- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 3 days ago:
Let’s leave some space for all the types of infinities and only fill every hundredth room
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 3 days ago:
If you want to capture the most of the carbon, you cook the wood in an oxygen free environment turning it to charcoal and liberating volatile components (which could be used as carbon neutral fuel to run the furnaces)
Nothing can eat charcoal, so it could be stored cheaply
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 3 days ago:
The hotel should really just fill its even numbers rooms first, then if another person turned up after you already have an infinity of guests, you just house this start of a new Infinity in room 1 etc
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 4 days ago:
Right. So all we need to do is deposit the wood in anoxic water and bury it.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 4 days ago:
Until they burn out rot and release the carbon back into the air
Also trees only grow where trees grew in the past, so growing new forests will only capture the carbon that was released when the ops forest there was burnt or cut
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 4 days ago:
Oil came from plants before there were bacteria that can digest wood
- Comment on Dragonflies 4 days ago:
I sort by new comments, so this thread would have appeared in my feed because that previous person commented in it
- Comment on Dragonflies 4 days ago:
It’s testicle size that tells you how often you need to fuck in a day. On that we’re moderate among the great apes
- Comment on Dragonflies 4 days ago:
Long dicks hurt shallow vagina girls. You want a dick that exactly fits your girl
Girls you hurt aren’t going to be willing to fuck you in future
- Comment on Dragonflies 4 days ago:
I think it says we’re better off than other animals. Human women would fuck multiple men, the men competed to have better dicks for extracting his cum and replace it with yours
Other animals fought for the chance to mate, it seemed like humans shared
- Comment on Dragonflies 4 days ago:
Fucking a woman after someone else is so gay /s
- Comment on Dragonflies 4 days ago:
If you meant a man had several female partners, you had the right word. Polyamory doesn’t care whether the person in charge is male or female. Polygamy means a man had many women
- Comment on Dragonflies 4 days ago:
Consider that one of our two closest ape relatives is the bonobo. They settle arguments with head jobs, ask for favours the same way
- Comment on Instant removal 4 days ago:
Liver is an excellent source of iron, for the animic people
- Comment on Instant removal 4 days ago:
Metallic iron isn’t very bioavailable
- Comment on Instant removal 4 days ago:
Pica is the medical term for eating things that aren’t food. Nails, rocks, dirt.
Pica seems a reasonable assumption
The alternative is that he ate them as a performance, but he must have performed a lot
- Comment on Catalyst 4 days ago:
That was worth watching
- Comment on Manifolds 4 days ago:
You lost a bracket in your link
- Comment on Mitosis 4 days ago:
Literally literally
- Comment on where?? 4 days ago:
They’re in orbits at different distances from the sun and so take different times to complete an orbit. Also we’re closer to the sun than most, so circling faster, and further than Venus and Mercury so circling slower, so sometimes some planets appear to be going the wrong way along the ecliptic
Some planets are in resonance with others (for example orbiting 3 times for the other’s 4)
So sometimes other planets are on the other side of the sun, sometimes they’re on this side of the sun but the opposite side of the sky
- Comment on where?? 4 days ago:
Stand on your head?
- Comment on where?? 4 days ago:
The song is called life on Mars, but it’s all about Earthly things, so I reckon he was singing about Earth problems and only contrasting it to the highbrow idea of life on Mars
- Comment on where?? 4 days ago:
I live in a valley so the Earth rises in the north and south
- Comment on where?? 4 days ago:
I saw Saturn from a suburban street a week or two ago just after sunset, near the moon and Venus, and it was visible, though my elderly mother in law couldn’t see it
- Comment on me too. 4 days ago:
Low carb diets work perfectly for humans to lose excess fat (with plenty of meat if you don’t want to lose muscle)
Cats are obligate carnivores, they get fat on car foods with cereals in them. A cat will get healthy if fed just meat and fish, there are cat foods that are just that, but tinned tuna might be cheaper than the same thing packaged as cat food
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
That would put it right back into the atmosphere, though it would reduce the amount of fossil fuels used
Perhaps do this once levels are back to pre industrial and the excess is in oil wells
Perhaps we should convert all the excess to fuel and pump it into oil wells so any successor civilisations can fuck up their climate like we have
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
The company that was trying to use bacteria to make fuel from water and the CO2 from the air shut down a few years ago
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
You may be able to get away with stacking the cut trees in deserts, where the dryness may prevent bacterial action
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
You would presumably capture the carbon using excess solar and wind power, which is also the cheapest power there is, sometimes going negative
Is your capture number including the cost of liquifying the CO2 for storage?
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 days ago:
We have such technology already, it’s just too expensive