- Comment on Lately I feel like the second coming, yet I am afraid. Am I crazy? 1 day ago:
I’m gonna be frank with you friend, it sounds like you’re experiencing something close to a manic episode.
When was the last time you ate/drank water and slept?
Have you recently consumed any drugs/substances which may have brought on this feeling?
How long have you been feeling like this?
Do you have someone you can communicate the way you’re feeling to in person that can go with you to get checked out if needs be?
Changes in the psyche such as feeling oneself is God or Jesus is normally a sign that you want to get something checked out, you’re probably right that if there is a God they would be incomprehensible/ineffable, which also means that you’re probably not God.
Don’t worry this is almost certainly not your new permanent state; it’s likely that your neurochemistry has gone a little bit out of wack and you probably need some rest possibly to see a doctor as they can help work out what’s going on.
The most useful phrase I have found for coping with any difficulties with how I’m feeling, both in terms of mood and when having a difficult time after taking a psychedelic is:
“This too shall pass”, it’s a useful phrase for bringing you up when you feel down, and to keep your ego in check when you feel like your on top of the world.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
If you can pee on that without spilling then you have much greater control than I, haha
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
This guy gets why I was initially misunderstanding
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Lmao, the false outrage over me not knowing that they use the same form factor for more than one test…
I’d only ever come across it for COVID tests, the only pregnancy tests I’ve interacted with/seen advertised have been the stick versions.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
The UK COVID test were all using this plastic moulding (minus the embossed letters) and I’ve never seen a pregnancy test that wasn’t a stick that you pee on?
And if you’re aware that it says hCG (which I admittedly missed before commenting), then I think you answered your own question…
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
If this isn’t a joke; this looks like a COVID test to me…
- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 4 weeks ago:
Hmm, that’s interesting but IIRC Tyrosine itself isn’t all that sour when tasted, nor are really any other amino acids I can think of aside from possibly Taurine, I assumed it was a small amount of hydrolysis of the acetyl group was occurring to enable the taste difference, but if you’ve got some more context I’d love to hear it
- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 4 weeks ago:
Get some malic acid if you want it to be a different type of sour, or tartaric acid if you want it to be more tart.
Oh actually other suggestions; but some N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (Often called NALT), it’s incredibly sour and slightly sweet, once again different from from the fruit acids (malic, citric, tartaric). NALT is a precursor to Tyrosine an amino acid. You need only the tiniest amount on the tongue to get the affect. The sourness is from the acetyl group, and I think the slight sweetness is from the tyrosine/or the complete structure, as related compounds are used as artificial sweeteners.
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 1 month ago:
Not necessarily a stretch or workout that I’m going to suggest, but more if you’re exercising get help from someone who knows good form.
I got into doing sit-ups/core strength exercises as a teenager, alongside bad form and bad sleeping/living conditions + stretchy ligaments have completely ruined my back.
The first thing that’s actually started to help in a way that doesn’t cause other issue has been seeing a physiotherapist, who worked with me to identify exactly which muscles were stiff, which muscles were over stretched, range of movement, etc…
And then walked me through what exercises and and positions would actually help with my difficulties.
Otherwise a massage gun used properly can be a game changer, but same thing, if you have a partner, ask them to help you out; don’t over stretch trying to fix things.
- Comment on CCTV shows pupils abused and locked in padded room 2 months ago:
Jesus H. Christ, I immediately thought oh it’s not going to be as bad as it sounds, the. The video does genuinely show it being as bad and worse than it sounds.
I’m autistic, when I get particularly distressed, I’ll end up impulsively hitting my head against walls or with my fist. Generally that behaviour is worse when left alone after getting into that state to begin with. By leaving these kids to actively self harm by isolating them, likely has worsened their situations, and probably has caused the epilepsy in the one child to become apparent.
My partner is a teaching assistant at a mainstream school which takes on a huge number of SEN children, mostly autistic, about 5 with down syndrome, and recently a lot who were fostered. They would never in a million years think that anything like what’s shown in the video is acceptable, it’s genuinely heartbreaking that this has occured, let alone that noone is being held accountable for this abuse.
There’s got to be so many better ways of helping these kids when they’re distressed instead of just throwing them into what is effectively a padded cell.
- Comment on KFC drops pledge to stop using ‘Frankenchickens’ in the UK 2 months ago:
I could be wrong, but I asked my chef friend why chicken would be stringy after I got a Chinese meal where it was like it, he suggested that it’s overcooking them that can cause it.
With KFC I could fully believe that you’ve been being served chicken that was cooked that morning and had been left under the heat lamps for hours.
- Comment on A common nasal decongestant lacks evidence but is still sold in the UK 2 months ago:
It’s for the silliest reason as well, we stopped including psuedoephedrine in OTC cold meds because Theresa May government were concerned about people using it to make meth, with no evidence that people in the UK were using it to make meth…
You can still get pseudoephedrine but you have to request it at the pharmacy, as it’s a pharmacy medication now.
So in reality no difference in terms of accessing it, if you really wanted to make meth, just means that most people can’t get an effective decongestant when they’re on their way to work…
- Comment on 'Botched insulation means mushrooms grow on my walls' 4 months ago:
My brother in Christ, how much do you know about housing? Renovations? Insulation? Mycology?
The standard that likely had not been followed was ensuring that the property was watertight to begin with.
The dry rot that is spreading through their house is effectively going to condemn it.
Your take of “hurdur, how hard could it be to do some insulation? you glue on the boards, mesh and render” is asinine at best.
Lots of these companies didn’t do their due diligence to ensure the suitability of the properties before installing.
Which then disproportionately effects people who are less likely to be able to afford repairs due to them already being on very limited lower incomes, the exact reason why they are getting this work done via these schemes.
I took wouldn’t want to trust the same company that put me into that position to be the one to rectify it.
- Comment on What to do with glassware that is impossible to clean 5 months ago:
Idk how true that is, it’ll be highly dependent on what you’re trying to dissolve.
This sounds to me more like the advice I’ve heard for using isopropyl for sterilizing equipment and surfaces, its more to do with how quickly the pure stuff evaporates. Evaporate too quickly and it doesn’t sterilize, whereas 70% is best of both worlds.
- Comment on Why do we have an internal monologue? 1 year ago:
To freak us out when we’re a little bit too high…
- Comment on Mosquito-borne disease risk looms for UK - study 1 year ago:
Was in a Tesco’s about a month back and saw this bugger flying around my mum’s partner whilst queueing for the self checkout with about 4/5 more flying around, I picked it out of the sky and got a photo of it
Couldn’t make a positive ID on it, though I’m unsure if its a local one - I’ve always heard to be wary of stripped legs
- Comment on Please help me find/place a quote from Aleister Crowley 1 year ago:
Did you read the description of the book the guy linked?
This is an objective biographical study of Crowley written by someone who lived and worked intimately with him. Dr. Regardie observed “The Great Beast” at close quarters while serving as his personal secretary. The Eye in the Triangle was written many years later, after long contemplation. Regardie combines the psychological insight afforded by his professional training as a Reichian analyst with his grasp of Crowley’s magical personality.
The passage you’re looking for describes talks about Aleister Crowley in the third person, it’s likely that the passage wasn’t written by Crowley himself, so a source like the one linked may be useful.
Also Libgen if you’d rather download the book and ctrl+f the passage you’re looking for
- Comment on Guardian sacks cartoonist Bell in antisemitism row - BBC News 1 year ago:
pressgazette.co.uk/…/guardian-steve-bell-cartoon-… this article goes into it a bit more, tbh I’m struggling to see it as well
- Comment on London police defy ban on badges linked to far right and white supremacy 1 year ago:
As the pay, support and education for officers diminishes, the police as a profession become less attractive to those who are intelligent/educated, who might carry a slightly authoritarian slant but ultimately view their role in the context of being beneficial to society/preventing crime etc.
Due to Tory cuts to forces, the numbers of those who are more thuggish, less educated, more racist, and generally shouldn’t be policing wider society due to unchecked and unchallenged beliefs increases.
I know people who hadn’t achieved their GCSEs saying that it didn’t matter as they’d become police.
Like I’m personally not the biggest fan of the police, but those who were educated enough to get better jobs but stayed in the force because they believed they were genuinely helping have left, only leaving mostly those who seek power/control over other people. Obviously this is a general sweeping statement, but like everything else under Tory rule it’s been hollowed out.
- Comment on Human Rights group urges UK to abandon Rwanda asylum transfer plan 1 year ago:
Except the whole bit where the government refused to make a deal regarding processing of asylum applications whilst they’re still on the French side, inherently creating this issue of them drowning in the sea, heck there still might be some which attempt it, but it’d certainly be lower than the current situation.
By removing legitimate methods to apply for asylum, they’ve exacerbated this situation.
- Comment on Britons place low value on teaching children obedience, study finds 1 year ago:
How many children do you interact with?
Heck, how many people do you interact with?
This feels like a completely biased view; if you were to ask my partner who is a secondary school teaching assistant/supports SEN kids, most of the children/teens being actual problems (and not just annoying someone who, by the sounds of it, doesn’t like children to begin with), are the ones born to parents who don’t give a fuck about encouraging creativety/individuality/imagination, either in combination with no discipline or overtly harsh discipline.
The ones that suffer harsh discipline are often as messed up as those who face absolutely no discipline, (ironically, often they overlap, many face absolutely no discipline most of the time to then have overtly harsh punishment when they push things too far), but make no mistake; the ones who face that early life are not the ones with parents who are encouraging them to be themselves, to use their imagination or to be individual. They are the ones that are forced to be independent because their parent is down the pub leaving them to sort tea for themselves, or the the ones whose home life is never stable with many different but no permanent parental figures.
Heck, I know a few people raised by hippies, even if they’re not hippiesh themselves, they still show a greater appreciation for nature/reading, are generally quite well rounded individuals.
The people I knew who faced overtly strict upbringings, either ended up not having the backbone/social skills to navigate life, or going off of the rails when given the opportunity.
The key, as always, is balance; encourage your child to develop a sense of self (and by extension self worth, self respect and self reliance) while also teaching them that they need to respect others with the same respect that they are shown; if they aren’t shown any respect then they’ll have none for other people.
Children are in a constant state of learning and developing; that’s why they are children; they are developing these skills as much as any other skill.
- Comment on Call for UK ban on single-use vapes as more than 5m discarded each week 1 year ago:
Lithium batteries aren’t exactly great if they still hold a charge, they risk violent combustion if damaged/pierced.
The problems really occur when they end up in amongst trash heaps/recycling plants as they can ignite causing huge plastic/rubbish fires that smolder internally for days before suddenly going up.
IIRC there are other metals included in lithium batteries that you don’t want leaking into the ground water (lithium isn’t great, but heavy metals can be pretty awful)
Some places take the vapes, but afaik there is no consistent program, this is compounded by a lot of the people I see using these vapes are children/young teens, which means a lot of them don’t end up in the bin, but literally just thrown on the ground.
- Comment on Call for UK ban on single-use vapes as more than 5m discarded each week 1 year ago:
Nah, that does a disservice to both mentally challenged people, and lets the Tories off for how cruel they really are
- Comment on rip 1 year ago:
It might be worth just changing your language to undefined and English (and any other language you speak, though I now realise you may be Swedish, so that likely won’t help) but if you’re not Swedish it’ll help.