You get 10k every 2 weeks? I wish I got that much
Just the essentials
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
That’s like 400k a year pre-tax salary. If they’re making that much and still can’t afford a nice meal, they’ve got some serious problems with budgeting and restraint. 4 weeks ago
Does your year have 24 months or your months have 8 weeks? 4 weeks ago
Food $200 Rent $800 Gorilla couch $10 000
Someone help me budget this. 4 weeks ago
Try getting paid monthly. Week 1: 🦍🛋️ Week 2-4: 🌭🍞 4 weeks ago
How bout living off of credit cards with no consideration for financial responsibility because money just feels made up at this point?
Month 1-6: 1000006487 4 weeks ago
It’s wild to me, that there seem to be so many payment schemes.
In Germany you get paid monthly, either always on the first or always 15th, but that’s pretty much all variation we have. Even unemployment benefits and parental leave support is monthly. 4 weeks ago
I just started a job getting paid monthly. The thing is, my first check at the beginning of this month was only for about a week and a half so I got no 🦍🛋️ this time around. 4 weeks ago
Uhhhh you need to take better care of yourself and do some serious reflection. 4 weeks ago
Right, they should’ve gotten two of the couches. 4 weeks ago
I had a job that paid semi monthly. Every 1st and 15th. This meme definitely fits on those 31 day months. 4 weeks ago
[deleted] 4 weeks ago
A long time ago, I learned a way to do something that had a similar effect. Most places I’ve worked allow you to have a split deposit. So, I have two checking accounts at my bank. Add up all your monthly recurring expenses, then have a split deposit so that enough money goes to one of the checking accounts for the recurring expenses, anything leftover goes to your other checking account. You can spend all the money in the “spending” account because your bills are covered by the “bills” account. 4 weeks ago
Here, pretty much everyone gets paid monthly. Most often on the 25th or slightly earlier if the 25th is on a weekend. Most bills are as far as I know paid a few days after the 25th or on the 31th 4 weeks ago
laughs in weekly pay 4 weeks ago
You lucky bastard. Where I live it’s basically monthly or fortnightly. I’ve never heard of anyone being paid weekly. 4 weeks ago
I bet you could get a really neat vest to match that sofa 4 weeks ago
Do you have something more like a sweater? 4 weeks ago
Idk about the welfare dog, I’d probably opt for a cheese toast. 4 weeks ago
That is one awesome sofa. Shame it’s the price of my net worth 4 weeks ago
I can’t be the only one that only eats hotdogs on special occasions. 4 weeks ago
Some joke I don’t understand?
Just buy Bar-S brand hot dogs. They are usually a dollar for an 8 pack of hot dogs. Sometimes they will be on sale for 50 cents. 4 weeks ago
This is accurate as hell 4 weeks ago
Nah that’s just week 3. Mortgage gets taken on week 1. 4 weeks ago
Yeah. Most of my formative years where spent with both of my parents living off assistance. It was steak on the 3rd of the month and ramen the rest of the month.
When I moved out I was flabbergasted to learn many of my classmates & colleagues considered McDonald’s cheap and would eat out regularly, and some of them didn’t even count fast food as eating out. While we would go only like when we were traveling to visit family. 4 weeks ago
Updated for inflation 4 weeks ago
It would still work with the biweekly