- Comment on That explains a lot 3 weeks ago:
I remember seeing Event Horizon.
This won’t end well.
- Comment on CHLAMYDIA 1 month ago:
Why yes she is. 😎
- Comment on Roblox will restrict kids under 13 from chatting outside of games 4 months ago:
Well, they seem want to stick their noses in everything else personal/private that is none of their business and doesn’t affect anyone else but the person involved.
Why not something that actually falls in the category of ‘think of the children’ for once? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Roblox will restrict kids under 13 from chatting outside of games 4 months ago:
Every other day Roblox comes out and pink promises they are going to ‘do something’ soon to make it safer for children.
Until the government cracks down on them or they loose a massive lawsuit I don’t see it actually happening.
My niece (who had just turned 13) was showing us the recent update changes she was looking at with Roblox and the chat features. If I understood what she was showing me it appeared to be asking her for her phone number to be able to access the chat features within Roblox.
Why would Roblox need the phone number of a 13 year old kid?
We looked at it a few minutes then showed it to her mom and dad who noped right out of that.
- Comment on Jesus Christ 4 months ago:
And God said, Go ye forth upon the Earth and pick and choose which of Mine words ye wish to use to torment your brethren.
John 3: somethingortheother
- Comment on pump up the jamz 4 months ago:
Seven Nations Army
- Comment on Why play a fascist? Unpacking the hideousness of the Space Marine 4 months ago:
Also in 40k there are no true good guys.
Just a sliding scale of how bad do you want your good to be?
And your true bad guys, well that’s a whole other issue.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
Yeah this doesn’t do squat to prove or disprove anything to these nutters.
I’ve done the same with a variety of other things and you will get told the same thing:
God put it here.
Thing is you cannot argue with the above statement because it falls into that sort of argument you used to have when you were a child when the other kid would say ‘Nyah! Last word!!’ or ‘I can’t hear you!!’
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Coincidence? I think not.
- Comment on He's just lucky I guess 5 months ago:
Truly a shitpost.
- Comment on meow_irl 5 months ago:
My cat is permanently the one in the upper left hand corner. We’ve had people come to visit and ask if something is wrong with her only to see her raise her head up, look at them then lay back down and start snoring again.
We joke she is living the good life.
- Comment on Data is a plural 5 months ago:
So it’s Lt. Commander….
- Comment on The ghost of StarCraft: Ghost endures as a new shooter set in the RTS universe is in the works at Blizzard 5 months ago:
Hell yeah you know it is.
- Comment on Borderlands' theatrical run grinds to a halt with just $31 million worldwide, which is barely enough to cover the marketing costs 6 months ago:
Mortal Kombat gave us that sweet sweet soundtrack.
- Comment on CEPHALOPODS 8 months ago:
I would love doing this. Just imagine pointing at a painting or model of two dinosaurs fighting and yelling ‘MAH GAWD HES KILLING HIM! HE BROKE HIS BACK!!!’
- Comment on Which are you? 8 months ago:
I see Snoop Dog.
- Comment on Caption this. 8 months ago:
Beef - It’s what’s for Dinner
- Comment on How do you clean your smart watch? 8 months ago:
So am not a Garmin user (Apple) but for years now I will regularly wash my band with soap and water and regularly wipe the back of the face (the sensor part that comes in contact with your skin) with a cloth soaked lightly in alcohol.
If I am doing some outdoor work or a lot of exercise then I will always do this as well afterwards. My wife ran into some issues with her wrists after getting hers where she developed a rash and found that regularly cleaning of the watch - both band and the sensor area stopped this from happening.
- Comment on No problems here 8 months ago:
Now just make them sentient and self replicating and….
- Comment on Caption this. 8 months ago:
The Cell 2
- Comment on Moon and Ruby Spire 9 months ago:
Can’-Ka No Rey!
- Comment on A photography depicting the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza - 2565 BCE. 10 months ago:
Kids today are lazy, back 60 years ago we had to walk to school in the snow uphill both ways and come home and milk the cows. Why we could easily lift that thing with only four people.
- my Dad
- Comment on octopus stinkhorn 1 year ago:
Father Nurgle is pleased.
- Comment on How does ears work? 1 year ago:
Biblically accurate ears
- Comment on We live in a society 1 year ago:
How many people have died because of organized religion vs. Panera charged lemonade.
- Comment on I'm so sorry 1 year ago:
Who plays Luke and Han??
- Comment on My Review of Ghostbusters (1984) 1 year ago:
I am old enough to remember that when they first started doing promos for this they didn’t drop any info or big marketing.
They did these real short TV spots with the Ghostbusters logo during prime time and other major shows with absolutely zero background. Only thing that was on it was the message ‘Coming to save the world’
I remember all the buzz at the time in school because everyone was chatting about it trying to figure out what it was about. No internet or places to read up on aside from the usual movie magazines at the grocery stores so everyone was all amped by the time the actual full trailer dropped and ready to beat the door down when it arrived in theaters.
- Comment on Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy? 1 year ago:
Yes and here is some irony I found.
My company requires us to take various learning course throughout the year. Some assigned - some pick your own. A lot of it is the usual B.S. that everyone has to do.
I was browsing thru the managerial list and picked one of the ones that sounded interesting the other day about ‘How to be a better Manager’ and smack in the middle of the first chapter was this big video with this woman giving this speech about being accepting of people who wanted/needed to work from home or telecommute.
My ears instantly perked up.
The video went on to throw up all this data showing how more and more people were doing this and it had this graph from 2012 on and how this was the natural progression in the workplace and how we as managers needed to be accepting of peoples position and feelings toward this and learn to be accommodating as we would see more of it.
I was like WTF??!
When the course ended I scrolled through it looking for a date and I believe it was 2017.
Amazing how the tune has changed but the data hasn’t.