- Comment on We overpaid you and need you to pay back $.23 1 week ago:
Yeah, should have added that “/s”…
- Comment on We overpaid you and need you to pay back $.23 1 week ago:
Are you suggesting that they’re not?
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 week ago:
Yeah, so what? Eventually, it’ll be heat.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 week ago:
No. If a watt worth of sunlight hits the earth, it’s transformed into a watt of heat. If it hits a solar panel, it’s transformed into some heat and some electricity, which is then used to power something that then transformed it into heat. The only solar energy that doesn’t heat up the planet is the one that is reflected back into space, which, however, isn’t much for solar panels.
However, if you use a watt of sunlight to power your phone instead of a watt of energy you got from burning coal, this watt of energy instead stays below earth and therefore doesn’t heat up the planet. It also doesn’t release co2, which would otherwise reduce the atmosphere’s reflectivity, trapping even more sun heat on the planet.
So solar panels don’t reduce the temperature by not allowing sunlight to heat up the planet, they decrease the temperature by replacing other stuff that would otherwise heat up the planet.
- Comment on Greens are far-right? Bitch I'm Far-ting. 2 weeks ago:
They’re not?
- Comment on got one of the last ones for christmas 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on got one of the last ones for christmas 3 weeks ago:
So glad I could pick up some discounted stuff as well… Not in this picture: the Stargazer, which is gift wrapped and will be handed over to my son later today. These will serve as presents over the next year or two.
- Comment on When your friend moves to Berlin to become a DJ 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on I don't know where I'm going to keep them all 5 weeks ago:
Any moment now.
- Comment on Anons share life hacks 5 weeks ago:
What do you think a cliff is?
- Comment on Anons share life hacks 5 weeks ago:
Skateboard weighs like 2kg.
I weigh like 100 kg. Yeah, fat fuck, I know.
Cliffs don’t have a defined height, but let’s say 100 m.
Speed at impact is like 45 m/s.
Have to kick skateboard downwards at 2250 m/s, or 8100 km/h to neutralise speed. That requires about 5 megajoules of energy.
Lose only about 0.13 kg of fat to kick board that hard but become deaf from the board becoming supersonic.
6/10, wouldn’t do that again.
- Comment on I don't know where I'm going to keep them all 5 weeks ago:
Buying warhammer miniatures, painting warhammer miniatures and playing Wasserhahn are 3 separate hobbies.
- Comment on Unethical relationship advice 5 weeks ago:
Wish my wife would fondle my nuts daily to check whatever.
- Comment on everything's going according to plan 5 weeks ago:
It’s just amazing to see the difference to where I live in Europe. I’m below 100k, but our income is considered quite high and we just got a large-enough house for our family of five about 30 minutes (by car) away from our jobs. It’s staggering. Even more so if you consider that wages are said to be too high to be competitive.
- Comment on everything's going according to plan 5 weeks ago:
I don’t think seven figure net worth qualifies as rich anymore.
I am going to guess the comfort zone now is in the mid eight figures.
All it takes are a few health issues and the US healthcare system will drain your life’s savings.
Ah, yeah, the US. No questions.
Man, I’m so glad I don’t live there. Living in the US is right up there on the list of things I’m glad I don’t have to do, next to cave diving.
- Comment on Mars' Leaky Nipple 1 month ago:
As you sound like you know about it: What is that cloud made of? Can’t be water, right? I mean, we have speculated for decades on whether there’s water on Mars, we wouldn’t have done that if there’s a yearly 1000 km trail of water that can be seen from orbit, right?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
“This waste shouldn’t be overly dangerous and the fact that it isn’t doesn’t say how dangerous it is”. Wow. How did you do this?
Here I thought you’re just slow and didn’t read what I wrote so I was already preparing to just explain what I said.
What does that even mean? How is that saying anything about the dangers of radioactive waste?
Did you read what I write?
I will rephrase you:
What does that even mean? How is that saying anything about the amount of radioactive waste?
This is where I realised you’re just trolling.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
What nonsense is this?
Compare gloves that were used once to turn valve on pipe in reactor room to shit from coal in your lungs.
No shit, Sherlock… The reactor room is shielded by the water. Something you had in there once shouldn’t be overly radioactive and the fact that it isn’t doesn’t say anything about the dangers of radioactive waste.
Even most active kind of waste everyone thinks of - spent fuel - consists from about 90% of useful material.
What does that even mean? How is that saying anything about the dangers of radioactive waste?
Actually not.
new nuclear power costs about 5 times more than onshore wind power per kWh […]. Nuclear takes 5 to 17 years longer between planning and operation and produces on average 23 times the emissions per unit electricity generated […].
- Comment on Total burn on West Africa! 2 months ago:
Maybe they already did just to screw with Sierra Leone?
- Comment on Houses in my area increases 82% in just 4 years 2 months ago:
And on top of that they are generally much more expensive than American houses to begin with.
That very much depends on the area and the house itself.
- Comment on I feel you, green guy. 2 months ago:
I can be a backpack while you run
- Comment on Magic Mineral 2 months ago:
Aw fuck l, I knew I remembered that shit from
childhoodThe Wizard of Oz. - Comment on Anon questions physics 2 months ago:
But temperature is not just the speed of a molecule right?
It pretty much is.
Like a molecule moving very fast through space can still be at a very low temperature, right?
That very much depends on the relative speed of the molecule and you. If you’re not moving in relation to the molecule, a collision between you and it won’t do much. Now try being hit by it (or a bunch of them) at high or even relativistic speeds. The area of you that’s hit will surely become pretty hot then.
Like, have you seen footage of asteroid impacts? Have you seen shooting stars? Those are hot. Like, non-figuratively.
- Comment on Russian soldiers sings: Just don't tell mom that I'm going to Bakhmut 3 months ago:
Russian soldiers sings: Just don’t tell mom that I’m going to Bakhmut
Well, just don’t fucking go there, then?
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #21 - Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 3 months ago:
I’m not subscribed to this community and just found this content via “all”. If you’re in there, you’ll always get downvotes from people who just don’t like this kind of content. Don’t worry about it.
- Comment on puts hair on ya chest 3 months ago:
This post was brought to you by Isaac Asimov’s Foundation gang.
- Comment on Your stupid decal finally makes sense! 3 months ago:
You think it’s the worst… And then there are those who want to ramp it up to 11.
- Comment on Your stupid decal finally makes sense! 3 months ago:
As somebody not from the US of A… What is a “salt life decal” and who would or wouldn’t have one?
- Comment on Women in STEM 3 months ago:
Lise Meitner went on to be forgotten? In my city, a big street bears her name, including the tram station there. Fittingly, it’s the tram to the University that stops there. Essentially, her name is hammered into all students’ heads here.
- Comment on Is Lemmy Dead ☠️ 3 months ago:
Dude, what are you talking about?