The knowledge of Pluto causes autism, clearly it is an elder God cognitihazard.
It's why they tried to get rid of it
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Diagnosis unclear, I haven’t been diagnosed with Pluto, yet… 5 weeks ago
Shark attacks cause ice cream sales 5 weeks ago
Are you suggesting there’s a common cause for pluto and autism? 5 weeks ago
No, the opposite; it’s a classic example showing that correlation doesn’t necessitate causation. 5 weeks ago
The thing with jokes like these and Birds Aren’t Real and Russel’s Teapot and stuff is just that we don’t believe in them and the people that do believe in the vaccine cause autism BS is that they do fervently do. 5 weeks ago
I don’t think I understand your point. 5 weeks ago
He’s missing some punctuation, but the point is that the burden of proof ought to be on the people making the claim instead of as it commonly happens, that people state something wild and then spend their time arguing against the proofs against it. The secondary point is that people who do this are already blind to this, so they are basing their arguments on something that only they believe, and strongly believe without proof.
It makes discussion futile, because the people believing in random stuff are asking for evidence against something untrue that is based on something untrue which is based on something untrue. It’s 2 or more steps away from logic.
I don’t know if that made any more sense, so let’s make an allegory with math.
Let’s say a person wrongly believes that 2=3. This belief is unknown for anyone besides themselves. Based on this, they conclude that 2x3=4 and state that openly. So a sane person would argue that 2x3=6. The first person then claimss that 6 is wrong, and the second person will attempt to prove it logically. It does not matter how much proof the sane person provides of the 6 because the first person does not understand that from their belief. The 2=3 belief is never discussed, only the 6. 5 weeks ago
Pluto’s original name was mRNA !!! 5 weeks ago
Are you suggesting that Pluto is inside of vaccines?!? Alert the media!!! 5 weeks ago
Thousands of people suddenly start staring into the night sky, exhaustively cataloging everything they see, and writing long journal entries arguing over whether a vague flickering dot is a planet or not.
And you think Pluto caused Autism? 5 weeks ago
Some guys got so obsessed with reforming and polishing glass, that they used that to see the vague flickering dots even better.
But also, have you seen the night sky without light and sound pollution? How can someone not just stare at that every night and memorize it? 5 weeks ago
Getting really far out into the woods and seeing the Milky Way in all its glory is a transformative experience, without a doubt. 5 weeks ago
Is that why autistic people are trying to convince everyone that Pluto isn’t a planet? 5 weeks ago
when i was a kid and we weren’t paying attention, a saying was “is your mind lost in Pluto?” 5 weeks ago
Earth to Expartria 5 weeks ago
Lies, damn lies, statistics, and Pluto not being a planet. 5 weeks ago
Grilled Cheese sandwiches cause Autism
Prove me wrong 5 weeks ago
That’s easy… Pluto causes it. I mean that’s why we are all here. 5 weeks ago
So, if I understand correctly, Pluto causes grilled cheese sandwiches? 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Pluto isn’t real wake up sheeple!!! 5 weeks ago
Ahh. Post hoc ergo proper hoc. I probably can’t pronounce it, but I sure recognize it when I see it! Its has got to be one of the most sophisticated ways to display ones ignorance.
Another fun one they always seem to like to use is:
“NUH UHH!!” 5 weeks ago
Um, actually, autism was termed in 1980s… 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
I did not know eugenics was named after a person. I thought it was like, a scientific sorta term. 5 weeks ago
Nice try, but wasn’t autism ‘discovered’ in 1933??? Big Pluto trying to get its planet status back over here. Psh 5 weeks ago
best argument for making pluto a planet yet 5 weeks ago
Finally we discover the cause of autism. We are coming for you Pluto, you wanna be planet. 5 weeks ago
We are coming for you Pluto
To throw it an appreciation party!! 5 weeks ago
#PLUTO IS THE BEST PLANET IN THE UNIVERSE!!! 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Wait, I don’t think you understand the gravity of what you’ve just suggested: autism caused Pluto. 5 weeks ago
No, you got it wrong. Autism exists since like forever. It’s the diagnosis that caused Pluto. 5 weeks ago
Doctors created Pluto as a distraction 5 weeks ago
Look man when I was a kid Pluto was a planet. Therefore Pluto will always be a planet.
This mental inflexibility on my part may be related to autism, but I will never admit it. 5 weeks ago
Don’t worry I also find myself being stubborn for no reason. 5 weeks ago
Pluto was created to be destroyed, and it’s destruction would make autistic people reveal themselves plainly. 5 weeks ago
Look at it this way. Pluto didn’t change, we just changed the definition of a planet to exclude it from the cool kids club because if we included it we’d also have to at the very least invite Eris too, and nobody likes Eris (hence the Trojan War).