- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 2 days ago:
Well your kid won’t get citizenship, but you’ll be able to afford to birth them.
- Comment on Dancing in the dawn 3 days ago:
Laughs in Scottish.
- Comment on Ancient problems require modern solutions 1 week ago:
Yay, horizon irl!
- Comment on That explains a lot 1 week ago:
If only it could suck up a few specific people before evaporating itself out of existence.
- Comment on Why Are Conservatives More Susceptible to Believing Lies? 1 week ago:
Because being conservative is directly caused by being a gullible moron.
- Comment on Look at the shitty world sober people have carefully crafted around you. Drugs aren't the problem, they are the solution. 2 weeks ago:
Can’t really make it worse, at this point.
- Comment on Look at the shitty world sober people have carefully crafted around you. Drugs aren't the problem, they are the solution. 2 weeks ago:
Drugs are a distraction. Now is a time for serious action, not chewing your face off.
- Comment on Anon compares Harry and Ron 2 weeks ago:
Surry is the shire.
- Comment on Anon works at gamestop 2 weeks ago:
Slurp slurp!
- Comment on What Did William Burrito Mean by This? 2 weeks ago:
He’s not wrong
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
Unless you get good with a sniper rifle its going to stay screwed for ever. Or if you actually have the gall to try to annex one of your neighbours. Then we’ll take care of your problem for you.
- Comment on brain blowing orgasms 3 weeks ago:
I can keep it up for a good while, but several months is excessive.
- Comment on brain blowing orgasms 3 weeks ago:
This happened to me. No joke. I lost half a standard deviation from my iq for each child i had. #dunceLife
- Comment on brain blowing orgasms 3 weeks ago:
Reproduction is the goal. It could be as simple as giving the young a chance to out compete their r****ded parents for limited food.
- Comment on Neil A. 4 weeks ago:
Why is your face italic 😏
- Comment on Neil A. 4 weeks ago:
…On the moon he was an alien.
- Comment on Sounds like a fun place to work 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Sounds like a fun place to work 4 weeks ago:
Is she joining me?
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 4 weeks ago:
The Norwegian one is a little simplistic. The wrap is a flat potato bread (lompe) and you always get the choice of a hotdog bun or a lompe. The sausage itself is either a plain sausage, one impregnated with cheese, one impregnated with cheese and wrapped in bacon, or one made of hamburger meat. There are then optional extras like pickle, onion, crispy fried onion etc and of course ketchup and or mustard.
These are available at pretty much every kiosk/news agent/gas station. The choices are pretty much always the same. Personally I go for a bacon and cheese sausage on a wholemeal bun with fried onions and mustard.
- Comment on I'll have one war please 5 weeks ago:
Don’t worry I’ll make it quick ;)
- Comment on Europeans watching US/CA relations implode 5 weeks ago:
And we’ll spank him like a little bitch!
- Comment on How are you actually doing today? 5 weeks ago:
Wondering how long it will take for the world to start world war 3 and which fascist regime were going to be fighting.
- Comment on Solarpunk AF 5 weeks ago:
Plant cells also have mitochondria.
- Comment on Solarpunk AF 5 weeks ago:
You can’t afford it.
- Comment on I am in the US and its gotten very political but as pretty much a peon do I just tune the stuff out thinking its fear mongering? Or should I closely pay attention to it? 1 month ago:
I wouldn’t take it lightly tbh. One event that you ought to be on the lookout for is the night of the long knives. When Hitler rose to power, there was a night where a ton of his political opponents got murdered. If trump pulls that off then that’s full nazi and the camps will follow shortly after
- Comment on This one is going to be controversial 1 month ago:
That’s the spirit!
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 1 month ago:
Open one up. There’s also a fuse connected to the live wire. The amperage is dependent on the normal draw of the appliance. Just added safety features. Also the live and neutral holes only open up if you put the earth in first (that’s why it’s longer). British plugs are arguably the safest… Unless you leave them prongs up and step on it accidentally. That makes stepping on Lego feel like a shag carpet.
- Comment on This one is going to be controversial 1 month ago:
The Swedes put sliced banana and curry powder on their pizza. Sounds foul, but it’s legit delicious.
- Comment on Would this be a red or green flag? 1 month ago:
Yeah they’re pretty well spoken. Although they often use sentences that are part English and part Norwegian. So it can sound weird if you’re not used to it.
- Comment on Wobble Wobble 1 month ago: