- Comment on Paper towel 2 days ago:
This is truly a special kind of twisted.
- Comment on Giving the neighbors a laugh 4 days ago:
NL doesn’t have vanity plates.
- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 6 days ago:
Considering the implications for making that happen, that’s hella cheap.
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 1 week ago:
What you learn quickly is that the effects of calorie burning are real but way less than what people think. You can go destroy yourself running to the point you’re half dead and that’s gonna burn like 300 calories (like, one protein bar).
But yes on topic of the gym there’s a few downstream effects, the bigger you get the more you eat to be on equilibrium. Also strength workouts keep your muscles “activated” for up to 48h during which you also burn a bit more calories at rest.
And finally of course there’s the whole bulking/cutting thing, the basics is that basically, no matter how much you lift you’re not gonna grow muscle unless you also have a calorie surplus in particular protein. During this process it’s unavoidable to also put on fat so you bulk for a while (eat a lot+ workout a lot and improve personal records) then you cut (eat at deficit, maintenance workouts) so the fat recedes and etc.
- Comment on Anon discovers a new diet 1 week ago:
Wow that’s just impressive to be honest. You can either eat healthy stuff the whole day, I’m talking 3 meals + snacks, already reaching calorie surplus most likely (unless you’re huge), or you can have one (1) of these shakes.
- Comment on "The insultingly low salary you would have accepted is still too high." 1 week ago:
The unfortunate truth is while it’s skilled, it’s also a high demand industry which people want to work in. That means there’s an endless supply of bright eyed youngsters willing to do it for pennies while living at their parents (low expenses), and thus plenty of companies willing to abuse them. Another comment points out they’ll be looking for another in 3 months times and that’s probably accurate. At some point these companies realise “damn, maybe having to train up a newbie 3 times a year and having consistently shitty output because of it isn’t that great after all, maybe we should hire someone worth their salt even if they cost us more” and that’s where proper positions become available, but you have to find them.
- Comment on I'll show them 2 weeks ago:
Recently heard about ads that make you take a quiz at the end to make sure you were paying attention, we’re not far now…
- Comment on Europeans watching US/CA relations implode 2 weeks ago:
For clarity, that UK price also includes tax.
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 2 weeks ago:
Here we have a blanket 3km/h tolerance so they measure you, take 3km/h off and then use that to see which bracket of speeding you fall into (10, 20, etc).
- Comment on People shouldn't expect 24/7 access to you through your phone. 2 weeks ago:
I don’t like it, I love it.
- Comment on I will take no arguments 2 weeks ago:
Literally just got a semi-transparent Xbox controller. My kid loves looking at the rumble motor moving inside.
- Comment on Why do smokers specifically seem to be disproportionally bad for littering? 3 weeks ago:
While I’ve not had the chance to visit your amazing national parks yet, I understand that they’re an experience and a proper visit type of outing. I can see how that would work there because you’d hope most people visiting have made a conscious decision to go into nature, are prepared for it etc. I’m not sure a similar strategy would work in normal areas where people just exist, there I definitely think easy access to triaged trash cans is best.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 3 weeks ago:
The finn special.
- Comment on I've studied most of my life for this moment. 3 weeks ago:
“I could probably tell you if they’re any good just by looking at them but sure, we can test them”
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 4 weeks ago:
Now that takes me back.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 4 weeks ago:
Seriously? Dystopian shit.
- Comment on BRB, need more cheese 4 weeks ago:
I was like “époisses isn’t obscure” but then I remembered my family is from a few km from there so I guess I’m a biased sample haha. Still though I’d say that’s one of the more well known French cheese that you can find in any french region not just where it’s from. Outside of France is another story for sure.
- Comment on If I strapped a weight to a tortoise, could I train it go relatively fast? 4 weeks ago:
Not sure about reptiles but mammals for sure.
- Comment on If I strapped a weight to a tortoise, could I train it go relatively fast? 4 weeks ago:
Exactly, instead of making it pull weights, make it run after a salad or something and gradually increase speed/distance.
- Comment on Threats 5 weeks ago:
There’s definitely a few still alive in France. Not that many years ago I was dealing with a major retailer there that still wanted orders faxed in, they’ve moved on but I’m sure a lot smaller places still have them.
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
Worst feeling.
- Comment on Anon comes up with filenames 1 month ago:
Also smashing the keyboard is very poor randomisation, you naturally place your hands the same and probably even start hitting the keys the same way.
- Comment on I need a flicker free LED lightbulb running in the 3000 K range. 1 month ago:
Sure they could, obviously the higher in price the more tanky they get so I’d trust brands in order of pro -> prosumer -> knockoffs like anything else but yeah film sets can stay on for hours on end, sometimes in conditions much less cozy than your kitchen. They’ll typically come with some form of passive or active cooling (fans or mechanical dissipation with radiators).
I’d steer clear of battery powered models even if most of these can be run with a plug as well just because you’ll pay extra but if you go for tubes or the small panels.
I’m just now realising your question is whether you could use them in regular fixtures as in screw them in and yes there’s also options for that from a few brands, they can even charge from the power of the light fixture itself, they’re not cheap the ones on my “might buy” list are the godox C7R but you could go for the C10Rs. I don’t see why they’d last any less long than standard LEDs but I might not be aware of it. At that point you’re paying Hue prices though so not sure if they’re the best tools for the job since the daily use aspect of a system like hue is way more adapted for home use.
- Comment on I need a flicker free LED lightbulb running in the 3000 K range. 1 month ago:
Came here to recommend video lights. There’s some cheap options available these days which will offer you full RGB or Kelvin scale control, flicker free, etc. Check Godox Neewer, Sirui, Smallrig, Amaran for “budget” but still reliable brands, or try your luck on Amazon/AliExpress with no name brands which would probably still do the trick depending what your usage is. You could go for a small tube or panel for example (options are endless).
- Comment on it's exactly what you'd expect. 1 month ago:
Dunno about the US but these pants are all alive and well in Europe, it’s just that the experiences they provide tend to be petty extreme (in the case of datura/belladone for example), and/or too weak or impractical compared to the modern offerings. But yeah any psychonaut worth their salt would at least know about them if not tried some of them.
- Comment on The key is to over share until they stop asking. 1 month ago:
how you doing?
well actually, I’ve b… gets cut off
Aye good mate.
- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🐣☕🫗 Friday, 3 January, 2025 1 month ago:
To be fair when it’s 40 you’ll find me in the shade ideally with a nice breeze or otherwise a fan, but still right now that sounds amazing… Pulls up blanket
- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🐣☕🫗 Friday, 3 January, 2025 1 month ago:
Screw you and the popularity of your local community, I don’t need reminders that you’re in summer while we haven’t seen the sun in over a month 🥶🌧️☁️
- Comment on Should I get a drum kit, or a pressure washer? 1 month ago:
Just keep in mind the electronic drums still make noise, just not as much as the real thing. If it’s in a separate room a bit far away from the other people it’s fine but don’t expect to play it next to your sleeping partner in the same room.
- Comment on No one: Laptop. Could this be hardware or software related? 1 month ago:
Yeah that gpu is deep fried.