- Comment on The landlord special 5 days ago:
There’s no way they’ll be hired again.
unless they change their task rabbit account to a new name. This is the downward slide the tech gig economy is causing everywhere
Every time we had an issue with our house the HOA Karens would get into fights with us about how they can find someone on task rabbit for cheaper than the contractor we wanted to hire. Every time the work would be shit and their account would just suddenly vanish.
At least before shitty contractors had to keep registering new LLCs. Now there is literally no ramp at all to changing your business identity and paying $5 for 20 fake reviews
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 9 months ago:
Wait. Some school districts actually have everyone take this by default? Our public schools kept the recruiters in a dark corner of an unused hallway behind the library and you had to actually go out of your way to talk to one to make an appointment for ASVAB testing