- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 1 day ago:
So you’re 8 years old, I take it?
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 1 day ago:
If it’s mixing bikes, pedestrians and cars? 30kph is about the maximum safe speed for cars because of the maximum speeds of bikes, and even then they’d need to be on separate roads
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 1 day ago:
Which always makes me wonder why, if it’s so nice, this isn’t done everywhere
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 2 days ago:
I hope he’s already put of the country before he posted that, or he’ll be stopped and disappeared for being a security risk or something
- Comment on Wales’s 20mph speed limit has cut road deaths. Why is there still even a debate? 2 days ago:
In my home town ALL roads are 30kph, and like 50% of the intersections are roundabouts. The result is traffic just continuously flowing and you arrive much faster than before with the roads at 50kph. Other side effects are less gasoline use, less pollution from gas and tires, less accidents, less noise, basically less bad and more good.
Add to that the great cycle and walking infrastructure and yeah, of course I’m talking about the Netherlands
Queue the replies with "but you could nevah do this in [Canada | United States | England | Mexico | Russia | China | whatever] because [too cold | too many mountains | too large distances | whatever]
- Comment on Assassin’s Creed Shadows is as dark as that infamous Game of Thrones episode 3 days ago:
That’s so weird, HDR is supposed to do the exact opposite of this.
The again, Samsung… Don’t buy Samsung anymore, it’s been a trash brand for a long time now
- Comment on Remember the good old days? 4 days ago:
Stop showing this shit, Republicans can only get so hard…
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 4 days ago:
And that, actually, is a great thing. You don’t want explosive growth, you want stability. This is a lesson the US is learning right now
- Comment on What happened to FlyingSquid? 5 days ago:
And there is our resident conspiracy theorist
- Comment on Netflix Director Arrested for $11 Million Fraud, Spent $2.4 million on five Rolls-Royces and one Ferrari 6 days ago:
Ding ding ding, this is it
I know a sad little boy like that (wife’s ex) and even his own children think he’s a sad little boy, always and only bragging about how rich he is. He’s moderately wealthy at best, but has to keep on yapping about is dynasty (yes, dynasty)
- Comment on Old photos in real life 6 days ago:
Top one is iirc her first video ever, don’t ask how I know.
- Comment on SMH 1 week ago:
Yeah, no.
Humans saw measles, hunger, suffering, etc and decided to come up with science. Double blind trials and all are part of that to make it better and more reliable.
I get this is a meme, but this is kinda out there
- Comment on Longest valid chemical formulae that speels outs words or phrases 1 week ago:
Ooh, another molecule that suddenly ceased to exist according to the US government
- Comment on Are Autocracies more powerful than Democracies? 1 week ago:
Yeah no, that is not what capitalism is. It’s a side effect of capitalism that can happen when not curbed with good laws, but it’s not capitalism.
In the same way I can say that communism is all about suppression, brainwashing, and murder because that’s what Russia and China have been about for a long, long time
- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 1 week ago:
Same language but with huge differences world wide, as languages tend to do. Believe a person whom lived in Mexico for over 2 decades, Mexican Spanish is NOT the exact same. It’s mostly similar and you’ll be able to understand but it will be immediately obvious that it’s very different.
I watch Spain Spanish movies and regularly have trouble understanding it all
- Comment on Banks’ climate alliance calls vote to ditch pledge on limiting warming to 1.5C 1 week ago:
Alliance votes to help end the world
Aren’t we glad we don’t get to vote on that too?
- Comment on Trump Poses With a Tesla, a Move Aimed Solely at Helping Musk 1 week ago:
- Comment on kmk 2 weeks ago:
To each their own, I’ll do the dodecahedron
- Comment on at the plasma donation place, one of the screening questions is "have you had a condition with scab formation?" - like, a superficial cut, or a mosquito bite? 2 weeks ago:
Some people just want to watch the world burn
I really wouldn’t be surprised that there are people who know they have HIV that try to make blood donations anyway just because.
Sorry, I may sound cynical but I’ve seen so many people pull so much shit for no reason that I’ve sort of lost faith in humanity. It’s like rule 34, call it rule 51, if it’s a shitty thing to do, there will be people doing it just because they think it’s amusing
- Comment on Are Autocracies more powerful than Democracies? 2 weeks ago:
No they’re not.
Look around history over the global and democracies consistently are he most powerful because of the transparency that roots out corruption and the freedoms that allow scientific progress and capitalism that allows for strong economy.
Now before lemmies start down voting: yes, capitalism has its issues and it needs to be tempered by strong laws or you get whatever the hell the US is, but in principle allowing free trade is a huge boon to a country and it’s citizens
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 weeks ago:
Just read that story and was already WTF? Why isn’t the German government making waves about this?
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 weeks ago:
Illegal protests.
Okay so since protests are an expression of opinion, and you got that pesky first amendment, all protests are legal, so this tweet is a nothing burger.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 weeks ago:
This, in part,is also the educated vs. the uneducated.
Most of Trump’s policiet are obviously dumb when given a single thought, but you have to be able to make that throught. The vast majority of magas are not capable of making a first, let alone second, thought
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 weeks ago:
This is really real? Holy shit
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 3 weeks ago:
It’s not all Americans, but there is a certain type that when you see them, you know it.
I’m talking the type in baggy cargo shorts who 20 seconds after meeting them brags about having great weed and how many women they’ve fucked.
I had one of those come work with us in Mexico some 6 years back. We had an integrated karate dojo where all employees could train and at the first (and last) training he joined he immediately grabbed two women by their breasts because USA! USA! USA!
Since I ran that dojo he was banned right there and then, but the company owner did not wanted to fire him. Owner was Russian so take from that what you will
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 3 weeks ago:
Just saw the first 30 seconds but i love her naivete on this. She thinks they’re just coming for people’s rights. Aaawww, cute.
Trump just beheaded the army, making sure trump loyalists are all that’s left.
What do you think will happen when a bunch of death cult christofascists who want the apocalypse to bring Christ back get access to nukes?
What so you think will happen when a mob boss who doesn’t care millions of deaths, who wants to play land grab and steal canada, Greenland, latín America etc gets access to nukes with nobody to control his impulses?
So far things are escalating rapidly and “muh rights” is just the next rung on the ladder. I’m looking three to four rungs ahead and I’m very fucking worried as these shits have shown to give nothing about who dies, as long as they get better off. They also have shown to have no concept of consequences and again, they have access to nukes and now fill control of a military who now will say no to nothing.
And you’re complaining about rights. You think protests will do anything? Not that anyone wants to protest, recent “well stop the city” protests got sometimes even hundreds of people out, ooohh, craaazaaayy! Call me again once you have 100 million people in the streets, those hundreds do less than shit.
I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be a dixk, not to you, o don’t know you and I know the YouTuber and I know what she’s saying but I think we’re already way, WAY past all that.
Trump is speed running solidifying his position and once he has full control of all the branches that can stop or slow him, the gloves will come off.
Think it’s bad now? Wait a year. Think you can do anything to stop him? You can’t. Even if you could get millions of protesters in total, even if you could get tens of millions of protesters, its already too late for that, you’ll just look funny walking and screaming in the streets, they won’t give a fuck. You want tos strike? Paralyze the country? Wait until police starts killing protesters and see how long it takes for everyone to stop and go home to cry in a hole.
Stopping trump now requires someone extraordinary to do something extraordinary. I’m not implying anything, I’m simply saying that us plebs are already out of the game.
Maybe maybe maybe if all Republicans cut themselves off and just all Democrats,.maybe they could do something? Them again, too many Democrats are already saying to just support trump and work with him so yeah, forget about all that too.
I don’t know what can be done at this point. I can just only say “fuckyou Americans, all of you, for letting this happen, for unleashing this hell over the world”
If tomorrow Yellowstone would erupt and destroy the entirety of the US, I would just be relieved
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 3 weeks ago:
Nothing of consequence, nobody is.
Yeah, here and there some may say that ooohh, trump bad!
He just beheaded the military which is literally the pre-last step needed. All he needs to do now is put trump loyalists in those positions, have them purge the rest of the top to ensure all are pro trump and them what’s going to stop him?
AOC? She’ll mysteriously disappear, next question.
Who is going to stop these fuckwads?
Next up, Canada will become the 51st state. Don’t wanna? Nuke Vancouver, who is going to stop him? What, Europe? They can get a few nukes too if they don’t like it, he has enough.
Next up, Panama becomes a US state. Don’t like it? See a pattern?
Next up, Greenland, and so on.
NOBODY HAS DONE ANYTHING. The US is always ALWAYS boasting about self sacrifice and the one hero who saves all, or maybe a group that bands together and goes against all odds and die in the process and and and… Nothing. So far the biggest actions I’ve seen were people resigning in protest, making even easier for trump WTF.
Ooohh, ther ehave been protests! Some cities had dozens of people, some even had hundreds!! Whooooo, Cheeto must be shitting bricks now!!
Nobody has done anything.
These are people whondobt care about laws
These are people that don’t care about consequences, nor do they have the ability to think about consequences
These are people who don’t care if you, or millions like you will die. Fuck you, die already, give us what we want.
In part, these are people who are working diligently to bring about the apocalypse so that jeebus christ will return or some delusional shit like that, and now they have access to nukes. Great going assholes (yes, if you’re American, that means you) YOU DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO FUCKING STOP ANY OF THIS.
Oh, what? You think that you did your job by voting? Well that sure wasn’t enough. These fuckers will fuck the world, when is someone going to do something to actually stop all of this shit?
Honestly, I don’t think anyone can do anything anymore anyway. Something could have been done by Biden. He had the extraordinary presidential powers, he could have simply stopped trump by pulling a trump. He refused, needed to do “the right thing” and fuck the world over in the process. Well done, asshole, hope you feel good about yourself.
I think we’re all fucked. I used to worry about climate change as I have a reasonable understanding of what it takes to stop it, let alone start to reverse it. It will take a huge effort and sacrifice from everyone in the world and we’ve done shit all and don’t care. Don’t worry if you live through trump (there is a good non zero chance that you won’t), climate change will end you.
Now I’m just worried about the world being destroyed beyond repair by trump already because again, nobody cares to actually stop all of them.
I’m kind of in the zone where I kust let it happen , once they come for me, I’ll be happy with my wife, we had an awesome run together, when we die, we will be happy in eachothers arms.
- Comment on Why would America declaring cartels terrorist organizations be a problem for Mexico? 4 weeks ago:
Cheeto doesn’t want to start eats but it’s not his fault, as these terrorist organizations wanted to overthrow the US government or something like that so you see, they have no option but to invade Mexico. Since these cartels also operate in Canada, yeah, no option, they just gave to go in and take over. They’re doing the right thing, really!
- Comment on F*@K THE MEDIA, I CYCLED IRAN ALONE 🇮🇷 (It was incredible) | Monterojo Hoodboy [12:58] 4 weeks ago:
I wasn’t arrested for political fodder, so it’s safe. Right?
- Comment on Back Up Everything. Even if Elon Musk Isn’t Looking at It. 4 weeks ago:
No. Data is always better than no data. I’d love to know what illegal shit is in their databases and servers