Don’t buy lab-grown black holes, it’s not quite the same if it’s not mined by a child in South Africa. And it should cost at least three times your salary, otherwise your spouse will be ashamed.
That explains a lot
Submitted 4 days ago by to
Comments 4 days ago 4 days ago
It’s only a black hole if it comes from the black region of space. Otherwise it’s just a sparkling dense mass. 3 days ago
A not-sparkling stellar mass 4 days ago
Maybe not the actual referenced article, but its close:…
While the study was testing for a specific kind of energy radiated by an artificial micro black hole…
What’s being glossed over is the broad concept and implactions of Hawking Radiation.
Simply put, a tiny micro black hole will evaporate itself out of existence quite rapidly.
There is no danger of such a thing growing and consuming everything like an expanding katamari damacy ball. 4 days ago
There is no danger of such a thing growing and consuming everything like an expanding katamari damacy ball.
Damn. 4 days ago
Thought we had an out… Nope we got to tackle fascism and climate change the hard way 4 days ago
Disappointed beyond measure. :( 4 days ago
Yeah, until we get a micro black hole that’s piloted by a competent Katamari player, then it’s over! 4 days ago
What is the minimum size until it will grow faster than it evaporates? And can we make one if we try really hard? 3 days ago…/311-hawking-radiation-calculator
Indeed, any black hole with a mass greater than about 0.75% of the Earth’s mass is colder than the cosmic background, and thus its mass increases for now. As the universe expands and cools, however, eventually the black hole may begin to lose mass-energy through Hawking radiation.
Size isn’t the main factor, mass is.
A teaspoon of what neutron stars are made of weighs as much as Mt. Everest.
Its the mass, and apparently the threshold for an actually stable black hole is 0.75% the mass of Earth, 4.48 x 10²² kg … or, roughly 2/3 the mass of the Moon.
So… basically 0 chance in our natural life times we’ll figure out how to convert the Moon into a blackhole, lol. 4 days ago
If you do, you may win a Nobel prize for it 3 days ago
I know a little bit but I’m not an expert.
My understanding is hawking radiation will produce a rate of mass evaporating that’s fairly consistent over galactic time scales, so you just need to make sure the black hole is big enough to “suck” more mass in via gravitational attraction per given time period than evaporates through hawking radiation. 4 days ago
We know this because after testing it the micro blackhole did in fact fizzle out. /joke 4 days ago
If only it could suck up a few specific people before evaporating itself out of existence. 4 days ago
If you can’t grow your own black holes, store-bought is fine. 4 days ago
I really prefer wild Atlantic black holes. 3 days ago
i prefer wild-generated blackholes, sources from a star. 3 days ago
The problem is, nobody can find out if they actually are 3 days ago
It’s not that hard, all you needs a little Scots turf builder black hole edition. 3 days ago
I keep hearing commericals for them advertising to kill clover. Always annoys me. If clover grows in your yard, your yard likely needs the nutrients (nitrogen likely). Also, it helps bee populations, which helps well… Life.
Clover was never a weed until weed killer came around out and killed it with everything else in the grass. So they started an ad campaign that told people it was a weed and convinced people that white flowers in your yard look bad.
So now everytime I hear an advertisement that mentions killing clover I remind myself not to buy products by the brand who says it. Also, clover honey is delicious. 3 days ago
i prefer mines, organic, pasture and gard raised, not with artificial ingredients. 4 days ago
Well, yeah.
If you wish to build a black hole from scratch, you must first build the universe. 3 days ago
But it’s not an authentic black hole unless it’s mined with slave labour! 4 days ago
Who had ‘Lab grown Black Hole?’ 3 days ago
They didn’t make a black hole, they just did the supersonic Rubidium gas trick 4 days ago
Us developing an actual black hole would be one of the best things humanity has ever done. It would kinda be like inventing techniques to make fire.
We could throw shit around the orbit of the black hole and get fusion. Not just deuterium fusion! Even proton proton fusion. Our energy needs would be solved practically forever.
We could conduct a crazy amount of experiments on the black hole, see quantum effects of gravity and whatnot.
Maybe we could build one of em Alcubierre drives that don’t need exotic matter? 4 days ago
Pretty sure any black hole we create would evaporate from hawking radiation before it could be used for anything outside of research. 4 days ago
If we could make Jupiter a black hole, would that be stable enough to not radiate away? Other big body we have access to is the sun and I feel we would suffer more side effects of turning that into a hole compared to Jupiter 4 days ago
Then somebody drops it and it just falls down to the planet’s core and eats our fucking world. 4 days ago
The way we are going, its for the best 4 days ago
Ok, so even if it “falls down”, it will probably evaporate way before it even reaches the center. Even if it doesn’t, it will be take A VERY LONG TIME for it to get big enough to eat the planet out or whatever.
It is very VERY difficult to make something fall inside a black hole. Mostly, stuff just zooms right past it at incredible speeds.
The earth would be consumed by the sun way before it gets consumed by a black hole. 4 days ago
That’s not really how black holes work. They evaporate really quickly when they’re small enough. And if they’re small, they don’t have much gravity either. 3 days ago
We'd have a quasi-planet. 4 days ago
That’s not how that works. It’s not a DnD sphere of annihilation, it’s an infinitely dense point of matter. 4 days ago
One of the first things we will use it for is to make a new weapon of mass destruction. Mark my words. 4 days ago
It would make whoever controls it effectively God, so yeah - probably. 4 days ago
Tiny black holes are the kind of thing that physically cant exist for more than a few like picosecods or something ridiculous like that before evaporating into radio waves. 4 days ago
We kinda don’t know for sure though. The tinier the black hole gets, the more it enters into the realm of quantum mechanics. We have no clue how quantum gravity works, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 4 days ago
Unfortunately an Alcubierre drive dumps a shitload of high energy radiation in the direction of travel when it stops. We would sterilize every world we get to. 4 days ago
So why not just stop beside the planet you are aiming for? 4 days ago
Isn’t that a solvable problem though? Overshoot the target planet by just enough, that it isn’t in the hemisphere of the warp bubble pointed towards the direction of motion. 4 days ago
I think there was a Simpson’s episode about this. 4 days ago
pokes black hole C’mon, devour Earth. 3 days ago
It’s wild that there is so much space between atoms (and inside them, between the elctron orbitals and the nucleus), and black holes are so incredibly dense, that a small black hole can fall all the way through the Earth and not hit enough matter to gain appreciable mass. 1 day ago
Also it would be radiating prodigiously, and would need to eat fast to survive 2 days ago
You got any links to explain this in some more detail?
Because this just causes my brain to jam when trying to comprehend…
Like what diameter of black hole are we talking?
And what is the critical mass of the black whole before it starts to cascade and grow? 4 days ago
Did they drop “analogue” or “simulated” from the title? 4 days ago
Did a quick search and yep, it was a collection of rubidium atoms… 4 days ago
There isn’t enough mass in our solar system to sustain a black hole, less on a scientists’ research budget. 4 days ago
There absolutely is. Any mass, no matter how small, will turn into a black hole when sufficiently compressed. 4 days ago
Sure, but it won’t sustain itself at any mass. A black hole with a mass of 500,000kg lasts about 10 seconds and is harmless. If you managed to compress 300,000,000kg into a black hole you’d have it last about 100 years and it would still be too small to do any damage to the earth during that time.
You’re correct there’s enough mass in the solar system to create a self sustaining black hole though. Anything around the mass of the moon or larger we should worry. A black hole the mass of the earth would definitely be self sustaining. 4 days ago
I like to believe all that mass in an impossible tiny space is a result of all the multiverses stacked on each other. 4 days ago
I remember seeing Event Horizon.
This won’t end well. 3 days ago
Don’t worry they didn’t make a real black hole, they just did the Supersonic rubidium gas trick 4 days ago 4 days ago
“i have become death destroyer of worlds” 4 days ago
I have become hunger, destroyer of tacos. 3 days ago
Opps, singuloose! 4 days ago
mom can we adopt a lab grown black hole? 4 days ago
Mom: We have a black hole at home - points to the teen age brother 3 days ago
I was a black hole analog built out of Bose-Einstein-Condensate.
Considering they used sound instead of light, wouldn’t that make it a silent hole? 4 days ago
Not everyone can cough up the cash for some free-range organic black hole. 4 days ago
If I read this post without any context I would think “this guy is too b poor to hire a black prostitute” and not " this guy doesn’t have a particle accelerator capable of making a miniature black hole" 4 days ago
And this is why you should not skip your physics classes. 4 days ago
Do we have brandnewsentence on lemmy? 4 days ago