Reddit refuge
- Comment on Conservative people are the moist toxic and aggressive people for no reason 2 hours ago:
They’ve been built up to get angry about specific topics in a way that bypasses critical thought.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 3 days ago:
I don’t think Nintendo ever tried to be a tech company. They have always been a game company first and foremost. If they were ever a kind of tech company, the closest analogy would be Apple, another company that focused on consumer electronics.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 3 days ago:
Nintendo collapsed its console and handheld product lines for the Switch. We’re also seeing large parts of the gaming industry adopt the Switch form factor for their products. I don’t think there is anything that Nintendo could innovate on that would sell.
- Comment on How is the current AI bubble when compared to the .com bubble in the early 2000's? 3 days ago:
The AI bubble feels a lot more focused on increasing worker efficiency/replacing workers while the .com bubble felt more like throwing things at the wall to see what stuck.
People had ideas for what you could do online, but no one really knew what it looked like or how it could work. Since no one knew what form the Internet would take, a lot of companies were formed to throw shit at the wall and see what stuck.
- Comment on Why is Tesla market cap so high ? 4 days ago:
Tesla is overvalued, but the valuation is for more than cars.
Tesla owns its own battery production facilites, allowing it to branch out into other sectors of the market.
Tesla’s charging has become the standard for North America, making its charging stations valuable as the new gas stations for electric vehicles.
Tesla also has a significant solar energy production and deployment business. It makes some solar panels and a lot of other solar energy equipment. It also installs and manages that equipment.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 4 days ago:
That was the intent of the colleges. Whether colleges continued that initial goal is up in the air.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 5 days ago:
It isn’t about conquering any kind of ordeal. College was designed to create leaders, not just teach academic subjects. A lot of people complaining here are focusing on the classwork when there are other skills that are supposed to be taught.
- Comment on 5 days ago:
That’s good on them for doing that. It is also good for Mastodon in general since it means they are building the staff that can grow the service.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 5 days ago:
It is what it is; just getting a college degree by itself isn’t as useful as it was before. Also, some degrees are better than others.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 5 days ago:
If you want to go the college route, you need to be strategic.
Choose a degree program that has a high return on investment. A lot of universities report salaries. Also ask if there are internship programs and if they are paid; paid internship programs generally mark a higher salary field.
Network in college. Get to know your classmates. Get to know alumni. Build study groups with people who will make you a better student.
Practice leadership. Participate in clubs and student organizations. Learn how to lead groups by leading groups. Go to different events/parties.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 6 days ago:
No, but referrals are still going to be a thing. You’ll also have to maintain a reputation in your industry, especially for senior roles.
You get bad results when you expect that people can self certify what they are capable of doing. Word of mouth is still an effective way to see if someone is a good as they say, and that starts in college.
- Comment on Hypothetically, what would the geo-political implications be, if the United States of America annexed Taiwan (with the approval of Taiwanese people via a referrendum)? 6 days ago:
The implication would be a de facto war with China as this would be viewed as an American invasion of Chinese territory.
While the world may act as if Taiwan is independent, it is recognized under international law that Taiwan and China are the same country.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 6 days ago:
To address your criticism of your degree, it appears that tech, in general, has been undergoing a massive contraction that appears to be structural instead of cyclical.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 6 days ago:
College makes more sense when you look at a diploma as being able to conquer an ordeal instead of just learn topics in class.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 6 days ago:
And one thing people don’t really push is that college is meant to build your professional network in the future. A lot of people approach college as a technical education only when it was designed to be a lot more.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 6 days ago:
The problem with tech is that academia hasn’t really evolved bachelor’s software teaching from basic theory.
- Submitted 6 days ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on The Great Decentralization: What happens when sprawling online communities fracture into politically homogenous, self-governing communities? 6 days ago:
And I’m expecting it to get worse.
- Comment on The Great Decentralization: What happens when sprawling online communities fracture into politically homogenous, self-governing communities? 1 week ago:
Yeah they are. It just doesn’t correspond to pre-internet political groups.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 week ago:
No one is saying you should pay the same total bill as they do, just the same connection fee if you and crypto boy have the same hookup.
You’d pay $10 for a connection fee and $1 for power while they’d pay $10 for a connection fee and $1000 for power.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Give in to you wanderlust.
- Comment on The Great Decentralization: What happens when sprawling online communities fracture into politically homogenous, self-governing communities? 1 week ago:
We are already seeing bubbles from where people are getting wildly different news and other discussions. As the echo chambers solidify, you are going to be seeing more where different political groups can’t even discuss the facts of an issue. It is only going to get worse.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 week ago:
You specified energy in your example, not me. And I hinted that a hookup fee would likely be dependent on the rated power capacity of the user.
It is likely that a residential crypto miner would likely need to upgrade what they can draw from the grid.
- Comment on TikTok tells LA staff impacted by wildfires to use personal/sick hours if they can't work from home 1 week ago:
That isn’t uncommon for international companies.
- Comment on The Great Decentralization: What happens when sprawling online communities fracture into politically homogenous, self-governing communities? 1 week ago:
Politics sucks more as people curl up in their small echo chambers.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 week ago:
California has historically high electricity rates.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 1 week ago:
You would charge based on the kind of connection. A house isn’t going to draw the kind of power that a factory will, but you’re going to need the same equipment your house as you would as your neighbor’s house.
- Comment on The Death of Gaming YouTube: How Money Killed Authenticity 1 week ago:
You’re not wrong.
But I point it out because a lot of these decisions to create freer platforms without advertising puts the cost of creation on the creator without a way for them to make money. People want their high quality content without paying for it.
- Comment on The Death of Gaming YouTube: How Money Killed Authenticity 1 week ago:
Why should the goal be engagement? Why not have the person provide the media for free via Peertube and accept that capitalism is bad?
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 1 week ago:
Yeah, and I’m sure there will still be human writers and artists. There just won’t be as many of them employed compared to today.