- Comment on Why is Lemmy only popular in the western World? 1 day ago:
That said I have seen Brasillian communities
- Comment on your brain on day 3 of planing a magnetic loop antenna 1 day ago:
Yeah. Also you Germans tend to give things very descriptive names (like this one) which I like. Nobody in England would think to call this a queue slicer, to us it’d be a turnstyle.
- Comment on your brain on day 3 of planing a magnetic loop antenna 2 days ago:
I think it’s been repealed btw. :'(
- Comment on your brain on day 3 of planing a magnetic loop antenna 2 days ago:
Bruh. Why does German make so much sense
- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 3 days ago:
leave a bunch of nazis with the entire nuclear arsenal of the US?
- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 3 days ago:
I’m not American but I totally agree with you. You guys might be at a low point right now but yours is still a country to be proud of. Heck, I’m proud of your country for some things.
- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 3 days ago: (I think some people are using this video in bad faith but the main message still stands)
- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 3 days ago:
It’s a paradox – for the individual it’s better to leave, but migration en masse would be unsustainable both for the source country and for the recipient country. You cannot fit the whole of a country like Somalia into a country like Denmark. This is why I personally am an advocate of foreign aid, and that includes political.
- Comment on Petition: Ban behavioural data extraction for advertising 5 days ago:
though it’s been suggested that it’s a distraction,
I wonder who’s initiative it was to set the petitions site up. I cba to find its history rn but it would probably be quite easy to infer what their motivation was.
- Comment on Petition: Ban behavioural data extraction for advertising 5 days ago:
- Comment on those who know 1 week ago:
He knows too much
- Comment on Simple Facts 1 week ago:
Haha Salmon Ella could be a nickname
- Comment on Simple Facts 1 week ago:
I thought it was short for salmonella
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
Eww why are the Swedes so weird
- Comment on Old photos in real life 1 week ago:
Yes but the year
- Comment on Old photos in real life 1 week ago:
- Comment on Old photos in real life 1 week ago:
What year are the photos from? It seems exactly the same
- Comment on Old photos in real life 1 week ago:
Yeah, this is cringe
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
The combo I don’t understand here is the banana+cheese
- Comment on Quarter of Gen Zs consider quitting work as young Brits cite mental health as key reason to go unemployed 1 week ago:
If you live with your parents its pretty much just a continuation of life when you went to school. And if that was a good time for you then this probably will be too
- Comment on Anon has no social skills 1 week ago:
“Happy/sprry to hear that!”
- Comment on The earth is a mitochondrion 2 weeks ago:
Economic powerhouse. No planet has as high as GDP as ours.
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
Perhaps Anon inserted it in a dream?
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
So fresh it’s still green
- Comment on Tiny Face Vance 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on What ever happened to QAnon? 3 weeks ago:
I think it’s a question of time before sb makes an AI that can write exactly the conspiracies necessary to heard people in a way to achieve a concrete, pre-specified goal.
- Comment on What ever happened to QAnon? 3 weeks ago:
It’s truly fascinating to watch these people be (to use an overused analogy) herded between fields by higher intelligences like sheep.
- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 3 weeks ago:
Economically it’s definitely not doing well. Politically it’s been a shitshow but many countries have. I definitely hate the situation but not the people/culture/(country) as such.
- Comment on tetrapods 3 weeks ago:
They look like those concrete things that they use to build embankments in the sea.
- Comment on GARBAGEOLOGY 3 weeks ago:
I genuinely don’t get why hating the UK has become so popular recently. Like, sure we have our problems, but it’s not that bad…