- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 2 months ago:
I was just laughing at the absurdity in robocop rouge city where a corporate announcement says “reminder, a gunshot wound is no longer basis for time off unless it requires overnight hospitalization…”
- Comment on I believe him on a factual level, but not on an emotional level. 2 months ago:
No we know Belgium. They’re the people living well because their grandparents murdered countless of Africans.
- Comment on The writers have run out of ideas 2 months ago:
I thought this was a screenshot from RoboCop
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
Usually when I’m tired of reading about a subject I just don’t click on those threads, I don’t censor people
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
I didn’t ask for excuses for the censorship
- Comment on bird flu 2 months ago:
Also though that 50k side effects is vague, what did the sign mean? A side effect can be a mild headache or rash, which I would imagine is the majority of those cases. A 99% rate for any medicine is incredible
- Comment on bird flu 2 months ago:
This guy in my city had anti vaxx banners and signs. One said “50k+ Canadians suffered side effects from the COVID vaccine!”
So I looked up how many people were vaccinated in Canada, and 50k was below 1% of the people vaccinated. I pointed out to the guy that this means the vaccine had a success rate without side effects of 99% and how incredible that is. Dude got pissed at me and started yelling that I was a shill.
I guess he didn’t like math and common sense
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
Censorship disguised as moderation. This is exactly what killed reddit. You can’t have a discussion over there without getting banned, it’s just individual echo chambers who all censor and ban each other
- Comment on american culture 2 months ago:
She’s in everything. She’s this year’s Jennifer Lawrence, and Jeremy Allan White is Bradley Cooper.
- Comment on american culture 2 months ago:
You bring up a point, that in these Greek Epics you do find humor. But Christopher Nolan doesn’t know what a sense of humor is
- Comment on american culture 2 months ago:
I’m a little mad that Nolan is making the Odyssey. It’s gonna be so pretentious and trendy, and I’d be surprised if Anya Taylor Joy, Timothee chalamet and Jeremy Allan White aren’t in it, to round it out into the most pretentious movie in history.
- Comment on Hubris 2 months ago:
What weakling needs a spoon? You just twist while squeezing
- Comment on Why isn't Putin receiving the same level of hate than people like Trump and Elon are? 3 months ago:
Because Americans are stupid and easy to play
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 3 months ago:
What an angry little person
- Comment on flouride 4 months ago:
I feel like I woke up in the movie Dr. Strangelove
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 4 months ago:
Hypocrites gonna hypocrite
- Comment on Show Us the Gay Kiss Scenes Cut From ‘Gladiator II,’ You Cowards 4 months ago:
For like equestrian and ruling class I would say yes. That was the nice thing about being a pleb, you’re already looked down on so you can just do whatever the fuck you want really lol
- Comment on Show Us the Gay Kiss Scenes Cut From ‘Gladiator II,’ You Cowards 4 months ago:
Well yeah. But in the time period this film is set in, it was still Roman norm. Homophobia entered later, when Christianity took over.
- Comment on I want a name for this 4 months ago:
If it happens all the time I would say so. This happens to me when I’m tired so I just figured it’s my brain lagging
- Comment on Show Us the Gay Kiss Scenes Cut From ‘Gladiator II,’ You Cowards 4 months ago:
Just to educate, Romans didn’t have an issue with homosexuality as long as there was a clear power dynamic. A Roman man could have sex with a younger, lower status person and he would be looked at as virile. The boy would also not face backlash. However as they grow into adults, the “bottom” would be looked at as a woman or unmanly. Caesar was mocked as the queen of Bithynia due to a gay rumor between Caesar and the king, but the making fun wasn’t because of the gay act, but because Caesar was rumored to be the bottom.
I’m guessing two Gladiators going at it would not be an issue for anyone as they were slaves and prisoners. Additionally, Gladiators were extremely sought after as male prostitutes to women of wealth.
- Comment on Where is he?! 4 months ago:
Porque es muy rapido
- Comment on Epic Games is officially cool with the Internet Archive preserving early Unreal games 4 months ago:
Every dev and game company is out for your money. They all suck not just Nintendo.
- Comment on Congratulations to the 47th US President 4 months ago:
A lot of his odd behavior that he’s constantly made fun of is cause of autism. If he was only roasted for his shit bag behavior I could see it, but he’s often made fun of for being awkward or acting weird
- Comment on Congratulations to the 47th US President 4 months ago:
Same with the autism thing. It’s ok to hate this particular autistic dude
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 4 months ago:
Playing Devil’s advocate, is he autistic? A lot of autistic guys tend to date younger and find them easier to relate with. She was 17? guess it depends on the law. Kinda silly that only a few months or weeks later and he’s not “a creep”.
Has he done anything else after that?
- Comment on Bro 😭😭 4 months ago:
If it was between them they wouldn’t be posting it on social media
- Comment on How To Train Your Dragon | Official Teaser Trailer 4 months ago:
As opposed to every other movie that is released to make… Money
- Comment on How To Train Your Dragon | Official Teaser Trailer 4 months ago:
Live action? I really liked the animated movies and how the characters actually aged. The main character started as a kid and by the end he was a bearded dad
- Comment on Trumps all 4 months ago:
You can even use it to beat brown people over the head about how they should follow your moralizing to stop and injustice you created!
- Comment on Not voting for genocide, explained 4 months ago:
Meanwhile the young far left is calling everyone and each other Nazis and accusing each other of not being left enough. No true left man