- Comment on He's just eccentric 2 days ago:
Nothing is ever a generation’s fault. There are and were good and bad among every generation. Some had luck buying into housing or business at just the right moment that value went up
Boomers, X, and older Millennials all had more luck than younger Millennials; at least the Millennials and later had recognition of autism and ADHD.
My autistic friends weren’t diagnosed until their 40s, some had to work it out out on their own after the internet became popular
– a xennial
- Comment on He's just eccentric 2 days ago:
It was a longboat, not a raft, and he had a sextant and almanac so he could look up rise and set times for stars. He lacked charts.
It was a remarkable feat
- Comment on He's just eccentric 2 days ago:
I have a friend who’s sure I’m on the spectrum, and points at things I talk about as my current hyperfixation. Meanwhile I’m talking imprecisely forgetting detail.
If I’m on the spectrum, I suck at fixating on stuff
- Comment on Mother 2 days ago:
Kangaroos form two sorts of groups
- Like most herbivores, they have one male and many females in a mob (kangaroo equivalent to a herd)
- Males outside that mob form loose groups for defence and within that they fight to establish dominance and the top roo may challenge the male lead of a mob to take it over
- Comment on Mythbusters 5 days ago:
That’s a Reddit channel, I downloaded the full lot
- Comment on unleash your humanities 5 days ago:
I am mildly allergic to dairy, so as a kid I had soy milk. I hated that stuff
- Comment on LUNGS WERE A MISTAKE 6 days ago:
I used to do that in the swimming pool (I have always lived far inland) it’s often called dangerous on the mistaken belief that it’s like shallow water drowning where someone hyperventilates to swim underwater longer; since those people have blown off so much CO2 they don’t get a signal to breathe and suffocate.
Our method doesn’t involve hyperventilation, and wow does the need to breathe get strong
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
No homo, but the H is for homo
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
Evolution isn’t aimed. A T-Rex needs to be good enough to hunt enough food.
Our ancient ancestors smashed the skulls of animals killed by African predators to eat the brains, smashed bones to eat the marrow.
Later as our ancestors became bigger and stronger they hunted and needed to communicate with each other to effectively track and take down an animal. Maybe they needed twenty words. Chickens have three words (or cluck patterns)
At the same time women collected stuff and needed to share how to identify this from that with younger women. They might have needed a hundred words.
Then those who could talk better were more attractive to the other sex than those who couldn’t (even now being well spoken is attractive) then a few millions of years later we’re making stone knives, hammers, axes; then ten minutes later aeroplanes and machine guns
In short: we had it hard enough we needed to share information. We later found communication sexy. T-Rex had no such trouble. We seem to be the only animal that solved “scavenging is dangerous” and “hunting is hard” with talking to each other rather than by getting bigger and getting claws or vicious teeth
I understand we selected for tall by fighting humans
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
Brake, not break
- Comment on Tesla Stock Is Plunging Again. It Could Drop for a Ninth Straight Week. 1 week ago:
holding the bag
And not doing shit that tanks the stock price and sales.
- Comment on Tesla Stock Is Plunging Again. It Could Drop for a Ninth Straight Week. 1 week ago:
Ok, so list the ones I can buy today
- Comment on Fossils on Fossils 1 week ago:
Human species before H. Sapiens
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
I think they are saying that discord is bad because it is not Free software, that it is bad because it is a commercial service
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
Yep. Guy had his life pretty much ruined. Don’t tether your life to a company — that don’t care about you, they have no duty toward you
- Comment on TRUE AND REAL 1 week ago:
Yeah it’s outside my expertise so I’m bad at the detail.
Normal process is the nice efficient anaerobic process that produces ATP from glucose
Cancers use an all aerobic process which is less efficient but faster at producing ATP
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
There was that man who was all in on Google.
He had a telemedicine appointment for his son who had a problem with his penis. Dr asked him to send a close-up photo so he could diagnose the skin condition
So the guy takes the photo with his pixel phone and sends it
The phone automatically backs up the photo
Google’s AI says it’s child porn, his account is deleted and police are contacted
Police look into it and say “not porn, totally fine” but have to go to his house to tell him the was no problem because his phone was Google, his internet was Google fibre, his email was Gmail and his photo album was on Google and all that was irrevocably deleted
- Comment on Welp. 1 week ago:
Most places have double tax agreements with the US. They’ll be reporting their income to the US, but only paying tax to the US on money earned in the US, from shares for example
- Comment on TRUE AND REAL 1 week ago:
Normal function is sugar to ATP, then the mitochondria use ATP
- Comment on New ‘Starship Troopers’ Movie in the Works from ‘District 9’ Filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (Exclusive) 1 week ago:
You can still enjoy the movie and the book. You can ignore the upcoming film. New media cannot ruin old media, follow the example of the matrix fans who say “shame they never made a sequel”
- Comment on TRUE AND REAL 1 week ago:
When this happens, the mitochondria start burning sugars using oxygen as a fuel source
That’s also (almost?) universal in human cancers
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 1 week ago:
Pot works better
- Comment on Hexagons Are The Bestagons. 2 weeks ago:
I took Gray on productivity as a suggestion that those methods don’t help you get stuff done
Though I do still use the Getting Things Done method for my work email
I dropped off his patreon when he changed it from per video to per month. I don’t think he’s made anything significant since the paper scissors rock set
- Comment on tig ol bitties 2 weeks ago:
Hair is pretty cool too
- Comment on The Nightshade Family 3 weeks ago:
All the people living in cities
- Comment on The Nightshade Family 3 weeks ago:
Not sure, everyone’s water came in lead pipes. The wealthy had more lead though
- Comment on The Nightshade Family 3 weeks ago:
Romans had lead poisoning
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 weeks ago:
The radius collecting will be pirr, r=2.8/2
3.14 * 1.4^2 (using a calc for precision) = 6.1m^2
34 to 41 W/m^2 = 207 to 250W
How did you get 800W? Diameter instead of radius?
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 weeks ago:
I’m not an astrophysicist, but since general relativity says matter and energy are related and light can’t escape if it crosses the event horizon it would add to the black hole
But a 3m sphere at Jupiter’s distance from the sun wouldn’t catch much mass equivalent light from the sun
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 weeks ago:
And Jupiter would have an event horizon 2.8m across and last about 10^67 years (still not forever)