- Comment on That explains a lot 4 days ago:
Yeah, until we get a micro black hole that’s piloted by a competent Katamari player, then it’s over!
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 1 week ago:
Your vote means nothing
I was with you until this, and maybe this is what people take issue with. Our vote fucking DOES mean something because if more folks voted against Trump, things would be a LOT less terrible.
They would still be unacceptably shitty though, no argument there, and I’ve been trying to show people for a long time myself that “Dems & Repubs vs. us” is a much more accurate description of the conflict than “us dems vs. us repubs”.
Even so, our vote matters a fucking lot when the Republican half of the regime is doing this kind of damage. I can’t really imagine anyone coherently arguing otherwise unless they are also arguing for immediate armed revolution. Voting matters, more of it would help with the far-reaching horrible outcomes of this administration in particular.
- Comment on FGFBD 4 weeks ago:
I’m just thankful it’s fritted, can you imagine?
- Comment on Feelin free 5 weeks ago:
I don’t mean a literal work output “quota”, that’s what I meant with layers of abstraction. A better question to ask yourself is how many Americans live paycheck to paycheck? The expensive nature of the modern world, the difficulty in being paid well enough to achieve not just stability but some personal forward progress - getting the resources for these is what I mean about needing to hit a “quota”.
What proportion of Americans are unable to hit the quota, described this way? What are the consequences, both to them and to wider society? Pretty bad situation, reminds me of just more complicated/obfuscated, “fuzzier” feudalism.
- Comment on Feelin free 5 weeks ago:
Can’t forget the terrible consequences of failing to meet “quota” (make enough to pay the bills).
But thanks for pointing this out, it really is similar, just with enough layers of abstraction to make the structure hard to see.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 1 month ago:
Hotdang, nailed it first try!
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 month ago:
Nothing to be ashamed of my friend, cool little device you’ve got here!
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 month ago:
Yeah I don’t think my comment is right lol.
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 month ago:
Auto to me (if A is Auto) sounds like it’d truncate unnecessary digits (4 or 4.0 instead of 4.0000) maybe? Whereas if F is Full then you’d get full precision?
Idk seems logical but not especially useful, probably not a great guess.
- Comment on Grirrrll.... 1 month ago:
So we do swallow rocks!
- Comment on Treat taking a dump like a sport 1 month ago:
I love the instant good mood they get like that lol
- Comment on When they tell you "oh of course it's safe" they are lying 1 month ago:
- Comment on Anon reaches enlightenment 1 month ago:
My dreams are brutally realistic sometimes too lol, which makes me grumpy. Shouldn’t we be trying out other ideas, ya dork ass brain?! Isn’t that a lotta the point of dreaming at all?!
- Comment on Anon hates Apple 2 months ago:
Never did a lot of specifically phone repair, but all the computer and misc electronics repair I’ve worked at follow a similar pattern to yours. To add to it - there should be cobbled together racks, behind the flimsy curtain, filled with devices of many vintages in many states of (dis)repair.
The cleaner the place and the steeper the price, a lotta times the better the proprietor is at business than at electronics, lol
- Comment on I walked all over the damn store looking for butter 2 months ago:
I get mileage outta this one in particular too. Still sometimes get turned around and bamboozled, overall I’ve kinda learned to treat the info as more like…the Platonic ideal of a perfectly modeled store, lol. The many changes and failures and surprises just make me even more grateful that any of that info is in there and works well. Really convenient.
- Comment on J IS LORD 2 months ago:
Still, I would’ve been disappointed if someone hadn’t just typed it out. Probably woulda felt like I had to.
- Comment on I don't thing my beef strogonoff updates aren't working. 2 months ago:
You magnificent SOB!
- Comment on It's true 2 months ago:
That’s a consistent and reasonable take. Mob violence can be unpredictable and harmful to its own causes. I’m certainly willing to call it murder myself, while also being glad for it. And I condemn going after the person who called in the tip, for many reasons, but succinctly - that person cannot possibly bear enough responsibility for the state of things, even acknowledging the actions they sure didn’t have to take, to be an appropriate target of anything like what happened to Brian Thompson.
- Comment on It's true 2 months ago:
Well, I can understand your point of view without sharing it. As for the hostility, beyond most folks just following whatever up/downvoting they see taking place already, there’s a critical element here that shouldn’t be missed - the positive response has been largely bipartisan, which is rare and valuable. And not only is it bipartisan, it points out a critically important truth which any resident of this country would do well to keep in mind -
At this stage of the game, we might be a hair’s breadth from realizing that it hasn’t been Democrats vs. Republicans for a long time, it’s just all of us regular folks vs the abusive rich (+their enablers).
I’m reaching here, but if other people feel that way, I can imagine wanting to discourage anything that takes away from a sudden (much needed) feeling of unity.
- Comment on It's true 2 months ago:
Just to give one more take (without contributing any hostility, I hope!) - one way to look at it might be that you see this new development (Thompson’s murder and the nation’s “hell yeah!”) as the scary, dangerous step too far, whereas maybe many of us see the scary dangerous step(s) too far as having already happened (maybe long) in the past.
We’re in a really scary situation as a country, and that was almost exactly as true the day before Thompson’s murder as it is today. The significant events leading to our scary situation are a list of egregious misdeeds and manipulations by people in power, stretching back years - even if I take your premise that it’s wrong, this is just yet one more event (if a notable acceleration). I sincerely believe that a few more gray hoodies might actually send things back in the right direction and bring the owner class back to the negotiating table. As it stands (and ~equally true two weeks ago), the social contract in this country is in tatters. The rich get everything, everyone else - nothing, not even the healthcare we already frickin bought.
Laws are not virtuous by default, is it a moral judgment against killing itself here, or is the problem that it was not a legal act? Of course don’t let me reduce your position to one of my own two phrasings lol, but I am curious about the specific objection you have.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 2 months ago:
LOL I like it, take it one step further too: “…and you’ll be hearing about this shit during my performance review!”
- Comment on KØUTÜLLER 2 months ago:
What a legend.
- Comment on Claim Denied 2 months ago:
Welp, yours is the most creative take I’ve seen this morning haha, kudos!
- Comment on HAIL SATAN 2 months ago:
Pshaw, let’s see you or your deity turn someone into a pillar of salt for looking the wrong way, fuck yeah Team God!
- Comment on Watching passport bros get bodied by SEA women is a complete mood. Get rekt manlet. 3 months ago:
This is the exact line I was gonna quote too lol, this story is very specific and fun to read
- Comment on Can't install app because it isn't "certified" by the government 3 months ago:
It was always going to end this way.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
The weird man-lifts used to get a side eye from me
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Not quite invisible but you could also splash and wade into a pool of strong acid thinking it was water, during what first seemed like a somewhat routine FUBAR maintenance situation…filling your boots etc.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
Blech, I’ve heard stories in my industrial automation days of people being clipped by invisible high pressure steam leaks. No frickin thank you, regular stovetop steam jacks me up frequently enough.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 3 months ago:
More gut bacteria for the rest of us, that’s what I say!