- Comment on YouTube devs be like 3 months ago:
Google has destroyed their own ads revenue by adding more and more ads. Imagine they’d have stopped with simple side banner and people would’ve not even bothered to use an adblocker because of it. This tiny little banner would’ve been worth as much as the multiple seconds ads now. The companies would pay as much, as there’d be no alternate.
- Comment on Anon loves proprietary tech 3 months ago:
beep boop “You’re wrist circumference is too wide and the tracker noticed no physical activities.”
- Comment on “Star Trek Origin” Movie Reportedly Headed To Greenlight For Production Start In Early 2025 3 months ago:
Bad writers
- Comment on “Star Trek Origin” Movie Reportedly Headed To Greenlight For Production Start In Early 2025 3 months ago:
If it’s dystopian and not utopic, they can keep it and hopefully lose money. Star Trek isn’t Star Wars.
- Comment on How many Nintendo Switches do I need for a family of gamers? 3 months ago:
Yeah, also with physical games, it might be possible to save money, unless they all want to play the same game at the same time.
- Comment on Sony boss admits forcing PC gamers into PlayStation accounts can "invite pushback," but insists they have to keep games safe – which doesn't really track in single-player 3 months ago:
Stop hitting yourself, argument.
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 3 months ago:
I hate this because for Europe it will become expensive too, just for the heck of it.
- Comment on The grand prize 3 months ago:
I’d want to put this in front of the house. No one would steel it ever. lol
- Comment on Britain will rejoin the EU within 15 years, former Brussels chief predicts 3 months ago:
I’d welcome them back today if I had a say. Just no extra sausage anymore.
- Comment on How are scammers getting my email address? 4 months ago:
And you have zero social media with your name?
- Comment on K-Drama moment 4 months ago:
Lucky Goldstar ad too
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
Availability Heuristic looks out of place. It’s pretty much the only bias I have (beside confirmation bias, which is hard to avoid as sneaky it is), but how should one survive in this world without relying on others? Without doing a scientific bias free study on every topic in life, you’re unavoidable suffering from that bias. A healthy level would be avoiding making it a rule. I regularly disagree with friends decisions, so maybe I don’t have this bias.
- Comment on 'It Has Plateaued': Should We Be Worried About Console Gaming's Future? 4 months ago:
The switch only had Super Mario Odyssey. I don’t count rehash with a short new bonus level. SMO was amazing, but where is SMO2?
Zelda Totk is basically Botw and you just need the later to have the same map. Also both Zelda were no traditional Zelda’s, they were mostly sandbox games.
Kirby was largely seen as too easy, one really has to be okay with that. I was hyped but didn’t expect it to be that easy. Left me kind of disappointed.
Metroid Dread, I wish it hadn’t been a 2D platformer as there are so many of them. Most interchangeable. Looking forward M4 still.
Megaman, I’m no fan of so I can’t say much about it.
Splatoon is amazing and a big selling point. Same with smash, but you could just own one of the dozen different versions on a different system and would not notice.
Pokémon has always been my selling point, but everyone knows the issue with those. I literally have more fun playing old DS Pokémon games, even though challenge never was their strong point.
Nintendo Switch 2 is just Nintendo. While with a portable device you could play so many indie games on the go that either have expensive Switch ports or don’t exist for the Switch at all. Switch 2 is not going to change that. And yeah, I asked myself a lot if I have just outgrown Nintendo games, but truth is Nintendo changed a lot and so have their other publisher releasing for Nintendo systems. I’d not have as much fun with old games, who I have never played before otherwise.
- Comment on 'It Has Plateaued': Should We Be Worried About Console Gaming's Future? 4 months ago:
PC is the only console I’m excited about. Switch 1 was already collecting dust and I’m still waiting for that Metroid game that was supposed on the Switch. However portable devices are on the rise, like Steam Deck for instance. I’d currently rather get that than a Switch 2. we don’t even know what games S2 will have.
- Comment on yes, you 4 months ago:
Bist du noch single?
- Comment on Mom of the year 4 months ago:
If tears of children is what drives you, yes.
- Comment on Subnautica 2 - Official Teaser Trailer 4 months ago:
I hope enough people will buy it in EA, so they can get the required money. But I’ll 100% wait til the game is complete for my first run.
- Comment on Should devs tell people about launch bugs in advance? “It’s an interesting problem” says Starfield and Skyrim designer 4 months ago:
Lol, another one of those “players expect perfection”. No, they don’t, but buggy games like Cities Skylines 2 should’ve never been released. Games like Cyberpunk 2077 should’ve been delayed on consoles and not released on old consoles at all, to fix critical PC bugs first. I can understand the issue of infinite delay and finite money, but some games should’ve been delayed just a bit more to not release in a mess.
Starfield however isn’t that buggy, it’s the typically Bethesda-Jank, but what is much worse is the boring game. Not bugs are the big issue. Starfield should’ve never been released or been much cheaper to cover some of the cost, but instead they hype it and sell ultimate editions not worth the price. It’s lying.
- Comment on Meet Alarmo, Nintendo's $100 sleep-tracking alarm clock | TechCrunch 4 months ago:
$5 alarm clock for $100 because it says Nintendo, nice.
For $100 you can buy a phone.
- Comment on Publishers face 20% game revenue reduction if Denuvo DRM is cracked quickly, according to new study 4 months ago:
One can’t comment on your thread. My app says “post not found” was it deleted?
- Comment on Publishers face 20% game revenue reduction if Denuvo DRM is cracked quickly, according to new study 4 months ago:
Thanks, it’s a complicated read because of the math approximation, but it’s not a bad study per se. I noted my critiques in the original comment.
- Comment on Publishers face 20% game revenue reduction if Denuvo DRM is cracked quickly, according to new study 4 months ago:
I wish I could access this study. From the summary alone I couldn’t tell how one would compare Denuvo vs non Denuvo, when only large publisher use Denuvo, which are more likely to be mainstream and more known and therefore more in total pirated compared to an indie title. How would one measure that a DRM is preventing this revenue loss? We barely have two exactly similar games release at the same time. Gaming us fluctuating, game scores are and therefore the sold numbers, some are brand loyal while for others it counts less etc. How has anyone found a way to calculate that? Some publisher are much more likely to use Denuvo but are also more likely to be pirated because their game releases are much more likely to be buggy, boring or mtx infested.
- Comment on Anon loses weight 4 months ago:
You’ll never be the “lost a lot of weight”-guy, without being fat first. Think about it.
- Comment on Inside the ‘Joker: Folie à Deux’ Debacle: Todd Phillips ‘Wanted Nothing to Do’ With DC on the $200 Million Misfire 4 months ago:
Just found out Joker 2 is a musical. Lol
Such a massive fail. You just can’t do that after the great first one.
- Comment on the flies 4 months ago:
One painted cow to the other: See bra!
- Comment on California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it 5 months ago:
Some games, like Allen Wake, have been full out removed from sale because of expired music license. There has been other cases some come back later with the music stripped.
- Comment on California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it 5 months ago:
Next: make it so games can’t suddenly lose their music license. This is so incredible annoying. I know it’s depending on what the publishers negotiated, but it shouldn’t be possible to suddenly patch out soundtracks because of a license expire.
- Comment on Anon solves a mystery 5 months ago:
You know about the penis that turned the lesbian straight? Same thing but for women pussy.
- Comment on Eureka 5 months ago:
I always laugh at stuff like the small dust cloud of the cucumber, as if it just popped into existence and caused air pressure.
- Comment on Which are the lesser-known movies that are well worth seeing? 5 months ago:
The Nice Guys