- Comment on Not the gift that I really wanted 1 week ago:
Now that would have been funny
- Comment on Not the gift that I really wanted 1 week ago:
I knew a guy with an extra digit in the 80s, also knew a girl with only 4
- Comment on The American Christian Right Is Coming To The UK 2 weeks ago:
Kept em out of your hair for a century or so. So, not perfect, but the next exodus could follow elon to mars hehe
- Comment on For every 30 minutes theres a 50% chance my right shoe lace will come undone 2 weeks ago:
Interesting knot. As I stated my shoelaces are usually the cheap ones that come with the shoes, so come undone fairly easily (adds about 2 seconds to untie). Quality laces would be much harder to remove. I have been tying shoes for so long it is hard to even do the other foot first, let alone learn a new knot and to overcome 45ish years of tying habit, hell I usually tie in the dark hehe
- Comment on The American Christian Right Is Coming To The UK 2 weeks ago:
Nicely done.
- Comment on For every 30 minutes theres a 50% chance my right shoe lace will come undone 2 weeks ago:
Double knot, many of my shoes/boots have had the cheapest possible laces that have no friction between them. Since I started to double knot I no longer have that problem. Alternately get the slightly elastic laces that stretch a little
- Comment on The American Christian Right Is Coming To The UK 2 weeks ago:
Just do what you did to the puritans. Make em leave (again) for a new home ;)
- Comment on Fresh Bamboo 3 weeks ago:
At least the eyes are almost dark enough
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 weeks ago:
I asked this further up. Yay for not eating the onion
- Comment on Not real... *for now* 4 weeks ago:
Didn’t sony, or another tv maker, file a patent on that? Or did I eat an onion
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
Mom: We have a black hole at home - points to the teen age brother
- Comment on I work 2 shifts tomorrow and *I don't care*! 4 weeks ago:
Q: How do you grab your liquor?
A: By the ears
- Comment on The workplace is most toxic atmosphere I've ever experienced. No wonder they force us to buy necessities with this money they give us. 1 month ago:
Sadly, there is no space for advancement
- Comment on Women lead in over half of Hollywood movies for first time 1 month ago:
Welp, there it is… the end of Hollywood sigh
just in case 🥄 /s
- Comment on natural state 1 month ago:
Beets are good, if that is what you wanted to eat. lol
- Comment on Wow, ok. 1 month ago:
And then 1 final time
- Comment on Man, their reputation really has gone to shit 1 month ago:
Careful, maybe disappear him to some black site
- Comment on Man, their reputation really has gone to shit 1 month ago:
Didn’t a black church get the rights to that name? 🤣
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 1 month ago:
At $3ish a dozen here, yeah we got 2 cartons
- Comment on Dino Crisis 1 & 2 just got enhanced PC re-releases, courtesy of GOG 1 month ago:
We had a store just around the corner, where I used to live with a friend, we could rent 2 PS1 games for a month for $30 and since we would burn thru both of the games in a week usually we could return them and get 2 more for what the tax would be. Great times and my last console
- Comment on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth director thinks mods "breathe life into the PC market", following previous request to please not give Cait Sith a dump truck ass 1 month ago:
Ohh, how I’d like to destroy that Cait Sith, never liked that little…
- Comment on It's Anon's birthday 2 months ago:
I’m with you on this. There are only 3 people I care to even acknowledge my bday, my gf, mother, and father. hell some people have known me 20 - 30 years have no idea when my bday is
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 2 months ago:
DoN’t BeLiEvE yOuR lYiNg EyEs
- Comment on everywhere I look 2 months ago:
Start it as a troll instance, have fun trolling and banning
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Thats the one!
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 2 months ago:
Elmo boogieing on the potty is what I see in my head
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Reactor goes brrr 3 months ago:
An interesting watch: Thorium Reactors
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows Will Feature Denuvo & Account Linking + EULA also requires you to allow Ubisoft to "monitor" your RAM 3 months ago:
All it took for me to never buy Ubi again was their launcher
- Comment on So I want this giant teddy bear outside my block of flats? 3 months ago:
That looks like Zeddy