- Comment on pretty sure I'm getting sick 22 hours ago:
Thank you very much. I hope you don’t get ill anytime soon!
- Comment on pretty sure I'm getting sick 1 day ago:
Cool scars are always dope as hell. I have quite a few, myself. None make me seem like a villain tho lol. Lemmy definitely needs more support groups, but I am far too busy to create and moderate one myself. I do have to say that Lemmy has grown a LOT since I joined in 2022. I joined in the reddit blackout exodus and it’s been worth it. Hopefully more growth will lead to more supportive spaces for folks who need it
- Comment on pretty sure I'm getting sick 1 day ago:
I’m so sorry you have dealt with the ailments you have. My exercise routine is taking care of, training, and riding horses. Being around all the dust they produce will 100% make my sickness worse. I pushed myself to go do stuff with the critters on Friday and I think getting so much dust in my sinuses is what solidified my illness. Hopefully I get better before I’m supposed to ride next
- Comment on pretty sure I'm getting sick 1 day ago:
Thank you so much. I’m so sorry you also struggle with autoimmune stuff. It’s crazy how a body can just attack itself
- Submitted 1 day ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on Red Flag Warning? Neighbor Has Fire 1 day ago:
Where I am it is. I burn things sparingly, usually only when I have way too many boxes to fit in my 5 trash bag maximum. That hasn’t happened in almost a year, thankfully. I’ve been able to find more of what I need locally so I’ve been ordering things online less and less.
- Comment on Red Flag Warning? Neighbor Has Fire 2 days ago:
My neighbors burn almost daily, even during burn bans. I get why they burn stuff and I burn cardboard sometimes myself. Our town has very strict rules on trash pickup and you can get fined for more than 5 bags. I don’t violate ordinances or bans tho. Because I don’t want my town to burn down.
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
Disappointed beyond measure. :(
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
If you can’t grow your own black holes, store-bought is fine.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 4 days ago:
I just tune ads out. I got ADHD, so it’s really easy for me to get distracted and completely tune things out. It’s useful in some situations, but mostly sucks lmao.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 4 days ago:
I use ad breaks in vids to answer texts/emails or take a piss or whatever. Intrusive ads that take up entire pages on a site are the worst tho. Those can fuck off.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 4 days ago:
I can deal with ad when watching TV or YouTube. But ads in the car, even while stopped, is just begging for someone to get killed. Will never even consider getting a jeep. I’m probably gonna have to get a new car in a couple of years and I want something new, but dumb. I want as little smart shit as possible, which is probably not going to be a thing.
- Comment on People never understand the sacrifices I make for them. 1 week ago:
I work at an MSP and I have calls like this twice a month. I hate it
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
I use computers at work. Outside of work I use my phone, my Steamdeck, and my PS5 for my needs/entertainment. After fixing and working on computers all day, I don’t wanna even see another computer after I leave the office. So I just don’t own one. I borrow my grandma’s laptop if I absolutely need to use a computer outside of work lol.
- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 1 week ago:
Literally have multiple playlists that are video games soundtracks. One is just all of the songs, others are game specific. Cyberpunk, Warframe, and Fallout have some of the best music imo
- Comment on I'm tired boss 2 weeks ago:
Replace kids with pets and add handling multiple chronic illnesses and it’s my life.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Same. Like, I can totally be his lesbian friend. He can be my older man friend. We can be partners in crime
- Comment on Birds have developed complex brains independently from mammals, studies reveal 2 weeks ago:
Hope the bird people rise up after humanity extincts itself
- Comment on I *need* to learn how seahorses mate at 3am 2 weeks ago:
9 pm: I say good night to my friends and say I’m going to bed.
11:30 pm: send all of my friends the weirdest memes
- Comment on Anon just wants to enjoy his movie 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Kids these days 4 weeks ago:
My grandma killed herself by smoking for 60 years. Got stage 4 lung cancer and relied on my mom for 24 hour care for a year before she finally kicked the bucket. I feel no pity for her and I wasn’t even sad when she died. She was an awful woman who used everyone around her until literally the day she died. Played the victim in situations she put herself in and expected others (my mom) to bail her out.
- Comment on My 3 jobs take everything I got and more. 5 weeks ago:
I experience this almost daily. Gotta love a high stress job and chronic pain/illness.
- Comment on We appreciate your community service. 5 weeks ago:
I appreciate the giants. I’m very short and need help reaching things regularly. If I was one inch shorter, I’d be considered a little person legally. At least here in the US. I’m 4’11 🥲
- Comment on guys... :( 5 weeks ago:
This is a distressing image
- Comment on When people ask me what I did for new years. 1 month ago:
Honestly, New Year’s day is the time to do things you enjoy. I went and hung out with horses and rode one around for a bit. There was like nobody out when I left my house. It was really nice, and even middle of the day traffic was minimal.
- Comment on Do people still call each other at midnight on NYE? 1 month ago:
I was asleep by 10. Woke up to so many texts and didn’t respond until I felt like it. It was honestly super nice. Just spent the night laying with my dogs and reading until I got sleepy.
- Comment on They live among us 2 months ago:
My fridge is covered in pride stickers. Any time I get something that’s gay or has rainbows, it immediately goes on the fridge
- Comment on Committment 2 months ago:
I love Greenland sharks.
- Comment on Is it ethical for a parent to distribute inheritance based on the child(ren)'s mental capacity (aka refusing to give an inheritance to child(ren) with reduced mental capacity)? 2 months ago:
I’m okay with not giving someone with disabilities and inheritance if it’ll fuck with any government money they’re getting for their disabilities. You have to handle money in that kind of situation very carefully. My mom is my life insurance beneficiary or whatever it’s called, but the money would be going to my sister. My sister is intellectually and physically disabled and cannot work. My parents handle her finances so she doesn’t lose her disability income, so my mom would be in charge of keeping that money for my sister and using it appropriately. When I make a will, most, if not all, of my shit (my house, car, etc) will go to my mom legally, but my mom knows my sister is the intended recipient and would help figure shit out.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 2 months ago:
I had an incredibly aggressiveale duck that would come after me all the time. He was big, like 20lbs at least, and I’d kick him in the chest with the side ofy foot when he came at me all angry like. His chest was the meatiest part of him, so I wasn’t worried about damaging him with kinda wimpy kicks. Bastard became soup real quickly, though. Overly aggressive birds in my flock don’t get the privilege of being pets.