- Comment on Inside arXiv—the Most Transformative Platform in All of Science 12 hours ago:
SciHub great, it really is something else though. ArXiv does cover a bit more than just math and physics, there is some biology, compsci, finance, and economy. But yeah, would be lovely for it to branch out. But that is probably also related to how the fields functions. If the fields do not have an open preprint process, I can imagine quite a bit have to change first.
It is a preprint site, because that is what the researchers need. It’s a great tool to “publish” inofficial books and lecture notes in addition to actual articles for journals. For the public, I see no issue. You can see it right there on the arxiv if the article is published in a journal or not (unless the authors are sloppy), and, you can go back to earlier revisions, to get a more detailed view of what the referees and editors did not allow to be published (implied by the changes made).
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
This is what Swedish unions did even more directly. A company hired labour from Latvia I think it was. The union showed up and said that thats all fine, but you have to pay them properly. None of them were members. They picketed the company for the sake of non-members wages. Why? To avoid social dumping down the line.
- Comment on see the joke is that someone else does the work 1 week ago:
An attempt at a generalized joke:
We are recuting you for the GOP. It says here you are a conservative force?
Yeah. I go around in circles and do no work.
- Comment on Elon Musk Shared, Then Deleted X Post Absolving Hitler, Stalin and Mao of Genocide 1 week ago:
I’m pretty sure that at the trials “just following orders” did not work as an argument. When receving an order for participating in genocidal action, you have to not follow that order.
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
Why are rich expats more likely to pay taxes in sweden in the future than expats who could not afford tuition?
- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
I was around when they introduced it. They basically killed some programs because it went from a few students to none. Because why would you pay for a Swedish uni noone heard of instead of a bit more for a famous uni. It was a stupid policy.
- Comment on conferences 3 weeks ago:
One of my PIs when talking always mentioned the people he worked with and their job status. So he’d basically
this work was made in collab. with all of these… The names in Black are permanent, ignore them, the ones in blue just got new postdocs, they are ok for now. The names in green: they will be applying! Keep an eye out for them!
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
Did they drop “analogue” or “simulated” from the title?
- Comment on My chemistry professor after explaining that helium is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, and inert [Day 67] 1 month ago:
That is a bit of cheating, speaking as a phycisist. We say “if we add enough energy to system X thing Y will happen” about almost everything. :-)
- Comment on Nostalgic, thinking of the bad times while living the worse ones. 2 months ago:
For any time t with worseness w(t) there exists some time t_0 < t where worseness was less, w(t_0) < w(t). Proof: duh.
- Comment on Best Abstract Ever 3 months ago:
The time around the superluminal neutrino result was crazy. The oddest papers were written on the slimmest chans it would last and their explination would be correct enough for a nobel prize later down the line.
- Comment on Tiny pocketsies 3 months ago:
Woah, hold on there, that is way too much equations for such a small pocket. Surely they must first be put in the differential form notation.
- Comment on ambition 3 months ago:
Come on, those are like two things: learn stuff and work out. Pfft
- Comment on If Open Source is so great... 4 months ago:
I had that from the start… It cannot distinguish some keyboards, and I have two versions of my layout I have to switch between. All keybords work the same on linux, but mac, nah.
And updates? Holy shit! They broke ssh! It was broken like a month. Ssh connections just died as ‘corrupted’ all the time. And they don’t hotfix it asap? How can a company trust to use them as a work laptop if they break it and don’t fix it?
- Comment on If Open Source is so great... 4 months ago:
“Slightly worse”. I got a job and was not allowed to use a linux laptop, so I went with mac. I was almost worried that I would like the “just works” aspects everyone have been so exited about. Wow. What a piece of shit it is. Settings items takes forever to load after boot, mouse feels like it is stuck in mud (even if I remove accelleration and increase speed), it cannot wake many monitors up from sleep, it completely disables the keyboard momentarily when activating the screen (and if it fails to wake it, it becomes a flashing, keyboard grabbing nightmare). The window management? I can set up a workspace on this and that keybind, “oh, you disconnected the monitor, well we permuted the keybinds for you” wtf? When I get home and switch to linux, it is such a relief.
- Comment on What should I bring to far-north Scandinavia? 4 months ago:
Scrolling through I don’t see this tip I was made aware of when going up north: shower in the evening. I’m not sure it makes any significant difference, but the logic seems sound; while sleeing you build up a protective layer of fat on the surface of your skin, face especially. It helps against the cold, so don’t rinse it off in the morning.
- Comment on critical latex mod 4 months ago:
What are the options here? Can I have them be only visible when printing? Does it mirror itself if I print double-sided? Maybe pdf does not support these things, but to me these are the important questions.
- Comment on The most powerful brain on Twitter 4 months ago:
Thank you! I wanted to make the link to appropriate section and I usually click the section in the toc to get it. But I could not find the toc on the mobile site.
- Comment on The most powerful brain on Twitter 4 months ago:
I mean… That is not really what was puzzling about mercury. Its elliptical orbit, as predicted by Newtonian physics, was shifting a little each orbit. It was not a trick of the light bending, it actually moves “wrong” according to newtonian physics. He could have just read wikipedia instead of making stuff up to try and sound smart.…/Tests_of_general_relativity
- Comment on Protect Your Dick Data 5 months ago:
Damn. They are automating penis inspection day? What are creeps to do now?
- Comment on Sudo 5 months ago:
For sudo there is a compile option which taunts you if you enter the wrong password. At least in gentoo that flag is called ‘offensive’. I just imagined another feature to the flag where a guard will show up as well.
- Comment on Sudo 5 months ago:
When you compile sudo with the offensive flag.
- Comment on problem solving 5 months ago:
It is called Einstein’s Equation, it is a General Relativity equation describing the spacetime geometry (G) relation to various energy/mass configurations (T) and the cosmological constant (Lambda).
- Comment on It's your problem now 5 months ago:
Until the day of the defence…
- Comment on Let's gooo 5 months ago:
If you like mathbf more then at least redefine vec and use vec. Keeps the code more tidy.
- Comment on Anon makes bad decisions 5 months ago:
Burn After Reading
- Comment on Anon makes bad decisions 5 months ago:
Saw a guy in italy almost ram a cop car atan intersection. I think the driver was running a red light, but could have been the cop running a red. Anyhow, the driver breaks just before the cop car, and the cop on the passanger side just gesticulates his discontent but they just keep rolling on anyway. They could not be bothered.
- Comment on 5 months ago:
I forget the flags, but I think you can list all formats with the
, then select the ones you want be downloaded using the id number and the flag-f
. and use a+
if you want ffmpeg to merge an audio and video track together. Would that help? - Comment on The mark 6 months ago:
I have a freckle there, but it is not that freckle. Fake news.
- Comment on Tensors 6 months ago:
A tensor is something that transform as a tensor. Gtfo Christoffel symbols.