- Comment on Caption this. 5 days ago:
It could be useful to reduce their numbers, as long as the female passes the mutation to its children.
- Comment on tickle tickle 2 weeks ago:
It’s still a suffering animal, so we should get the most data we can out of every specimen. That should minimize the total amount of mice being used.
Also only studying some mice can lead to biased results. Iirc in the pace trial participants who dropped out because the intervention worsened their condition where not included in the end result. With rats the researchers could just chose the healthiest ones and just claim they selected randomly.
The pace trial was a horrible study on a chronic disease that was conducted by the british health system with the goal of denying care.
The trial also had other systematic flaws like having a laxer definition of healthy at the end of the trial that at the beginning, meaning people who where sick enough to participate would be declared cured at the end even if nothing changed.
This study is still used to denie people’s lived experience and just call them lazy.
I don’t have a personal connection to any of this, but learning about it made me angry enough, that I must share this knowledge. - Comment on Society Troll 2 weeks ago:
worth it!
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
I was a black hole analog built out of Bose-Einstein-Condensate.
Considering they used sound instead of light, wouldn’t that make it a silent hole? - Comment on BRASSICAS 5 weeks ago:
To all the veggie haters:
Broccoli recipe:
- Fry broccoli with paprika and small pieces of meat or tofu in a pan until brown.
- Add water and seasonings.
- Steam to desired hardness.
- Serve with rice or couscous.
Cauliflower recipe:
- Make brown butter by heating up butter and adding breadcrumbs to soak it up.
- Serve it on enough steamed cauliflower to justify the amount of brown butter you are about to eat.
- Comment on I love the future. 5 weeks ago:
It depends on the coalition that gets formed, does the conservative party go with the center left party for 4 years of stagnation or break their word and work with the fat right.
They have done the later already on emigration, passing a non-binding resolution (with only one conservative vote against) and narrowly losing on the second round because their own members of parlament didn’t show up to vote. - Comment on True Romance 1 month ago:
The non-pregnant parent wins, because they get the same genetic payoff but don’t have to spend the resources.
- Comment on At this rate, why not. 1 month ago:
It does in modern designs, the first time it happened was in 1952.
To quote Wikipedia:
The first thermonuclear weapon detonation, where the vast majority of the yield comes from fusion, was the 1952 Ivy Mike test of a liquid deuterium-fusing device.
- Comment on At this rate, why not. 1 month ago:
Mixed up fission and fusion there, they sound so similar in English.
The comment talks about fusion. - Comment on At this rate, why not. 1 month ago:
Why is the second guaranteed to be smaller?
We know how nuclear bombs work. The majority of the energy comes from nuclear fission, a highly exothermic process, that can (in the foreseeable future) only be used in bombs.
If we don’t need to drop the bomb, but rather assemble it in place, it can just use deuterium as a fusion fuel. Deuterium can be distilled from normal water for much less energy that it generates in fusion. - Comment on At this rate, why not. 1 month ago:
Going of same value in the paper and wikipedia it would take the energy used by all of humanity in two months.
- Comment on Could Trump Force X To Become The Everything App For Government Payments 1 month ago:
It would be funny because I don’t think twitter has the server infrastruktur or the domain knowledge.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You just need to cook enough, to last for multiple meals.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 2 months ago:
The billionaire space race reminds me of Devil facial tumour disease (NSFL).
It’s the only cancer (that I know of), that can reliably spread to a new host. - Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
And then there are the Germans, eating raw ground beef on a bun.
It seems, you can get away with raw meat, if you buy it freshly ground from the butcher. - Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
Sorry, but the demon core is not for sale.
- Comment on Mitochondria 3 months ago:
Because the last five years have shown, that we have spend way to much time teaching people biology.
- Comment on Tipping culture is out of control, even the cops expect tips now! 3 months ago:
I heard he was heading to Portugal, or was it Brasil? Better check there as well.
- Comment on Anon is an engineer 3 months ago:
A myth persists that the initial batch of Iron Rings was made from the beams of the first Quebec Bridge, a bridge that collapsed during construction in 1907 due to poor planning and design by the overseeing engineers.
How can you do that to my, Wikipedia? I never believed in Santa, but I believed in the tragic origin of the ring.
- Comment on FIGHT 3 months ago:
That just sounds like antibiotic research.
- Comment on don't be a coward 3 months ago:
It can be crystals and photons.
How do you build actuators that react to light without electricity?
- Comment on wtf Cambrian 3 months ago:
Add a giant eye and you have the zerg overmind.
- Comment on On bugs... 4 months ago:
Better to leak that to segfault, take this:
#define free(x)
- Comment on Anon takes the horsepill 4 months ago:
But anyways, animal farts come from preexisting carbon in the biosphere. Car farts come from extracting previously sequestered carbon. So without extractive processes, and with ethical land use/management, the atmospheric methane wouldn’t have a significant impact.
Methane is 81x worse that CO2 over 20 Years, so if it came from atmospheric carbon it’s only 80x as bad.
- Comment on Spanish Notations 4 months ago:
Because they become invisible in LaTeX
- Comment on Spanish Notations 4 months ago:
The Spanish notation makes the parentheses around n-k obsolete, clearly saving one symbol in some formulas is worth introducing a new one in others.
- Comment on Why don't we just gather up all the ocean's trash and all the nonrecyclables, put them in a rocket, and launch it into the sun? 5 months ago:
There is “not financially viable” and than there is spending 12 times the gdp of earth each year.
- Comment on smart engineering 5 months ago:
Yours is one louder
- Comment on Just Terrible 5 months ago:
Like mathematicians and physicists.
- Comment on Please stop 5 months ago:
What about train station graffiti? Or Wikipedia discussion pages? Or the linux mailing list?
You have really opened a can of worms we here.