- Comment on What was going on in England in the 1970s to give Monty Python so much comedy fodder that is still relevant today? 2 weeks ago:
I grew up in Seattle in the 80’s. I really thought all races and sexualities were accepted and that men and women were equal. Boy was I surprised to find out a lot of our nation was backwards as fuck.
Monty Python made such sense to me philosophically so it was second nature to watch it. I didn’t even think of it as British and for me it will always be timeless
Monty Python and its absurdities are a breath of fresh air in a world gone stale.
- Comment on Took me by surprise 2 weeks ago:
We must stop the sexy communists!
- Comment on I just saw this in a supermarket and I am now very upset and angry at whoever thought of such a thing and you need to feel my pain. 2 weeks ago:
Why does only your product have the warning for 21 plus!? Is it because you are a piece of shit obviously marketing to kids.
- Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 3 weeks ago:
Looks like someone is getting the unlimited plan!
- Comment on Under Trump will anything happen to my brothers Social Security Disability? He is 42 and draws it for mental illness. 3 weeks ago:
The Bureau of Honesty and Integrity.
- Comment on flouride 3 weeks ago:
So let me gets this straight. You do not refute anything I have said.
Your are right, this is over.
I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the fluoride that is added to municipal systems comes from the smoke stack scrubbers of fertilizer plants. I also provided a sourced peer reviewed article that explained that adding fluoride to water when there is the presence of toothpaste and dental care is not effective.
There is a mountain of evidence comparing dental health in communities that use of fluoride artificially added and those who do not. Guess what, none of it supports adding fluoride. Why? Because it does not work when you already have basic dental care. There is no statistical difference.
Please read carefully because it supports everything I have said. Fluoride is effective topically but there is no benefit in ingesting it.
The conspiracy theory and is somehow drinking fluoride helps teeth pre-eruption. This is pure fantasy and what people who support adding fluoride to water believe.
Your elaborate straw man is that I am saying fluoride is dangerous. Instead I said it is effective topically but not when ingested. As in, there is no beneficial effect of swallowing it.
I provided an article you chose to dismiss because the guy who wrote havsa PHD in social sciences and therefore is full of shit. I won’t even go into how fucked up that is.
Because yes a research scientists is going to know about public policy!? I mean you are literally so stupid about this it isn’t funny.
I get you pretend to be smart but really have zero critical thinking skills.
- Comment on flouride 3 weeks ago:
Did you not read where the fluoride comes from? The smokestack scrubbers have heavy metals and other contaminates. There is no processing to purify it so it is contaminated.
Perhaps you could argue there is not enough contaminates to cause a problem, but that does not change the fact you are dumping pollutants into the water supply under the guise of public health.
Even if they dumped pharmeucutical grade fluoride into the water it would likely not be effective unless the population has no access to tooth paste or dental care. Not to mention people with kidney problems should not have any fluoride at all.
The implications of treating people with a medication without their approval is also problematic. Many nations throughout Europe do not use fluoride in their water supply. Their tooth decay is not higher because of it.
So like I was saying, this is not a conspiracy. It is proven fact. It is something that should be sunsetted and fertilizer plants should start treating their waste instead of dumping it in our water supply.
- Comment on CENSORED!!!!!!!!!!1 3 weeks ago:
The author really believes it and has even sued over it. of-paper-on-covid-19-and-jade-amulets-sues-employer-for-mental-anguish-discrimination/
- Comment on 8 yr old me after my parents did my woodworking assignment 3 weeks ago:
No no no, you must understand the truth about Elon!
The average CEO supposedly works 60 hour a week. Elon is in charge of two companies. That is 120 hours a week.
He also has involvement in no less than five other corporations. Giving each company 20 hours a week adds just 100 hours a week.
He also has twelve children he loves and takes care of. Let’s say he gives each kiddo a generous 10 hours each so that adds 120 hours to his week.
He also spends a lot of time doing drugs and twatting on Twitter. He spends about 40 hours on these tasks.
Now he is going to be helping run the US government and promises to work another 80 hours a week.
Don’t forget he is a lover and spends at least 20 hours a week trying to fuck the women who work for him.
Let’s see that adds up to about 480 hours a week! And that is not even counting him sleeping, eating, or shitting. What an amazing man he is! Imagine if you had that much time to do all that.
- Comment on flouride 3 weeks ago:
Fluoride is safe topically and ineffective when introduced to our water supply. It is not some giant conspiracy, just a practice that is no longer necessary and unsafe because the industrial waste fluoride that is used is contaminated. Please save me the appeal to authority nonsense.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
Yawn, well you proved your an idiot. Cheers!
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
Your are so funny I forgot to laugh. You are definitely Darwin award material.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
Oh here comes toxic waste defender! You guys are a sad parody.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
“I don’t care if the fluoride source is toxic waste.”
Thanks for that quote. It really sums up your understanding of the situation.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:…/water-fluoridation-less-effective-…
The latest studies indicate fluoride in the drinking supply has little effect compared compared to fluoride toothpaste. So you once it is available the need for adding fluoride to water goes away. This has been supported by numerous studies comparing countries that do not add fluoride to their water.
I studied this in a 400 level water course at UNI. I got to visit wastewater and water plants and speak with operators. I was surprised to learn the fluoride was not naturally occuring in the water supply as it is advertised on the EPA website.
Then I found an article about a small town in Canada that ran out of fluoride because of a downturn in fertilizer manufacturing. I thought to myself what does fertilizer manufacturing have to do with fluoride.
That is when I discovered the truth that a toxic by-product of fertilizer manufacturing is sold to municipalities to be disposed of in our water supply. It is not pharmeucutical fluoride because that would cost too much. Oh and it is contaminated with nasty stuff like heavy metals.
I then did a bunch of research comparing rates of tooth decay in different areas of the world. It really did not appear to make a difference but actual dental care and fluoride toothpaste did.
My presentation was about a hour and a half where I presented all my research. I got an A on it and everyone was very impressed with what I discovered.
But sure tell me about my own journey when you literally have no fucking clue what you are talking about about.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
Everything is accurate and sourced so don’t bother blowing smoke up my ass anymore.
The only flaw here is someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about about trying the defend a stupid practice.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
You don’t even know where the fluoride comes from that is added to our water supply. Open your fucking eyes and realize it is okay to be wrong
Pharmeucutical grade fluoride works great topically. Dumping a toxic chemical in our water supply is borderline insane.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
I said fluoride works topically. Do you deny this? Please provide evidence to the contrary.
I said there is no way for the body to return fluoride where it is needed. Swallowing fluoride is pointless and unnecessary at best. At worst it is probably not a good idea to have fluoride in your water if you have kidney disease.
Don’t bother actually, we already no you know literally nothing about this topic.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
Having read many studies on this the consensus is it probably does not help much if the population has adequate dental care.…/water-fluoridation-less-effective-…
We know what works, dental care and brushing have a huge benefit that is proven.
The idea of giving everyone fluoride in the water supply is pretty retarded really for several reasons.
If it naturally occurs fine, but adding it is ridiculous.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
So then you admit there is no point in drinking fluoride then? Miniscule amount does not make a difference and the normal topical amount you use while brushing is not safe to swallow.
This isn’t rocket science.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
Nobody refutes anything I am saying. I think you are confused.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
If it is so good to swallow them why not swallow after brushing. Why are you so obsessed with swallowing something that does not help.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
I don’t know. I do know fluoride works topically. I also know there is no mechanism in the body to return fluoride to the teeth topically after it is swallowed.
So drinking fluoride is pointless.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
The majority of fluoride that is released into our water supply is a by-product of fertilizer production.
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
That toxic byproduct of fertilizer production is not going to dump itself in our water supply am I riiight?
- Comment on flouride 4 weeks ago:
So miniscule it won’t poison you but just enough to prevent tooth decay. You really can’t have it both ways. Pretending there is any real control over measurement is also ridiculous. Not to mention there is no need to drink fluoride.
You know what does work? Using fluoride topically and getting good dental care.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 4 weeks ago:
I agree your belief is admirable, but it is extremely naive if you think it will make a difference on a large scale even if there are millions who believe what you do.
We already had a movement about peace, love, and understanding that was very popular with a huge chunk of the population doing the acts you described in the 1960s.
You have also clearly not spent any amount of time with the kind of people you think you can emphasize with. I lived in rural Idaho for Obama’s years. I couldn’t count the amount of times people joked about hanging or shooting him.
You want to emphasize with a racist who wants a man dead just because he is black? I did plenty of this and guess the positive change it made. Yeah, it didn’t matter at all.
The only way is to stop the propaganda. This is the source. Hate radio, Faux News, and now Xshitter feed people with lies using psychological manipulation to twist their minds and hearts.
It takes years, sometimes decades, to deprogram people from this if they are willing to change. They are creating new racist losers at a pace you cannot keep up with. This is the reality we face.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 4 weeks ago:
You can spend years turning the heart of a racist and certainly some people have done this successfully.
Meanwhile propaganda has turned out another ten thousand racists in the time it took you to change a couple minds.
To be frank your belief is not completely wrong but it will not solved our current problems.
You hint on the reality that it is our social constructs such as social media that is driving this reinsurance of hate.
As a social worker by trade I can say I know a lot about this topic. There is a classic story of people getting swept into the river.
While it is admirable that you want to jump in to save people the real solution is going upstream and stopping people from falling in.
Understanding racist losers will not accomplish what you want. Changing their minds will not either. You have to stop it at the source.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 4 weeks ago:
You just got to get to know the Nazi to understand them?
Oh wait it is more nuanced than that. You gotta get to know the racist to emphasize with them?
Dang it, we got to dig deeper. You have to get to know the misogynist to get them?
Sometimes getting to know someone is not the magical solution people think it is.