- Comment on China develops deep-sea cable-cutting device with global implications 3 hours ago:
Wasn’t that already a thing?
- Comment on He's just eccentric 3 hours ago:
IQ is bad in general since you are trying to measure “intelligence” with arbitrary test problems. Intelligence doesn’t have a clear definition so the IQ test is flawed.
- Comment on He's just eccentric 3 hours ago:
It can be both you know
Autistic people tend to do well in tough times. We are pretty resourceful and can make it though.
- Comment on He's just eccentric 3 hours ago:
That’s the term the community uses
- Comment on He's just eccentric 3 hours ago:
I love those things
- Comment on He's just eccentric 3 hours ago:
My grandpa was very smart but seemingly clueless about the world.
He couldn’t of possibly been Autistic
- Comment on Can't solve the captcha because I don't know what `undefined` is 3 hours ago:
“Which one of these animals should you kill?”
- Comment on No more Bosch for me.. 22 hours ago:
Get the dump stove that’s in the corner of many appliance stores. It looks like it fell out of the fifties but the simple design is much better.
- Comment on Win win 2 days ago:
I honesty don’t think vandalism is covered under a lot of insurance policies.
Also I have yet to see a vandalized Tesla. It would be pretty silly for you to go vandalize a car as that’s not something you want on your criminal record.
- Comment on Win win 2 days ago:
It would be a scam if you couldn’t choose the company. However, you have plenty of options. Insurance also encourages better driving since things like tickets can cause price increases. There are some privacy concerns with insurance but that is a separate issue.
- Comment on Win win 2 days ago:
I scares me the number of people willing to commit insurance fraud. I’ve had friends who would do things like park there car in a hail storm.
- Comment on Win win 2 days ago:
Committing insurance fraud is honestly pretty questionable from a ethics perspective. You are cheating the game at the cost of everyone else. Why are people ok with this now in 2025? In the last few decades it as become socially acceptable to cheat the system for your own gain.
I fully support the arrest and prosecution of those who commit insurance fraud. Same goes for companies who cheat there workers out of pay.
- Comment on Win win 2 days ago:
Subaru is also up there
- Comment on Win win 2 days ago:
Honestly get one of those old Toyotas that were build like tanks. All metal and a simple engine design means it runs forever and is easy to work on.
- Comment on Win win 2 days ago:
In American we call this Insurance Fraud and it is illegal and causes insurance rates to be much higher.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
I know you can get kicked out of the military for adultery
- Comment on Don't make me come over there 4 days ago:
Autism intensifies
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
I get it if the trash can is a mile up the trail. I have a problem when they take away a trash can next to a picnic area.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
In the US it isn’t legal to dispose of your house hold trash in a public trash can. You can throw a few things away but if you show up with a few bags of junk you can get in trouble.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
How do trash cans attract more litter?
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
In the US they could just restrict smoking areas
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
I feel like you want more trash cans not less. Make it easy for people to clean up after themselves
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
Just though it on the ground
- the general public, probably
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Oh I somehow missed that
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Tiny11 creates a massive security problem since they disable a bunch of critical security features and fixes in the name of performance. Also Windows isn’t community driven and it will never be.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Debian is dropping support in the future
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Rufus is flagged as malware by Microsoft
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
I would highly avoid getting Windows from anywhere but Microsoft. That’s just asking for trouble.
Instead install Windows 11 Pro and then go though and remove the unnecessary apps. Then use group policy to tweak the system in a way you are happy with. You can do everything from disabling Bing search in start to preventing full screen popups from Edge.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
It boils down the CPU microarchitecture
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Honestly it is better than Windows 10. When it first launched it was bad but now that it has been a few years it is much better.