- Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 2 weeks ago:
The trolls are advancing, they have sensed the absence of the dogs of war and are trying their luck
The neighbourhood trolls Trolls beyond the gate
- Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 2 weeks ago:
She had a dreamy licky, that she enjoys
- Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 2 weeks ago:
I didn’t want to derail the post but had to pay cat tax… 🐈
- Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 2 weeks ago:
photos of my cat: 10,000,000 but shes so cute! 🥰
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
that is not an appropriate age 😞
- Comment on Meow 4 weeks ago:
Just what an AI would say!
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
The way we are going, its for the best
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
i assumed it was office pa
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
For a European this is weird… and unacceptable. if you want to bring something to the office to share, fine but to demand? thats madness!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
please stay, i love this
- Comment on I thought he died before they invented baseball 4 weeks ago:
Could they make him and the kid any whiter?
- Comment on Meta approves plan for bigger executives bonuses following 5% layoffs 5 weeks ago:
gotta get that Bugatti somehow
- Comment on Anon goes to boot camp 1 month ago:
In soviet Russia the pension will get you for life… Jokes aside he won’t get any pension or medical in russian army, just get sent to Ukraine. Cheaper
- Comment on Anon thinks Aragorn could have done more 1 month ago:
They never specifically killed orks, that’s movie stuff. They killed foreign corsairs near the river estuary and fulfilled their oath.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
AHH yes, as an ex-eastern European myself, can confirm, the east was always at least 10-20 years behind in haircut styles 😀
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
What year is that from?
- Comment on Trump’s First Moves: Toward More War, Nothing for Workers 2 months ago:
And this is a surprise… How?
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
As across the pond dweller, I am reading this and going “u wot m8?”
- Comment on The enshitification of Meetup.com 3 months ago:
I suppose they are also offering some kind of guided meditation as well as meals? I mean yeah it sort of sounds expensive, but also you do have designer handbags and jewellery that gets ridiculous prices.
Anyway yeah I stopped doing meetup for a long time and absolutely detest SAAS business models of alot of digital vendors too.
- Comment on The enshitification of Meetup.com 3 months ago:
Oh I see, I misread thank you for the correction, I guess it depends if the deposit is basically to stop people reserving the place and backing out last minute, so they organiser gets to keep the money. Its like a non refundable hotel?
- Comment on The enshitification of Meetup.com 3 months ago:
Oh I see, I misread thank you for the correction
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 3 months ago:
Anon never stated that they were female…
- Comment on The enshitification of Meetup.com 3 months ago:
It’s about $110 per night, with included food and organised events of some kind. While I don’t know if this is expensive or not it doesn’t seem unreasonable to charge money for food and board of this particular event? Isn’t meetup just handling bookings and payments here? Or am I missing something.
Saying that I stopped using meetup probably a decade ago. So not sure where it’s at these days but from the other rooster mentioned, meetup+ sounds like crap twitter move
- Comment on City builder Workers & Resources finally brings socialism to the USA and UK with latest DLC 3 months ago:
Looks like it works now, woohoo 🙌🎉
- Comment on City builder Workers & Resources finally brings socialism to the USA and UK with latest DLC 3 months ago:
Okay, thanks trying the demo :)
- Comment on City builder Workers & Resources finally brings socialism to the USA and UK with latest DLC 3 months ago:
Tried the demo a year or so ago refused to work for me when I tried it on Linux machine a year or so ago
- Comment on City builder Workers & Resources finally brings socialism to the USA and UK with latest DLC 3 months ago:
Sounds like a cool game, but it doesn’t work on linux :(
- Comment on Valve dev details more on the work behind making Steam for Linux more stable 4 months ago:
Wow absolute legend! Thank you very much for sucha detailed guide! Will try that later tonight!
- Comment on Valve dev details more on the work behind making Steam for Linux more stable 4 months ago:
Is there any Linux friendly way to figure out which runtime belongs to which game? I tried some random script but it sort of failed to identify the games. I am kinda looking at something like executable path as then I am can least delete this stuff normally
- Comment on Valve dev details more on the work behind making Steam for Linux more stable 4 months ago:
So when you remove a non-steam game it also removes the runtime files? They are like 200-400mb each and I prefer to purchase games from places like GOG and others. But it’s easier to manage via steam.