- Comment on Wait, why is the White House using Starlink to ‘improve Wi-Fi’? 1 week ago:
The cool air in the upper atmosphere cleans the waves, though. Obviously that doesn’t work horizontally, everybody knows that.
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 weeks ago:
That’s not really how black holes work. They evaporate really quickly when they’re small enough. And if they’re small, they don’t have much gravity either.
- Comment on slurp slop 4 weeks ago:
I mean, what else are we doing?
Science is just structured failing forward with a protocol.
- Comment on Romance scammers are now in the fediverse 1 month ago:
Me too. Twice. Same message, same picture, two different users.
- Comment on Dell is making everyone return to office, too 1 month ago:
They mostly involve people who have trouble communicating via text because they assume a bunch of intent and additional context that doesn’t exist.
Weirdly enough, this is exactly the kind of people who will insist on being super empathetic and having super high emotional intelligence.
- Comment on Dell is making everyone return to office, too 1 month ago:
The sad thing is, for companies on the scale of Dell, performance of individual workers (those who actually create value, maybe their direct superiors) is almost irrelevant.
There’s so much red tape, so much “aligning”, meetings, pointless communication and pointless rituals that hardly anyone gets anything done. And in those 5min you’re doing actual work, it’s almost irrelevant how good you are.
- Comment on ‘Sputnik moment’: $1tn wiped off US stocks after Chinese firm unveils AI chatbot 1 month ago:
What I find really fascinating here is that obviously openAI, Meta, etc. seem to be structurally incapable of actually innovating at this point.
I mean, reducing training costs by literally an order of magnitude just by writing better software is astonishing and shows how complacent the large corporations have gotten.
- Comment on ‘Sputnik moment’: $1tn wiped off US stocks after Chinese firm unveils AI chatbot 1 month ago:
Deepseek showed that actually putting thought into the architecture achieves much more than just throwing more hardware at the problem.
This means a) there will be much less demand for hardware, since much more could be run locally on regular consumer devices. And b) the export restrictions don’t really work and instead force China to create actually better models.
That means, a lot of the investments into the thousands of AI companies are in jeopardy.
- Comment on nature be freaky like that 2 months ago:
Follow up question: do you need to feed one blended billionaire to one unblended billionaire, or would it be sufficient to feed just a certain percentage?
- Comment on Ughh 2 months ago:
Maybe I’m too autistic to read her, but that woman is not mourning looking.
- Comment on GRINDSET MINDSET 2 months ago:
There’s a really annoying subgroup of developers who are convinced that typing itself magically produces good code and the only bottleneck in their productivity is how fast they can smash keys.
These are the ones who are hellbent on not using anything graphical, a mouse or any tool they deem too advanced.
It’s super annoying, especially since they often spend more time “optimizing” their setup than actually working, and even more time talking about how efficient they are.
- Comment on GRINDSET MINDSET 2 months ago:
You didn’t get the joke, did you?
- Comment on IEEE 754 2 months ago:
More than a surface level understanding is not necessary. The level of detail in the meme is sufficient for 99,9% of jobs.
No, that’s not all just accounting, it’s pretty much everyone who isn’t working on very low level libraries.
What in turn is important for all sorts of things is knowing how irrelevant most things are for most cases. Bit level is not important, if you’re operating 20 layers above it, just as business logic details are not important if you’re optimizing a general math library.
- Comment on DNA 2 months ago:
I recently learned that mastodon (the animal) literally means breast tooth, because some thought their teeth (or tusks?) looked, well, breasty?
- Comment on My shit doesn't even stink- honest 3 months ago:
Wait, so some people just have a dangling piece of colon attached to nothing but their anus?
- Comment on 🗣 📢 W A T E R 3 months ago:
Honestly, it could be kind of cool.
If you’re doing it right, the juxtaposition of “profound” graphical appearance and nonsensical/banal text content can be funny.
- Comment on Pass the football 3 months ago:
My thoughts exactly.
- Comment on I can't imagine being paid to act like I enjoy working in the office 3 months ago:
I think this video gets flak, because (in your scenario) not you and your coworker made a video about having fun, but your boss made you come to the otherwise empty office to act like you’re having fun and use that as advertisement.
- Comment on Just the essentials 4 months ago:
It’s wild to me, that there seem to be so many payment schemes.
In Germany you get paid monthly, either always on the first or always 15th, but that’s pretty much all variation we have. Even unemployment benefits and parental leave support is monthly.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 4 months ago:
Especially if you’d add up all the inefficiencies already introduced in the name of efficiency. All those grant proposals, superfluous fluff articles to bump impact factors, etc. are all required overhead to game a system designed to seem efficient.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 4 months ago:
I heard the explanation “conservatives stop thinking if they like the current result”.
If immigrants committed any crime, the obvious solution is to deport all of them. Less immigrants, less crime, sounds great, no further research needed.
But if it’s about something like social security, they go to the ninth layer of indirection to “prove” that it’s bad, because now they found a study that slightly agrees with one of their talking points (p ≈ room temperature).
- Comment on Bombs Awat 4 months ago:
Problem is, you almost never know if that’s actually true or complete bullshit.
It seems plausible, but killing virgins for rain also seemed plausible back then in the 70s.
- Comment on Apple Explains Why 256GB Storage Is Better 4 months ago:
I wouldn’t call it perfectly fine. It’s a bad decision made for the wrong reasons, but it’s also not a disaster.
It’s like coke in a mug. Weird, not ideal, but serviceable.
- Comment on Apple Explains Why 256GB Storage Is Better 4 months ago:
Most people don’t shut down their Macs that often, the fingerprint sensor on the keyboard acts as a power button 99% of the time.
Stupid decision, but almost inconsequential in real life.
- Comment on Guerrilla Women 4 months ago:
No, but it causes alpha particles to be emitted.
- Comment on Oopsies 4 months ago:
Germany is currently considering a third way: they ask you.
Everyone in Germany has health insurance, so the idea is that the health insurance simply asks you directly to decide. Most people are in favor of organ donation, but never actually get an organ donor card or talk to their relatives. Asking them to decide won’t get anywhere near the donor rates of an opt-out scheme, but it could drastically increase them.
- Comment on ‘Star Wars’: Simon Kinberg to Write, Produce New Trilogy for Lucasfilm 4 months ago:
No, it’s a desert planet that’s legally distinct from tatooine, but still very obviously inspired by it.
Just like starkiller base was definitely not a death star and this weird mining site in 8 was definitely not inspired by hoth, it’s salt and not snow afterall!!
- Comment on A Video Game Flopped Harder Than Anything At The Box Office This Year, And The Mainstream Press Barely Noticed 4 months ago:
It’s interesting in the sense that something went catastrophically wrong here.
This isn’t just a small indie dev wasting a bit of money, it’s hundreds of millions set on fire by an established company in this industry.
The fact that “no one heard of it” is exactly the point. What went wrong here?
- Comment on 5 days with new phone number - 84 spam calls 4 months ago:
It only started this year for me (had this number for 15 years or so), and it’s mostly numbers from the UK and India for some reason (I’m in Germany).
- Comment on Absolute Units 5 months ago:
Why is that guy so annoyed, though?
A person being passionate about something is a good thing!