- Comment on That explains a lot 1 week ago:
We'd have a quasi-planet.
- Comment on How can A person find out if they were hired as a DEI or fired because of it? 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 2 weeks ago:
I'm not from a different millennium. I am the millennium.
- Comment on Ow ow ow ow ow 3 weeks ago:
I feel like the classic image the mermaid in my head is clamshells as a bra.
You might be thinking of Ariel
- Comment on I can't be obsessed and anxious if I plan ahead 3 weeks ago:
It was a symptoms checker questionnaire on https://www.additudemag.com/
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 4 comments
- Comment on I need this framed in every room so I don't make that mistake again 3 weeks ago:
One of my favorites
- Comment on Beautiful 3 weeks ago:
It's like the magnetic poles, switching one your pilot's license test day
- Comment on It's why they tried to get rid of it 3 weeks ago:
We are coming for you Pluto
To throw it an appreciation party!!
- Comment on It's why they tried to get rid of it 3 weeks ago:
Some guys got so obsessed with reforming and polishing glass, that they used that to see the vague flickering dots even better.
But also, have you seen the night sky without light and sound pollution? How can someone not just stare at that every night and memorize it?
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 3 weeks ago:
terrible - Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 3 weeks ago:
Y'all are fancy with your hanging shirts. I use a drawer system. Top shelf are my everyday CK V-necks which are being phased out for the Banana Republics as they wear away. Second shelf are my socializing t-shirts. If I'm hitting the third shelf, it's because I need to do laundry. I refuse to wear collars unless I have to because someone will get upset. They are so distracting and annoying rubbing on my neck and looking like I'm going to church. I seriously wonder to myself how people wear a button down shirt tucked in to their tight jeans just to be at home. It just looks soooo tight, restrictive, and generally uncomfortable. Shoot, I'm in jeans rn only because my roomie has company coming over. Otherwise, I'd be chillaxing in some soft sweats or pjs.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 3 weeks ago:
I got my black CK V-neck shirts I got at Coscto ~4 years ago still going strong. I have a Grey one for when I wanna get wild. Otherwise, I have the new Banana Republic ones, but they're not dear to my heart like the OOGs.
- Comment on Dinner bell is going off 3 weeks ago:
I have that too! I could go days without eating if I don't make an effort. I even have a personal rule that if I haven't eaten by 2p, I have to stop whatever I'm doing and eat. However, if I exercise, my appetite kicks in, so it's best that I have an exercise regiment if I want to stay eating regular.
- Comment on Dinner bell is going off 3 weeks ago:
That, and when you tough raw meat, you have to wash them to avoid cross-contamination. So you're hands are constantly wet then getting dried, the towel gets to wet, and your hands get too dry.
- Comment on Okay, this is getting out of hand 4 weeks ago:
“Home Depot™ Presents the Police!®”
computer money invented to buy drugs
“Subway™ Eat Fresh and Freeze, Scumbag!®”
I shot the mailbox again, on purpose.
Oikos™ Greek Yogurt Presents Handcuffs®
Years ago, a central banker killed my partner.
he swiped his credit card to pay me for arresting him.
I haven't laughed this much in sooooo long! omg lmaoooo All those ™ and ® in the stupid commands omg I can't rn
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 4 weeks ago:
lol, I get that part, but how can they assess the presence of weapons if it's blurred.
- Comment on Neil A. 4 weeks ago:
I believe ✌👽
- Comment on SEIS!? 4 weeks ago:
El queso esta viejo y podrido 🦕
- Comment on What Refutes Science... 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, I'm being silly.
Isn't a counterexample just one datum? Even though its only one case, it's still science.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 4 weeks ago:
What's the point of scanning someone at that level of precision if they can't even see it. Seems pretty pointless to me.
- Comment on What Refutes Science... 4 weeks ago:
Isn't a counterexample just da tomb? Even though its only won case-a-dilla, it's still le sahyênçe.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 4 weeks ago:
So TSA is practically seeing everyone naked? Is that for real?
- Comment on My help button is grayed out 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on A photo of me trying to make it without support. 4 weeks ago:
And then when you fall, the stomp on you for being a PoS.
- Comment on My help button is grayed out 4 weeks ago:
it's what it's
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose even Steven. 4 weeks ago:
Ephen Stephen
- Comment on Animals live in an entirely different reality FYI 4 weeks ago:
He's mostly music, but has a bunch of cool interesting side videos on topics I find interesting but would never think of that are well-researched and hinged.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
It has been my experience that the best persona to use at work is one of no humanity. Be a corporate robot. When you walk in those doors, kill any sense of emotion. Look at everything logically. Make no friends. Focus on the tasks that your performance is measured. Leave no room for misinterpretation.
Most people are cool, but some are hunting for opportunities. Don't give those people any opportunities.
- Comment on What are the possible ways a computer can kill you? 4 weeks ago:
I think that what happened with the Boeing 737-MAX crashing was that they had a sensor that if it got stuck, the software was programed to make the plane pitch down, even overriding the pilot's own input. That resulted in the deaths of 346 people.
If it's Boeing, I ain't going.