- Comment on ONE OF US 7 hours ago:
I was importing plutonium for a friend I promise!
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
move to the part after 2005s or so I would say. you can also find various documentaries online on how it evolved over time.
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
lol incel club has been infested with other creepy stuff waaaay beyond just that somewhile ago. today’s incels are low level IQ insults to the people who were the true incels of before, like those intelligent people who came up with 15 feb and so on.
- Comment on Disappointing coyote attack 1 day ago:
the only question that matters after a coyote/wolf attack
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
Without AI, science had its share of tons of problems, confirmation bias being one of the most innocent nowadays. Now with AI, it is ascending to something else entirely. Hopefully some people come up with AI based solutions on how to filter through the AI garbage.
- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
they then went on to become the founders of incel culture
- Comment on Trump supporter Rick Fuze was arrested in CA for using a stun gun on peaceful protesters outside a Tesla dealership. The woman kicking this guy’s ass is a retired professor with 16,000 citations. 3 days ago:
what a legend
- Comment on unleash your humanities 5 days ago:
humanity is a contract not a gift
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 5 days ago:
yea no BG I has THAC0, that should be sufficient
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 6 days ago:
huh? BG I is 2nd edition DnD?
- Comment on Asking the important questions. 6 days ago:
aaah the infamous poop knife
- Comment on Anon is chasing an old high 6 days ago:
yea funny enough I got that high when recently playing Planescape torment but not Baldurs Gate I, dont know why. Still a good game though.
- Comment on Asking the important questions. 6 days ago:
why is the jar brown to start with, what kind of a fart are we dealing with here sir?
- Comment on Hexadecimal 1 week ago:
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 week ago:
I think it is time someone photoshopped this with the correct hair and moustache
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
well one is good at selling stuff including himself
- Comment on wrong again 3 weeks ago:
theoretical degree in physics or degree in theoretical physics?
- Comment on gigachad 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Never before had I felt intensely jealous of a tapir 3 weeks ago:
I am going to be the party pooper and remind it is illegal to have tapirs as pets. I won’t trash the lady without knowing any context about this video though. Let’s pretend it is a rescue…
- Comment on so, this is how it ends 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 weeks ago:
I mean I don’t know if this is real but if it is, this method of forced watching something you are not interested in guarantees to create negative emotions towards that brand.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
It’s funny this was around the same time as movies like Evil Dead which set the record (till 2020s atkeast) for the amount of fake blood used. I guess it was a thing that excited people quite a lot at the time lol
- Comment on Mr. Grey, can I go to the bathroom? 4 weeks ago:
this is the correct direction that conversation should have evolved to
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
I mean I do understand the sense of weaker responsibility when there are other people around especially those who are immediately responsive and seem like they know what they are doing. But being the first one to witness a distressing event and vacating the premises immediately without informing even the staff is an outlier example, even for this theory imo. Just to note though we are probably discussing this over some made up story.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 weeks ago:
well I mean if she left even without notifying staff or anyone that is a pretty clear red flag but then again so is spurting fake blood to get attention is too. so maybe they would have made a nice match.
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
mom can we adopt a lab grown black hole?
- Comment on GO FORTH AND SEIZE YOUR DESTINY 4 weeks ago:
god dam it I wanted it to be real
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 4 weeks ago:
people who remembered college days upon seeing this, please queue here
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
seems like the platform is called truthsocial, there are links in here:
I would assume if this account was not real he would have sued them for using his name for commercial purposes
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
Although you have to admit, it is near impossible to get such a perfect dream team of scammers elsewhere.