- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
From the outside it seems that your progressive movements were a pretty good tool to spread thin the effort that could have gone someplace right, and also to weaken movements which were targeted at the real problems (for example, in the small world of FOSS it’s how FSF and GNU were slowly marginalized into something perceived as unreasonable and Stallman specifically pressed out, and no, his logically correct defense of some kinds of pedophilia and him being generally cringe were not the reason).
Also let’s please remember that everyone flocking to centralized platforms was welcomed by those progressive movements, their activists for whichever reason thought that the scale and the censorship will work in their favor and not those calling to fell the tall trees.
So - this is the logical outcome of what various movements have been doing. This part should make you optimist. And the feeling that you can’t certainly show at something at say that it will succeed should be liberating, not depressing.
- Comment on The opposite of hot girl summer 4 weeks ago:
We’re becoming more like UK it seems. Not in economy.
- Comment on The opposite of hot girl summer 4 weeks ago:
Russia, I suppose Moscow Idaho was nicer yesterday due to less clutter. Anyway, today’s morning made me forgive the previous week.
- Comment on The opposite of hot girl summer 4 weeks ago:
In Moscow it’s just above freezing temperature the last few days, all dirt and hopelessness.
So I envy you.
- Comment on Trump Says U.S. Will Hold Migrants at Guantánamo | The president suggested 30,000 migrants could be housed on the base. It is unclear how the plan will take shape. 5 weeks ago:
You are actually correct. Many things are hard to do only because you need to iron out the bugs first. So yes, if your government makes something resembling a concentration camp, you should start worrying, even if it is for 10 000 volunteers for a WWII-themed reality show (dunno who would make such a thing, but a free business idea if anyone wants it). Because once a solution is ready, it can be scaled up very fast.
Same with many governments in the world considered evil, but incompetent by their populations. They may become competent terrifyingly fast once they direct some resources to that end. There are too many examples around.
So, about Greenland. Technically Denmark is in EU and EU has a mutual defense clause just like NATO, Denmark is also in NATO. So in theory now would be a good time for all EU countries to reintroduce conscript service and start preparing for rapidly scaling their militaries up. By “rapidly” I mean “general mobilization”. All that talk about “small efficient modern professional armies” negating the need for reserve and mobilization capacity is not new, it was a popular view even in Frederick the Great’s time, and sometimes it’s correct, and sometimes it’s not. Now it’s not. Ukrainian war shows this.
I’m not talking about them resisting USA demanding from them something, they can’t resist USA, but I think most of what Trump says is bullshit. I’m talking about them eventually needing that capacity with the general tendency of everything becoming year 1600 again.
- Comment on Trump Says U.S. Will Hold Migrants at Guantánamo | The president suggested 30,000 migrants could be housed on the base. It is unclear how the plan will take shape. 5 weeks ago:
You can’t blame 2nd amendment types for being illogical and not delivering on their talk. After all, one can’t force the government to do anything with what militia are allowed to legally possess. If they were more like National Guard in access to armaments - then there would probably some pressure. But of what I’ve heard, in USA militia movement is mostly right-wing, racist, Confederate flag types.
I really dislike our time in this crystallization of despotism everywhere. For example, it’s pretty clear that after this war (or after it stabilizes enough) the current Russian regime will not be overthrown. They may find a few scapegoats, their dear leader first of all, and remove them. But the general mechanic will not change.
- Comment on Ubisoft announces studio closure as it lays off 185 staff 5 weeks ago:
I live in the midst of something that can be very carefully called capitalism. It was called socialism once and then the “socialist administrators” did sort of a rebranding.
Point being - yes, this is simplification.
- Comment on Are dating apps a fraud since the beginning? 5 weeks ago:
Profit is gained by engagement.
Engagement is the opposite of solving the problem.
So an intermediate platform is not a working solution for dating.
Best interests of people looking for other people and the intermediary are in direct contradiction.
- Comment on Ubisoft announces studio closure as it lays off 185 staff 5 weeks ago:
I think when all these famous studios were interesting, they still by inertia functioned the way people with actual skills founded them. I’m thinking of BioWare, Black Isle, Obsidian, but reading the history of any famous video game studio gives that impression. It was a rather personal business in 90s and early 00s, it seems.
Then the “professionals” came and started “fixing” everything, and something about today’s computing makes me personally deeply disgusted of anything advertised there.
I don’t want a shooter not better than a hundred Q3 clones, but taking 50GB disk space. I don’t even want it with “photorealistic” (no they aren’t) graphics. I don’t want CK3 because it’s slow and has too much bullshit happening, the secret of success is in quality of content more than amount, and more is not always better if a player gets bored with small events. I admit, I haven’t tried Hogwarts Legacy, put from what people say its open world is as useful as Daggerfall’s map the size of England, because most things on that map are all the same, though as a dungeon crawler Daggerfall is still better than typical modern game. And Star Wars - its Expanded Universe mostly came into existence in the 90s, it’s designed the way very convenient for all kinds of video games, or any entertainment and any secondary art at all, and George Lucas approached that theoretically before making the first movie (the “obscenely huge profits” part he may or may not have considered, but it came as a welcome bonus, I suppose), and still every modern time Star Wars game is just not interesting to me ; my favorite one is KotORII, so there is, of course, a gap between me and the majority, but it’s still baffling how didn’t they even try to make an X-Wing remake.
One can go on. People want to play interesting games. Very few people play games because of “more, better, wider” in ad. The whole idea of a game is to be interesting. It’s entertainment. It’s not “I’ve got a new iPhone and you don’t” dick size contest. Some game being very technically cool, but absolutely bullshit in gameplay, writing, UI design, character design, location design etc, - is not entertaining. Some other game being technically a visual novel (not necessarily), but with all those things done well, - it is entertaining.
So, making a good game doesn’t even require a lot of very competent and very stressed CS heroes working since dawn till dusk to the extent of their ability.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
It’s not about the rejection I’m facing, its about the fact that my mere approach is seen as an insult. It’s the audacity to ask to be included in something that is considered a normal part of life for others.
Perhaps you are approaching wrong people.
There’s one rule I’ve learned (but haven’t internalized, still a virgin and all that) from my aunts and just today had it reinforced by my therapist.
Do what you want. If you really like a girl you are talking to, offer her to do something. Start small, no “let’s have a date”, just offer something interesting to you that may be interesting to her. To have tea in some pleasant place. To walk in a park. Be honest, if she asks if it’s romantic. Apologize if she dislikes it. Might even be honest that you don’t know anything about relationships. I mean, what do you fear more, shame from saying it or to remain lonely till grave? And that conversation doesn’t define all your further life (most likely).
At least that’s my plan the next time somebody tries to talk to me with a smile. Mostly happens at summer, so there’s time to find all fossilized sandwiches behind furniture and repair all broken closet doors. In theory, in fact some of these are broken for many years.
like there’s something about us that we are unaware of but everybody else picks up on that tells them to keep their distance
Are you sure you don’t have ASD?..
On the other side - I have ASD and, surprisingly, ASD is not the main thing preventing me.
I have found one funny thing - when I cut explicit materials a bit, say, less pr0n and such, and cut stimulants (sugar, caffeine) and eat more meat and dairy, people seem to like me more. But this is not a firm law.
It would make sense, though, that when you are healthier and have fewer outlets for certain kinds of energy, you are physically more attractive in ways hard to notice.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
I’m just autistic\BAD and indecisive and had a romantic trauma at school and my environment (mom) is not mentally well at all (right now it’s not worse than hoarding and forgetting everything, but it was).
However, with my looks it’s somehow enough for me to just be kinda clean and shaved and in a public place for very pleasant young women (and I suppose much kinder than that girl from school) to try to talk to me with possible romantic perspective (which I usually realize after the conversation ends).
Except it just doesn’t work, either I don’t understand them, or I’m petrified and don’t know what to do or say, or I postpone interpreting the conversation to somewhere late, or I’m ashamed of the mess where I live and showing my life to that person if it goes somewhere.
So - sometimes it’s just about never having the courage to go forward. Not about other people discarding you.
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
I got my diagnosis less than a week ago.
I’ve stumbled upon description of something called “Asperger’s syndrome” on a printed A4 sheet, being like 12 years old, but that description was somewhat enigmatic and I couldn’t tell how different it is from normalcy. I’ve also read about Carrie Fisher’s life after Star Wars and that she had BAD.
So since that time I suspected that I might be autistic and have bipolar, but thought that condition names are for doctors, while for laymen it’s better to say that people are different. So only when I reach a doctor and get a diagnosis, it’ll be certain. The approach itself is kinda autistic.
Then somewhere around year 2018 I’ve, eh, remembered\imagined a lot of things connected to emotional trauma, and came with these idiosyncrasies to a state medical institution (it’s Russia) where they just assumed it’s simple type schizophrenia (typical Russia again).
Now, being 28 years old, I finally have a normal diagnosis of ASD and BAD and no ADHD. I was certain I have ADHD, but paying attention to my own behavior - I see things architecturally wrong which I still have to work with, or meaningless things, and may seem like an ADHD person, but an ADHD person can’t focus, while I can’t start due to disgust of something.
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
Do the RAADS-R test. In case it’s more than 120 (I think that’s the number, but it has a description), you may want to read what autism is and whether you may have seen some of the traits in you, and then may visit a psychiatrist.
I say that because autistic people often imitate some style of speech in circumstances not quite fitting.
- Comment on How German Police Do Police Brutality 2 months ago:
Well, these don’t surprise me, but trying something outside of the first world might yield different results.
- Comment on How German Police Do Police Brutality 2 months ago:
Being healthy, of course, does contribute to one’s attractiveness.
But human beauty is really too subjective.
We may dislike people seeming familiar. We may like people seeming familiar more.
We may like people similar to us in appearance. We may particularly dislike people similar to us in appearance.
Also clothes affect people’s appearance quite a lot. If people in the area you do shopping for clothes are in average less like you in appearance and weight and everything, and people in some other area more, you might find them more attractive simply because the choice of clothes is a bit better, and the habit of wearing better fitting clothes.
And another very important component is what you expect to see. I mean, “how much cleaner they keep places” … which countries have you visited?
- Comment on How German Police Do Police Brutality 2 months ago:
I’ve heard about Rammstein so many times that I just don’t want to. A bit like a few other very famous collectives.
Except Blind Guardian and Rivendell and Draconian. These one can just listen to indefinitely.
- Comment on How German Police Do Police Brutality 2 months ago:
That’s dense and clearly something you’ve thought about deeply.
Rather repeatedly with very big intervals. Deeply - nah.
Western beauty standards largely come from antiquity—Greek and Roman ideals (symmetry, proportion, harmony). This gets revived during the Renaissance, primarily by Italian and French artists, not German ones.
Standards of beauty are not very general.
Anyway, I meant human beauty in this particular case. Which is, first, different from many other things, second, basically some set of familiar appearances, plus health and physique conditions defined by culture of the specific society (say, when child mortality was high and hunger still common in Europe, almost overweight women were considered attractive ; BTW, demographics of developer countries can be a consequence of evolution mechanisms intended to avoid Malthusian traps, say, if there’s enough food for everyone for a short period of time, the population should grow as fast as possible, but if it is so for a long period of time, then you’d better stop, - seems counterintuitive, but in nature longer good times often precede longer bad times).
German musos, philosopers, and designs, their prominence peaked in different eras (e.g., Enlightenment, Romanticism, Bauhaus) but didn’t shape Western standards of beauty or culture.
I didn’t mean prominence really, I meant associations, and I meant specific kinds in specific contexts, not wildcard. Also by “shape” it depends which kind of influence makes the threshold. Most of the “pompous and official” European music of late XIX century seems to have been influenced quite heavily.
Also about music - well, it’s not nice to refer to authority, especially anonymous authority since I don’t remember where I’ve read it, but apparently Ralph Vaughan-Williams would disagree with you, and would consider typical European music of his youth very heavily German-influenced.
Visual design like Helvetica became iconic due to functionality and simplicity, not just cos they were German…
Obviously true, but my point was the other way around, that there’s a climate in which various approaches to aesthetic are born, and if some aesthetic becomes popular, some things general for the climate it comes from might become more accepted everywhere. A fuzzy thought really, but the closest I’ve come to rephrasing my original comment in this one.
- Comment on How German Police Do Police Brutality 2 months ago:
I actually have had a theory since my teens (as an autistic kid with idiots for parents, disgusting school and so on, so some need to escape that), that German music and German visual design feel so clean and attractive in a very vanilla way, because that’s what was the prestigious kind of culture for the British Empire in its prime and till WWI, and that survived by inertia even a couple decades past Germans having their teeth kicked in during WWII.
What we feel to be most classical is German music, German philosophy, German perception of military history, German ideological approaches to politics (today’s left-wing movements are still mostly that or at least track their lineage to that, and today’s right-wing movements may have kinda diverged, but still like to fuzzily hint at one Austrian painter), and German visual design (what’s considered “neutral” today, fonts like Helvetica, the way accents are made, etc).
What I’m coming at - common perception of human beauty in the West may be kinda affected by typical German appearance, that specifically, more that by typical French or typical British or typical Italian appearance.
- Comment on Justice should be equal 2 months ago:
Except in every step things can develop the ways you haven’t thought about.
And courtroom shows are kinda common enough in movies and even in reality. People will have strong feelings, but this doesn’t seem a major thing for many.
So - too much copium. I hope you are right and I am wrong, of course.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 2 months ago:
Yes, my aunts, uncle and cousin live in a country reproducing “Animal farm” the last 6 years, with the end goal of being occupied and turned into a reservation. That book is more like reality than many would think.
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 2 months ago:
Still, as a person not interested (usually) in agreeing with my counterparts, notice how this is a “good guy with a gun” situation. So maybe militia movement has a point. They just don’t know how to use their correctness in one part of society’s fabric, but that’s up to those who know those other parts. Cooperation and collaboration, all that.
And almost any “good guy with a gun” can be called a terrorist formally. It’s an arbitrary separation.
So maybe gun rights really are human rights.
You’ve probably noticed how in any group the best decisions are made when every opinion is respected, and if it’s incomprehensible, made comprehensible with good and kind effort, and where aggression and expulsion are minimized.
It’s the same in politics.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 2 months ago:
Well, the PC isn’t used only as a DAW, so I might still need Linux as opposed to FreeBSD. I’ve been running some form of Linux for a long time, now.
If you’re of the “advanced user” kind, you might find it easier to use than Linux - cleaner, much better documentation, ports collection, ZFS without pain or any combination of GEOM classes with UFS (which has snapshots here btw). It’s a different OS, but a very pleasant one. Same X (or Wayland), same applications, etc.
One can also use Linux emulation with CentOS 7 or Rocky Linux 9 environment for Linux binaries.
Don’t even know what it is, actually.
It’s a descendant of BSD, and things like Ultrix and SunOS 4 were BSD, so one can say it’s the most commonly used thing of what feels like Unix today (after Linux).
OK, I think this reads like sales text.
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 2 months ago:
It’s funny, after the breakup of USSR there existed for a few years such an entity as “CIS armed forces”. It does not anymore because national governments want to control their own militaries.
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 2 months ago:
Any country can become such, but as you’ve said yourself - everyone having nukes is more realistic than nobody having nukes, and the “mass destruction” part can even have upsides.
- Comment on Should Germany aquire nuclear weapons? 2 months ago:
It should, but that’s only one level.
First Germany should build a competent armed force which will participate in all the ongoing wars on the globe to gain experience.
(I’m not a German citizen nor I intend to become one.)
It’s a common misconception that using peaceful means is always more moral than fighting a colonial war.
One can imagine a simple experiment. Country A conquers country B and brutalizes country C. Would it be more moral for Germany to peacefully trade (including military goods\technologies) with country A or to use said armed force to get a piece of country B? Country B suffers in both cases, but in the latter case Germany doesn’t finance the aggressor, and also presents some competition and can make life in parts of B controlled by it better. It can also offer military help to C for some preferential treatment.
Ah, also country A already has such a fighting force, all bullies already do. A military has to fight wars to remain competent. So there’s no vegetarian way to defend from influence of bullies. And there’s no neutral way as well - either you are a bully or you actively fight bullies. Maybe both. If you are neither, then you become weaker with time, and thus simply part of supply chain for bullies. Also neutrality always helps bullies and never the victim, that’s Eli Wiesel quote, if someone didn’t know.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
I mean, I’m in Moscow and it’s barely below 0 degC.
But - yes.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
Wearing a sweater still makes sense there. To spend less energy.
But in that case it’ll be more a matter of heat isolation. Though when such a low temperature exists on the outside consistently, air humidity drops and it sucks heat less. I think it works this way, but that’s pure intuition or something, my physics knowledge sucks definitely.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 3 months ago:
And even when they are not on paper, they are in fact.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 3 months ago:
It’s good to bug them about it, but last I checked they just didn’t want to.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 3 months ago:
DOpus is one thing I can’t really understand why is not ported yet. It comes from Amiga anyway, I understand they might have done a lot of OS-dependent things since moving to Windows, but it should be doable, no?