m almost at 1400 hours in the game and while I now play it a lot less often than in the first 1000 hours, I still get the itch to play it again a few times a year.
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago:
There’s a third.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 4 months ago:
I guess there will be many people thinking that, driving up demand->increasing prices before any tariffs even exist.
- Comment on Can relate. 5 months ago:
Germany for example. The AfD is gaining more and more support by using phrases like “This development that is happening right now, creation of mixed populations to destroy the national identity and thus give our autonomy to the EU - that is simply not bearable!”, “Such humans we should of course dispose of”, “When a [n-word] in my neighborhood coughs at me, I have to know if he is sick or is he not sick.” or “The reason why we are being flooded with culturally foreign people like Arabs, Sinti and Roma is the systematic destruction of civil society.” volksverpetzer.de/…/10-rechtsextreme-zitate-der-a…
- Comment on It's coming! :( 5 months ago:
Firefox not getting better in the last 15 years is quite disingenuous though.
- Comment on dataisbeautiful 6 months ago:
I use Pixels, it’s very barebones but that’s exactly what I wanted in a mood tracker!
- Comment on What are your favorite racing games? 6 months ago:
Need for Speed Porsche to be honest. The campaign of going through the Porsche eras is iconic. Buying new cars and tuning them up is really fun and you really feel the difference between the cars.
- Comment on Anon tries to give a compliment 6 months ago:
4chan is comprised of different boards. When you hear about 4chan, it is most likely from the /b Board which is the “anything goes” board with pretty much zero moderation. Other boards are better.
- Comment on Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? 6 months ago:
Core Keeper comes out of Early Access soon I think and should be up your alley
- Comment on What doesn't kill ya 7 months ago:
I’m on Jerboa and there’s an image in the post.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 7 months ago:
The worst fate.
- Comment on Shart, not fart 7 months ago:
I swallowed shampoo
- Comment on Anon wants to play a game 7 months ago:
What Walmart sells blood?!
- Comment on Anon is suspicious 7 months ago:
Why is he mad that your gf would share her plant pics with someone else?
- Comment on Anon is anti drugs 8 months ago:
They did a piece on nicotine a while back that opened with how amazing it is followed by how it fucks up your body over time.
- Comment on I’ve been locked out of PayPal for years because of their mistake 8 months ago:
Same happened to me when I tried to sell my old powerline network adapters. Sign up, put them up for sale, 2 minutes later I get a mail that I’m banned without a reason given.
I still have those adapters lying around somewhere…
- Comment on Wasps 8 months ago:
They seem pretty chill if you’re willing to share your space and food with them
That sounds like extortion though.
- Comment on X4: Timelines ✨ Release Date Announcement Teaser 9 months ago:
At its core it is a sandbox war economy simulator in space with some bad (optional) story tacked onto it. It offers some tutorials but most things will be learning-by-doing. The battles are quite fun and you can participate with whatever ship you like, from fighters, frigates or corvettes all the way up to destroyers and carriers. Building your own stations to fill the deliberate shortages of the NPC economies is very satisfying and the station designer is easy to use. The universe is somewhat dynamic with warring factions being able to take over territory of other factions and the Xenon faction posing a threat to everyone although these changes are slow so you won’t be rushed into defending yourself (except if you setup shop near enemy territory).
- Comment on X4: Timelines ✨ Release Date Announcement Teaser 9 months ago:
I’m really looking forward to experiencing the events of the older games in the new engine! (Though from what I understood it’s not the whole stories but just a few key scenarios).
- Submitted 9 months ago to games@lemmy.world | 5 comments
- Comment on Seems awfully dangerous 9 months ago:
If you’re in Germany, a car is the best weapon to get away with murder since car drivers (especially the elderly) usually get only a slap on the wrist if they injure or even kill someone.
- Comment on I don't really know how to deal with coworkers who emotionally dump their issues on me 10 months ago:
Changed jobs recently and a colleague was supposed to show me the process of doing something. The very first thing out of his mouth were begging me not to get vaccinated because it would kill me.
I harshly responded that I disagree with his position and that he shouldn’t bring up that topic again. He very much tested the water if I would be an ally to his conspiracy nut views but shutting that down quickly spared me further incidents like this. Other colleagues who tried to just ignore his ramblings just received more and more of it.