you’re high on mushrooms in the Viking age, the gods are everywhere
- Comment on Best game ever? 1 hour ago:
If I go with unique experiences as a criteria just to mix it up a bit I have a few
Playing xwing with a flight stick is really fun and one of my first gaming experiences outside of nes and arcades. Just really fun fast paced fighter combat. A close second would be everspace or Chorus on a controller.
Playing one of the big multiplayer arcade cabinets like Simpsons or X-Men was the original couch co-op with whoever was at the arcade not playing pinball or pool.
Beating your first boss in a dark souls or elden ring game feels like a big accomplishment, sometimes even more than the later ones when you’re character gets more powerful.
Going from small groups with friends to raids in an MMORPG feels like starting a whole new game, EverQuest and wow were big ones for me.
- Comment on Don't make me come over there 3 days ago:
Alt: Lester Freamon, character from The Wire played by Clarke Peters who had the ‘glasses down the nose let me school you’ look down perfectly
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 3 days ago:
You’ve just contradicted yourself. First you say it’s silly that God is willing to pay and accepts payment for our sins from Himself, then you claim God is evil because He punishes sin to begin with.
It’s not a contradiction to say if this god exists he makes unnecessary rules and unjust punishments for breaking those rules.
How could a sinful person expect their sin to be tolerated around a perfect God?
If this god exists and was knowing, loving, and powerful I would expect he could forgive them and rehabilitate them, not cast them aside to be tortured forever, that’s not an act of love, that’s an abusive intimidation tactic saying love me or else.
Yes, such sin damns us to hell, but God forgives it, and Jesus is the mechanism of God’s forgiveness. If God just let people who were sinful in His sight get into heaven, He wouldn’t be perfectly just.
Who created the system where sin and hell exist and require forgiveness? If this god exists imperfect creations are exactly what a just creator would want to see so he can forgive and rehabilitate them. Instead he punishes them for actions he knew they would take before he created them, why create them in the first place if he knows they will live an insignificantly short life compared to the length of eternal torture? That is an evil thing to do.
You mentioned that we should be able to atone for sin using flour, money, incense and prayer. That’s like a player trying to bribe a Minecraft server admin to not ban him for rule breaking with diamonds. God can create flour, “money” (something that only has value because we perceive it to. What’s God going to do with it, buy His groceries in Tesco?) and incense. As for prayer, He has a multitude of angels praising Him constantly.
Those aren’t my rules to accept flour, money, etc as atonement for sin, they are the rules of the god of the Christian Bible.
Adam and Eve knew what they were doing. God told them not to. But they did it anyway.
If they didn’t know the difference between good and bad, how would they know that disobeying god was bad? That’s nonsense. If a child is too young to know good and bad and they draw on the walls it’s just as unjust to punish them.
If their descendants didn’t sin, their descendants wouldn’t be punished. But their descendants sinned. This “cruelty” is null and void considering God gives us a free way out (compared to your “better” idea where you proposed that you should need to work to get out of Hell)
The descendants had no choice in the matter to eat the fruit, it’s unjust to punish someone for something they did not choose or their ancestors chose. Collective punishment is a crime against humanity under the Geneva conventions for a reason.
I don’t think there is a god or hell, but if I did believe the Christian god exists there’s no reason to think blood sacrifice is required, and there is no free way out if you are required to worship an apparently evil creator to avoid eternal suffering.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 3 days ago:
That doesn’t justify the substitution, and if that god exists that’s not justice, that’s just an evil god who decided that eternal torture is an appropriate punishment for being born into inescapable sin with no chance of rehabilitation after a short life.
If the original sin was committed by Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and bad, which they themselves would not know was bad because they hadn’t yet eaten it, then threatening to punish them and all of their descendents with eternal torture forever is evil. There’s also no reason that the atonement of sin to an all powerful god requires a blood sacrifice or any sacrifice except by his rules, there are multiple sin atonements in the Bible accepting flour, money, incense, prayer, etc.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 4 days ago:
If I steal 20 bucks from you then I need to ask for your forgiveness, if my friend Tom forgives me it does nothing to apologize to or provide reparations for victims.
- Comment on Sir Gareth Southgate: Boys need role models, not gaming and porn 5 days ago:
He had some bangers but also some real shit takes like slaves obey your masters, faith healing, and substitutionary atonement. He’s been dead for ages and the multiple times he told his disciples the second coming would be within their lifetime never happened.
If you want better role models look at Fred Rogers Dolly Parton, Bob Ross, people that are generous and charitable without damning anyone who doesn’t agree with their religion or believe they are a divine messiah.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
Orchard farming, just add more tree
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 6 days ago:
Older games = more than 2 years old? Then the same goes for readers, movie and TV watchers, etc media consumption most isn’t from the current or previous years
- Comment on Scarlett Johansson Wants Marvel Fans to Let Black Widow Go: ‘Let Her Have Her Hero Moment’ 1 week ago:
Yeah, and there was a similar plot line I think in the comics in infinity war 2 where something similar happened to Gamora but she was actually >!trapped inside the soul stone and they went in to break her out !<
- Comment on Receipt checkers trigger me 2 weeks ago:
They can see my receipt for 10 bucks
- Comment on this is a meme about me 2 weeks ago:
Storing text in binary formats like word docs instead of plain text like latex makes version control unusable.
- Comment on What's your favourite classic movie you think everyone should have seen once in their life? 2 weeks ago:
Adding a couple to the international (depending where you’re from) list:
The Seventh Seal
The Third Man
- Comment on why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME) 4 weeks ago:
Mostly bigoted indoctrination they are either unwilling or incapable to deconstruct
- Comment on HAPPY FLAT FUCK FRIDAY 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 4 weeks ago:
It’s projection they don’t want to remove pedophiles from their own ranks, and demonizing a scapegoat minority group they can blame their own failures on.
They really wish these articles were about trans people instead of clergy
- Comment on It's why they tried to get rid of it 4 weeks ago:
Ah hell, that’s how I first read it then I second guessed myself on the irony later!
- Comment on It's why they tried to get rid of it 5 weeks ago:
Whether there is another cause that is common to both events is irrelevant to the example. The example is to demonstrate the fact that while A and B are correlated, neither A causes B nor B causes A are true predicates. Just like the discovery of Pluto and autism diagnosis are correlated to start around the same year, there’s no evidence of the casual link where discovering Pluto causes autism diagnosis or autism diagnosis causes Pluto discovery.
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 5 weeks ago:
Alt: picture of a projector projecting
- Comment on It's why they tried to get rid of it 5 weeks ago:
No, the opposite; it’s a classic example showing that correlation doesn’t necessitate causation.
- Comment on It's why they tried to get rid of it 5 weeks ago:
Shark attacks cause ice cream sales
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
This is it, relational databases are normalized under forms, deduplicate is usually a term used when talking about a concrete data set from data sources like a database, not the relational data model in the database itself.
- Comment on made a sticky 5 weeks ago:
Congratulations on appeasing middle managers, the laziest people taking the most and doing the least are at the top of the hierarchy, not the bottom.
- Comment on At this rate, why not. 5 weeks ago:
I have a similar modest proposal to solving the wealth inequality hoarding problem of billionaires
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 1 month ago:
I’ve got a pair of vortex pok3r 60%'s that I’ve used daily for around a decade with no issues, each were under 100 USD, they might have inexpensive keyboards with the features you’re looking for. Before that I used a keytronic that was built like a tank but not a mech.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
A consideration to the ending of slavery in the United States was the advent of photography. Film was used to share the horror of the Nazi concentration camps in WW2 because they knew there would be people who deny history. Israel denied access and targeted journalists in Gaza for over a year for a reason.
Public perception sways from indifference to protests when they can’t look away from the destructive results. It’s the whole reason black sites like Guantanamo Bay exist in the first place and were used to hold extradited citizens without due process for years, they want to pretend the Constitution doesn’t exist and they haven’t sworn oaths to it and will do everything they can to hide their crimes.
- Comment on I guess we are fucked now 1 month ago:
That big goopy mess at the end was mostly just lasagna
- Comment on USA Question | How much is a dozen large eggs near you? 1 month ago:
$4.99 a dozen at the closest full grocery store near me in the Midwest
- Comment on Megaladon't 1 month ago:
My favorite dinosaur is the flamingo
- Comment on U.S. Employee engagement sinks to 10-year low 2 months ago:
You get what you pay for
- Comment on Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? 2 months ago:
Dead cells and rogue legacy 1/2 were a lot of fun. Check out nethack if you want something more casual for mobile or in a terminal, it’s a classic. Switch specific I’d say check out dead cells or Isaac.